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Favorite Pairings?

Elinor Cross

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Im not talking about from a gameplay perspective or what kinda stats they give their kids. Im talking about the supports. About the conversations.

What were your favorites?

Even though I pair my female avatar up with Chrom, I actually adore the F!AvatarxLaurent Supports due to how much help Laurent is (he is the only support I had seen and have seen were someone is actually walking up to the Avatar and saying 'hey, you look overstressed with all the B.S. everyone is throwing at you every day. Let me help.' and even if you dont S support with him he keeps helping you in each support. I found him very supportive and it is one of the reasons he is one of my favorite characters (since he carries this trait over in some of his other support conversations).

Frederick and Panne's support conversations are made of hilarity and I paticularly love them for the way it plays out.

Owain and Cynthia for how it makes me put two characters I dislike together and makes me start liking them.

Lucina and Gerome is heartwarming for me and I think is very cute.

Cordelia's supports with Severa also won me over on Severa.

Henry's supports with Olivia won me over to with how cute it was.

Then of course there was Sully's supports with Virion for their hilarity.

Ricken and Maribelle's supports were also cute becouse they had the familiar and friendly tone of two people who knew each other, knew the kind of crap each had been going through, and still were friends. (it didnt matter to Maribelle that Ricken was a noble in name only, he was her friend). It made me like Maribelle's character a lot more.

Lucina's supports with their sibling. Any sibling.

What are some of your top favorites?

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Despite that I'm a big pairing nut when it comes to FE, I haven't decided on many favorites in Awakening yet. It's because so many supports are so awesome that I can't chooooose. xP

So far though, I really like GaiusxMaribelle and ChromxOlivia. I used to like ChromxSumia as well until it started getting shoved down my throat (which is rather odd because I usually like if a pairing I like is thrown at me). The pie thing is funny, but the overall support just wasn't as great as ChromxOlivia.

And, of course, since I love Frederick so much as well as his support with the female Avatar, I support them a lot. :P:

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Virion with Avatar. Shows hes not dumb but doesnt possess the tactical genius the Avatar does. Mostly because they play a game of cyvasse Risk type thing and while he wins the whole time, his guys are all dead. Its kind of a cute little nod to FE's permadeath thing too.

Virion's supports with Miriel are kinda funny too. "I thought my femininity sufficient enough to ensure your cooperation." And Virion is all "uhh well uhh."

Owain's supports with Noire are so damn cute.

Gregor and Panne. "Come, little bunny, into arms of Gregor!" Awwww.

Maribelle and Donnel is really freaking cute. She's all teaching him how to be a gentleman and hes really trying too. But she accepts him as he is in the end. Aw.

Henry with Cherche. He literally squees over Minerva but she bites him. And then he tells Cherche about a pet he had once...Its actually quite the contrast to his more outward sadistic side.

Tharja's supports with Virion are funny. Really funny.

Libra and Virion's supports omfg!! :awesome:

I need to play more of my second run to get other supports.

Then there's Lon'qu x Tharja and Gauis x Nowi. They're all pretty sweet.

Hehe i paired them up on my first run too. Lon'qu's supports with Tharja are oddly adorable. Especially the S support. Aw.

Edited by Virion
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Oh yeah.

Forgot about Gauis x Tharja and Libra x Tharja. For non-romantic Tharja x Noire and Tharja x Nowi.

Although I only read the Japanese supports so I dunno if they were changed if at all.

I'm pretty sure there are others but I can't recall.

Geez. Tharja has some really nice supports.

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So glad to see someone sharing some of my opinions.

Well, in terms of the conversations alone, I'd say these:

Avatar / Freddy Bear, because this shows one of his hilarious weaknesses.

Libra / Virion, especially seeing how Virion finds Libra attractive even after discovering he's male.

Morgan with anyone. Morgan is just soooo lovely, being cheery and all.

Nah / Brady, even though I don't pair them myself. Nah basically forced Brady to get married. Seems that manaketes have a tendency to force people to marry them. (One of the reasons I suspect that they will end up with multiple marriages.)

Cynthia / Lucina, both sibling and normal supports. Especially their sibling support, where Cynthia used the Falchion in some... unusual way.

Not a support, but Kjelle and Severa's Harvest of Bonds DLC conversation in the Japanese version.[spoiler=conversation content]Kjelle basically confessed, under the influence of a drug that made her speak her inner mind (that she mistook as a power-up drug), that she loved Severa more than the guys who she called weak, then began to attempt to sexually assualt her. Severa is, reasonably, freaked out. Kjelle didn't remember what she said after coming back to sense, and even asked what's happened to Severa's clothes.

EDIT - Well, I guess I exaggerated a bit on that conversation... but it's not that far away from the truth.[spoiler=conversation content]【デジェル】弱い男と一緒にいるより~、強くて可愛いセレナと仲良くしたいね~って。

[Degel]Rather than being with the weak guys~, I want to get along with the strong and cute Serena~

...And then she proceeded to pull on Severa's clothes, who had to fling her away to bring her back to conciousness.

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[spoiler=conversation content]Kjelle basically confessed, under the influence of a drug that made her speak her inner mind (that she mistook as a power-up drug), that she loved Severa more than the guys who she called weak, then began to attempt to sexually assualt her. Severa is, reasonably, freaked out. Kjelle didn't remember what she said after coming back to sense, and even asked what's happened to Severa's clothes.

Gosh, Japan...

Favorites:-Chrom/FeMU(the supports are just golden)- Lon'qu/Cordelia(they're kinda sweet)- Owain/Inigo(best buds forever)-Cynthia/Owain(they fits for me)

And I still have a lot up on my sleeves but that's my main.

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Chrom x F Avatar. I really do hate the supports about the bathing but I find Chrom's awkwardness with her hilariously cute.

That, and I love having Lucina as my daughter. <3

Lucina x Laurent was also really cute. They really seemed to like each-other even before the S support.

Otherwise, I'm more of a person to want the most dysfunctional relationships. For some reason I really love couples that aren't lovey-dovey but more or less conflicting with one-another constantly. I guess it's funnier that way. I do know Lissa and Lon'Qu were funny. She knew he had a phobia of women and she was taking clear advantage of it throughout her supports. "Oh the road up ahead is bumpy! Shall we hold hands? :D" lol

Going to pair up Lon'Qu and Sully next. This ought to be interesting. >D

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I'm just gonna mention that I find some things (some regarding Inigo, one regarding a certain lord's sibling support) make more sense if Olivia happens to be one of Lissa's and Emmeryn's in-laws. I'm just gonna leave it at that for now as I'm still unsure at this point.

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MU x Lucina are great, especially since it effects some main story scenes later on (I think post chapter 22).

I never got Olivia and Henry's S support but their B and A supports were pretty sweet.

Sumia x Gaius and Lon'qu x Tharja are also awesome pairings.

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Oh, you know, I didn't really explain WHY I like the pairings I picked. xP

I like GaiusxMaribelle because of the history these two have together! Gaius actually cared for her and her father before the game even started. ^^

ChromxOlivia is just adorable and the idea of Chrom with a pretty sparkly dancer just sounded awesome to me. Plus, Olivia is cute. And Chrom is cute. Haha.

And FrederickxFemale Avatar is funny AND adorable! It's cute how she feeds him meats to help him with his meat problem, and Avatar calls him Freddy Bear! That is just SO cute! Also, Frederick exaggerating by claiming he's dying was just hilarious. XD Lastly, see my avy. Noble, charming confession ftw. <3 I love Frederick cause he's charming like that. x3

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I haven't finished my first playthrough of the game yet (I blame the shipping delay) but I've already made most of the possible couples...

Gregor/Tharja gave me some unsuspected feels... basically Gregor's brother died from a bandit attack, and Gregor took his name to honor him. Tharja uses her abilities, and Gregor gets forgiveness he's longed for from his brother. ;~;

Brady/Severa... S&B club is just spectacular! xD the couple is kinda cute in the end, too.

Sully/Virion was a definite pairing after I played the demo.

Lon'qu/Miriel... other than how beneficial the dual support stats are, given as how they make Miriel have the highest speed out of all my units, the convo's are just silly, with all these tests Miriel runs on Lon'qu.

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I prefer MU(avatar) with Tharja. A lot of personal preference but I definitely appreciate that she actually cares so much. I loved the supports with her too since they were both funny and had the feels. I'm surprised at her lack of popularity in America when she is so popular in Japan ): Ah well, as long as we get summer of bonds DLC I'm all good. The swimsuit one lol. I'll get the Yukata one too if they release that. Although I hope they release all the DLC since I plan on getting it all. I will never change my Unit's S support from Tharja unless it is a female my unit or I am going after Lucina (which raises red flags in my head because technically she is my unit's best friend's kid...who was just born.)

I have only finished one playthrough so far but Ricken+Nowi was a fun support and cute too.

Donnel and Olivia was mildly entertaining.

Chrom x Maribelle was fun, doing Chrom x Olivia this playthrough so I'll get back to you on that.

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I adore a lot of ships in this game but I do have a few stand outs.

Chrom x Sully because I just like their dynamic. Two strong people and old friends who like to look out for each other, plus I think Sully would make a good Queen (Chrom needs someone equally as strong support him through losing Emmeryn so that's my logic behind this).

Lissa x Donnel is just too freaking cute for me. Donny's quite the charmer.

Lon'qu x Cherche for the background it gives him. Also him being Gerome's father and getting into a glaring contest is great.....

Gaius x Maribelle for background too. Gaius is surprisingly willing to go far out of his way for someone he doesn't even know.

Fredrick x Sumia is probably my favorite support for her. He's very patient.

Male Avatar x Emmeryn will be my depressing favorite once I'm able to make it happen augh.

And on that note, Female Avatar x Stahl was my favorite for her even though I think she's cute with a lot of people....

And I don't really have any major Gen 2 ships other than Lucina x Gerome.

This game supports my desire for multi shipping though so really, everyone x everyone is my favorite ship of all.

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Female Avatar and Chrom, just love their supports^^ The bathing incidents are so funny.

Virion/Tharja was also pretty awesome, with no Avatar mentions by Tharja!

Sully/Gaius, Sumia/Frederick, Lissa/Lon'qu, Vaike/Cordelia and Donnel/Nowi.

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You know, it just occurred to me that I never did see the support between Chrom and Female Avatar. And so I went to check it out in the support thread. And OMG it's HILARIOUS. But not exactly my kind of romantic support. xP

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore it, just not as a romantic support. Ah, I don't really know how to explain it. >_<

I think I felt like Chrom and Female Avatar acted more like siblings than anything else. Hilarious siblings. lol I think it's because they reminded me of the way I and my brother act towards each other sometimes. Haha.

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I have a lot of OTPS, so much that I won't unlock other S Supports. 8D; Here I go:

My Unit F x Ricken: C-A are the same with MU-M, but the S support is just so cute! He went to a dangerous place, just to get you a pretty gem for a ring. Plus his confession picture, won my heart with how short he is! X3

My Unit F x Henry: I like how he finds excuses to be with My Unit, in their A support. And his Japanese S-rank conversation is so sweet, calling you his "beloved". And his confession image, where he puts a hand on your cheek! Kyaa it is such an unexpectedly affectionate gesture from the crazy kid with a sadist streak.

My Unit M x Lucina: Somehow being the lover of Lucina makes the story much more dramatic and heartbreaking at one certain point of the game. The poor girl went through so much, all she needs is love.

Other MU pairings I like are with Chrom, with Lissa, and with Gaius...

And now for non-My Unit pairings!

Sumia/Frederick: their S-rank conversation is beautiful, I stopped being petty with Sumia when she told Frederick she felt pretty with her shining armor. Then Frederick says "you were always beautiful to me". All my feels man.

Sully/Stahl: its such a cute pairing, they bring out the best in each other. Sully pushes Stahl to become stronger, and Stahl helps keep Sully's resolves strong and true. They make a beautiful match dude.

Miriel/Lon'qu: their supports are hilarious, with Miriel constantly putting herself in danger because she's curious about why her heart races when Lon'qu saves her. Its just so funny how they get along!

Maribelle/Vaike: Opposites attract in the most hilarious way here. I think its nice that the Vaike can get Maribelle to relax a bit, and likewise Maribelle teaches Vaike to be a gentleman. Plus, when I see Brady, with that kind of face and hair and style of talking, only Vaike could be the father.

Cordelia/Kellam: not a single mention of Chrom anywhere in these supports, which was really rather nice! Plus a black-haired Severa is just beautiful!

Olivia/Donnel: I like how they bonded with singing and dancing. Plus it's nice that a beauty like Olivia can be paired with the simple farm boy. I thought it was very sweet! X3

Tharja/Libra: their supports were very interesting insights into Libra's past, and I liked how Tharja acts in their S-support conversation. She saw right into his heart, how could I not keep them together?

Cherche/Virion: they're very close, and I like how Cherche can see past Virion's brave front to how he really is inside. Thats true love, man.

Panne/Gregor: I just recently got their S-rank, and its such a cute and fun pairing, I can't wait to use them together in battle!

Flavia/Basilio: It's a shame they don't get an S-rank conversation... So much UST, just kiss already lol!

That's all I can think of at the moment...

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