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Just two questions


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I made a topic not too long ago, and while one of my questions have been answered (thanks), I still have one that's left in the blank- And that's I big doubt I have that I really need help clearing up:

ok, first:

- You know how Nightmare has limited slots in the .nmm lists? It only reaches to a certain point, and I would like to insert custom classes, but I'd need more slot space to create those 3 classes I wish to make. I remember once having a Nightmare editor that had an expanded slot list and I could do that with no problem.

- This is reiterating my last question...

I seem to be having problems being able to insert to play the animations in the game itself. I have inserted the animations with no problem at first, but when I test them, they just crash. I've tried dumping and inserting different animations from different game versions and such, and the same problem still occurs.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Soul
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You need to provide more specifics, what game are you using and which Nightmare are you using? Nightmare 1 and FEditor don't like each other much and can't be used together unless you know what you're doing.

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Alright, then. Here are the details I can provide:

- I am hacking FE7 and am importing two FE8 animations and one FE6 animations.

- I use Nightmare 1.

- Most likely the latest version of FEditor Adv.

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Not only do you have to expand the module manually, I'm fairly certain you have to move the item/animation offsets to a new location or as Kitty said, you're overwriting data. Gotta love how the FE devs mashed all the data in the game together as closely as possible.

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First, you have to expand the data. The Ultimate Tutorial should cover it lightly somewhere. Then, you have to edit the Nightmare Module so that the # of classes you can edit is also expanded (to match the expanded data in-game). Nightmare Modules are the .nmm files and the .txt files are lists used by the .nmm files. You can also edit the .txt files, but keep in mind that they're just labels: if I edit the "Iron Sword" to say "Bronze Sword" in the Item List.txt file, I'll just be editing what it shows up as in Nightmare. What it actually IS is decided by the game; Nightmare just makes it easier to edit the data by formatting it and labeling what byte(s) do what, that's all.

As for how the general Nightmare format works, there should also be a chapter for that in the Ultimate Tutorial.

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So I actually got WindHex editor to try to expand the pointer tables.

How do I...do that...? I've been reading Chapter 4: Pointer Tables in the Ultimate Tutorial, and I see that apparently you have to repoint to C9C9CC if I would like to expand the Pointer Tables in Nightmare.

I feel that I'm getting close and that this might just be the last time, so stay with me please. :E

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0xC9C9CC is the offset of a SPECIFIC pointer table, the event pointer table. Each one has its own offset and you can find the offset by looking at documentation (usually text files and the such) or by opening up Nightmare Modules and looking at the offset (technically speaking modules like Character Editor.nmm are like arrays/tables of data for each character, and they can be repointed).

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