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Shouzou Kaga


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How do you think the series would have been today if good ol' Shouzou didn't quit IS?

Do you think he still plays the games to see what's going on?

I bet he hates SD simply because they went and horribly remade his game.

Would we see what would become TRS and Berwick, but on Nintendo systems?

EDIT: Shit, I posted this in the General forums, and not General Fire Emblem on accident. Could a mod move this topic to the appropriate place?

EDIT 2: Thanks, whichever mod moved this. Your work has not gone unappreciated.

Edited by Doga
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Quite an interesting idea to ponder. I doubt we would have gone to some of the simpler mechanics that were implemented after his falling out, but who knows what could have happened in the dozen or so years that have passed.

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SD's not a horrible game. It gets so much more bad rap than it deserves.

Even if Kaga stayed, I'd bet that the console cycle the series took would still be the same. Making a Fire Emblem for the n64 probably would have ended up as a mess and not live up to the standards set by the past Fe games. If he did stay, though, Fe6 would probably have had a much better, original plot (or greatly expand on previous ones), and would further refine either Thracia's or Seisen's style of gameplay. It would have been awesome.

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Yeah, the GBA FE's really took a few steps backwards. The only things I think they improved upon were supports, and FE8 had some basic skills, an open map, and branched story paths/promotions. FE9 definitely brought a lot of old things back, and FE13 continued this expansion. The skill system based on levels reminds me of TRS.

Do you think we would have gotten reclassing? I'm not familiar with Kaga's games, but I don't think they had this feature.

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Probably not. After Kaga left, it feels as though the series went in the direction of trying to appeal to a larger fanbase (SD's reclass is the pinnacle of this mindset). Kaga obviously prioritizes intricate and deeper gameplay over accessibility. That's not necessarily always a good thing, though. Imagine if something like Fe5 was the first game the US got. It would have been awesome, but awesomeness alone does not sell copies.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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