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Thoughts while playing


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Just things I noticed going through the game, that either stood out or were remarkably different from previous games. I don't know if this will help or interest anyone but I'm going to go back through it in the next few days and see what works and what can be applied to rom hacks/FE7x

No spoilers as far as I can tell but if you're viewing this board I assume you don't care that much

[spoiler=wall of text]

fred best jagen

- pair with chrom, all the benefits of a jagen with none of the exp stealing

- and then steal his weapon so he can't waste its uses and it's even better

- - though once I can buy bronze might as well equip him too

- - or just give him MU's sword hngggh

level up waits for the player to press A and shows a little quote from the PC

- the quotes appear to change based on number of stats gained

they have in battle portrait reaction faces :Y

enemy hp on the combat target window is red if they are likely to die/if atk>hp?

- or just at low hp whatever

wlvl up mentions the new weapon rank (chrom attained sword rank D)

- because otherwise when dual attacking it might be hard to tell which unit levelled

Little sparkly tiles on the map

- looks like they give exp, wexp, items, or support points (only when paired)

from the world map I can bring up story summaries of the chapters

world map is controlled by moving the lord with the dpad, not moving a cursor or selecting from a list

unit screen cells have boxes around them, and the combat stats have gauges behind them

unique map sprites like crazy

tapping face sprite on status screen (analogous to R button) shows a scene of the unit attacking, with descrip

- class reel basically

pair up can give +move, that's nice

enemies still attack things they can't do any damage to and die in return

Virion rolled three 25% support attacks in a row ahaha

fatal attacks have a different animation

can pause battle animations while the camera continues panning around, pretty cool

terrain with benefits have the bonuses in blue

enemy range for enemies selected manually is in red, while it's in purple for showing the whole enemy team

iron is D, looks like

bottom screen status stays up after moving off a unit until moving on a new unit

- R button info stays up too

criticals have cut ins?

- lol first critical was a 1% from Stahl

move up to paired up Stahl and Virion, take Virion, switch to Virion leading, attack over Stahl with bow

- high level mlg pro strats 2ltc4u

I think when the exp counter goes past 100 it turns from black to green

Falchion has 80 hit Iron Sword has 95 ????????

selecting a unit and canceling makes them play the idle animation instead of the highlight (coding oversights?)

2% Chrom crit on boss for 45 ahh

- as a side note, seeing the actual total damage inflicted much better than FE10's capping at target's hp

> prep screen unlocked > immediately drop MU

- feels good man

Prep screen allows exiting and returning to world map

Prep screen item management has be reworked quite a bit, it's like the list option in GBA as the only option

- also there's an optimize button?

- and I have no idea what the convoy capacity is :/

wow fire is weak

Mag based lance is 1 range, interesting

View Map and Formation have been condensed into one option

femknight boss, stylish

Random skills on some enemies

- Skills just being displayed on the bottom screen makes them much easier to take note of

oh hey Sumia cutscene

when moving a unit, letters appear above units that the moving unit has supported

- and talk appears above... well, guess

hey an armor on ch3

- already a better games than Do5

...and no exp for missing apparently

- nor no damage

apparently range doesn't matter for bonus attacks

pair up attack is after main unit's double attack, I see

- oh this isn't true, actually every attack has a chance for the pair up to attack

man just working these tutorials right into the dialogue

items only show current uses, not max, kind of dumb

start in battle cuts to a black screen for exp/level up

- /weapon rank

I miss canto

Anna popped up to tell me breaks exist :x

oh yeah, name tags on convo windows

ugh ambush spawns

the instant the chapter ends it gives turn count and map mvp

- THEN it goes to important cutscene things

holding L jumps through units quickly

pressing L while highlighting an enemy jumps between enemies

lvl 10 cleric skill is 7x cleric skill lol (+5 heal)

on prep screen, deploying units have an icon next to their name, and have the same icon on the status screen

no sound effect or popup for using stat boosters in the prep screen >:

max hp value is blue if a skill is boosting it, no +x though

hard to tell what's a forest and what isn't most of the time

wow finally a village

tutorials can stay up on the bottom screen while doing things

in pair up you can switch to the other unit, equip a weapon, and then cancel the move

AI seems to be able to target village-seeking brigands, or they're just somehow a better target than archers

oh hey trickster has mov+1 skill

- *thief, still

PCs that already moved don't show move range (annoying)

10 use physic makes me sad

oh hey levelled up two units in one battle

d'aww s supports

5 move thief I'm so sad

the cursor plays a quick animation and switches from blue to red when moving to completely impassable terrain

avo+10 skill doesn't get factored in on the status screen

- nor from terrain

Fred learned Luna whoo

oh hey the left/right map sprites are unique, not mirrors

mounted and flying units have full move indoors

there's a fifth moving map animation for walking in place after selecting, before moving in a direction

- or there are just 8 moving animations and it starts with down-left o:

second seal screen shows what new stats will be but offers no way to compare to old stats

Risen pegs seem to use the same voice clips as male Risen?

Physic has no battle animation, just map

Chrom still says 'thanks friend' in response to dual attack assists even from his wife

the 3D modelled maps are pretty slick, especially dracos flying hundreds of feet over a canyon through the map

- and the 3D vision makes it that much better

convoy items with the same type and uses are stored together with a multiplier

- so apparently convoy is infinite, as they only need enough space for 2 of every item

hm, not 'weapon broke' but 'unit's weapon broke'

- same reasoning as wlvl up window having the name

slime revenants why

rapier being effective against pegs is pretty great/broken

asdf NES music in Champions of Yore 1 so good

dropping a unit on sparkles apparently does not count as waiting on sparkles

ahahaha Caeda x Kellam

vantage always being on but only below half hp like wrath is pretty reasonable

holding Y moves faster on the map as expected, but also in menus o:

- and the world map, didn't bother to mention earlier

weapon break waits until the map scene, doesn't play during combat

holding L while a battle starts switches the animation mode that would be used

map sprites leave footprints in desert

Chrom promotes with a master seal? interesting...

the music volume fades when the postive gain jingle plays

arms scroll just raises every weapon level and cuts out the guesswork

- raises directly to the next rank if empty, don't know how it deals with partially full yet

- looks like it sets the value directly to the next level, so it wastes partial levels

B on an enemy cancels individual enemy range for all enemies

- correction, cancels just the current enemy if the current enemy is selected, else cancels all

when healing on the map there are three different hp gauges that fill up (combat window, under map sprite, status)

skill activations on the map make the skill icon appear over the unit (very clever)

unit screen sorting makes an up or down arrow appear over the label being sorted by

restock is great (but poorly explained)

text backlog (R when viewing convos) shows text from during the chapter, including level up and boss text...

17 exp from dancing, huh

some terrain can be moved over (by fliers) but not stopped on

sparkles can be collected while killing the last enemy

just noticed there haven't been any houses yet, just villages

on the lava map, sections of the map become damaging to walk on at the start of the turn (both phases)

- and cause damage before the player/enemy can move away?

- also only damages lead unit

- causes damage at the start of the unit's turn, regardless of which phase it showed up on

Sol healing is based on actual damage caused

- ie garbage

enemies can drop two items, huh

rallies boost lead and pair up units

single use master keys that work on doors and chests

missing with magic (Mire, particularly) doesn't use up weapon uses

skills can miss (at least, Vengeance can)

- Astra and Sol too, so looks like they all can

enemy turn skip is canceled for level ups

apparently after Talk you can use any other command (talking is a free action?)

enemy turn skip doesn't cancel for enemy battle convos (at least for the DLC maps)

can't disable animations for the final boss

gold/silver/bronze listings for units' battles/victories along with the counts

- apparently just battle count gets a rank, not victories?

the save doesn't get written with clear data like FE8, it just saves your renown and keeps the final chapter save

- so you return to the world map from the final chapter to keep grinding/playing DLC

Did you find any of these intriguing? What stuck out on your playthrough?

Edited by BwdYeti
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Because Thunder Magic is best magic

Tell that to Radiant Dawn.

Since I'm not going to make a similar topic, I'll just post in yours.

I set the game to Auto just to see what would happen. I was in a random skirmish (guard mode). First turn, computer moves all my units in range of the enemy but doesn't attack... Enemy phase, an enemy doubles Donnel and kills him. I go, "Ok, let's reset and never touch the auto button again."

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