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About the ending and other questions

luigi bros

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I just finished the game, and although I liked the ending I have a few things I'm left wondering/unanswered questions.

1. The moment Chrom survived Grima!Avatar's blow, wouldn't Lucina and the children just vanish from existance? This could go into arguments about temporal mechanics and time travel, but if they stil exist in the present, doesn't that mean that somewhere in a parallel universe, Lucina's world is dying?

2. Is there any connection between Medeus and Grima? Because given the scope of Grima's power, he could put Medeus to shame. And is the first Exalt supposed to be Marth?

3. Why is Tiki on Valencia/Valm? By the end of FE3/12 there is absolutely no reference to travelling to another continent (the pegasus sisters and possibly Camus have been there but that's it). And Tiki was so happy to be with Marth, so why would she leave Akaneia for Valencia?

4. It's small, but how did the name "Akaneia" get lost? On the main site I read that Valencia was renamed Valm in honor of Alm, but I'm wondering about the other continent.

5. A small oddity, but did anyone find it odd that Mila's Temple is in the exact location of Doma's Tower?

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1. Lucina's world won't be dying that much any more because Grima managed to follow her back in time and then got himself killed.

2. Grima and Medeus are earth dragons, that's about it. IIRC FE13 is 2000 years after FE3 and the first Exalt came into existence 1000 years ago so I don't think it's Marth. But I'm not sure.

3. Marth likely lived for no more than 50 years after FE3 so Tiki had a good 1950 years to do whatever the fuck she liked, man.

4. The same reason Australia was New Holland, I guess. People just come up with new names for stuff.

5. dunno lol

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1. Timeline mechanics in this game have to do with split timelines, basically. The original timeline still happened. Besides, without the kids, the 'new' timeline couldn't have happened; thus in order to sustain itself the children have to continue to exist. Temporal consistency and all that.

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1, One version of Chrom died while another survived, simple as that. Neither future Lucina and the other children (who really are seperate entities) nor the Lucina of this world (who is already born) would disappear. What happened to Lucina's home world is not mentioned in the game, but we can safely say it still exists, if dying.

2, Medeus and Grima are both earth dragons, but that's it. The first exalt is a descendant of Marth 1000 after him.

3, It's been 2000 years. That's many years for her to consider relocating.

4, Continents in this world seem to get named after influential countries. After Ylisse established, the continent was soon renamed after it.

5, Not told in the game. I was surprised to see Mila's temple in northern Valm as well. I guess Mila just got popular after FE2's events and at some point people decided replacing Duma's shrines with Mila's would be a good idea.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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