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Beat The Game (Spoiler)


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I think that this game was extremely fantastic from start to finish. I think that they handled the story very well minus a couple plotholes but I enjoyed it very much. From the regular animation to the CGI it's all amazing. So does anyone else have anything else to say?

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You're a newbie, right?

As expected In my opinion, this game is the best in the series. (This is debatable, I know, but generally true.)

All I have to say is... IS has quite a reputation to live up to now... o_O

Every game can't be better than its predecessors, so there's bound to be a "meh" FE game. (I'd still buy it and love it, but still... for those not-so-serious fans.) Hm...

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I thought the 'meh' FE game was Shadow Dragon, the game that made sure we didn't get 12. But yes, it's probably the best in the series, or at the very least tied with the Jugdral games.

I completely agree Shadow Dragon made not so interested then some good time with a friend of mine and some path of radiance changed my mind a lot :D. Then I saw how this game was being handled absolutely loved it.

You're a newbie, right?

As expected In my opinion, this game is the best in the series. (This is debatable, I know, but generally true.)

All I have to say is... IS has quite a reputation to live up to now... o_O

Every game can't be better than its predecessors, so there's bound to be a "meh" FE game. (I'd still buy it and love it, but still... for those not-so-serious fans.) Hm...

I'm a newbie :D

MODEDIT: every morning when i wake up there's a doublepost waiting for my prompt attention

i know it's not mine but i have to fix it up and send a message and go totally off tune

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In terms of gameplay, yeah this game is probably the best in the series. In terms of story, well...I mean, i do enjoy the story but i felt that PoR's was stronger.

Well I do admit that this game had me tied up in anxiety for most of the final chapters.

However, I do agree that this game's story seems to lack something. I think, overall, they were stretching out the story between too many chapters. A lot of the later chapters seemed like they were thrown in there for no other purpose than to make you wait even longer to find out what happens next. <<

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Well I do admit that this game had me tied up in anxiety for most of the final chapters.

However, I do agree that this game's story seems to lack something. I think, overall, they were stretching out the story between too many chapters. A lot of the later chapters seemed like they were thrown in there for no other purpose than to make you wait even longer to find out what happens next. <<

I agree but I liked it the suspension between chapters were nice with occasional back drops.

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Played only the Japanese version, but I thought that it was okay. Although it's pretty much just a complete rip-off of Marth's/Judgral's tales. But hoping that someday they invent an all new story with completely different elements. Good game though, as the DLC/Spotpasses are also a big hit!



Edited by Katarina
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best FE game ever it really took me in the story and I love it I did really care for some of the characters and made me hate some I am looking at you Vaike and Sully it really hurt me when when I killed Grima myself just it hurt to see my family like that and the story was what I wanted it to be all of it amazing


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I think that this game was extremely fantastic from start to finish. I think that they handled the story very well minus a couple plotholes but I enjoyed it very much. From the regular animation to the CGI it's all amazing. So does anyone else have anything else to say?

I think the game's fantastic as well, but I think the story was handled quite poorly. The overarching story is solid, but the details meant to hold everything together are...not great, even terrible at times. That being said, I tried to go back to Radiant Dawn last night after putting it on the shelf for a good while, and Awakening has really spoiled me in terms of its interface and mechanics. Sacred Stones is a little easier to get into (plus, it's already on my 3DS from the Ambassador's Program), and so is Shadow Dragon for some reason. But yeah, Awakening is easily my favorite so far. Of course, I'm no Fire Emblem super fan, but this game sure has boosted my interest in the series (as evidenced by my new registration to this site).

I will say this, though -- in spite of not really enjoying the individual story sequences all that much (excluding the cutscenes, which are amazing in 3D), I have thoroughly enjoyed the quirky character interactions in the Support area. I care more about these characters than I have with other characters in previous FE games I've played.

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I haven't played the SNES FEs and I really should, because honestly, FE6-8 were pretty meager and 11 was even worse. They were very lazy in multiple aspects. 9 and 10 were the only decent entries in the series to make it over to the US before now, my irrational like of Sacred Stones not withstanding.

Awakening changed the entire game and moved Fire Emblem from a B series with a consistent but small following to a triple A. The story has a number of issues, but in spite of the issues you actually care about it, which is more than I can say for any prior handheld FE.

Edited by CinderSkye
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