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Support Log Query


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A friend and I have been trying to figure out whether we can do this, and ultimately I figured it's all speculation until I find somebody who knows for sure.

Is it possible to get all the S-rank Supports for either the male or female MU unlocked in their respective Support Logs? I've done some experimenting as an attempt to make this work and haven't been successful, so I'm hoping there's some kind of trick to it. Any information would be greatly appreciated, as my friend and I are the completionist sort.

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You can save onto other slots after u marry one couple, and then reload the old save when ur characters were unmarried and do another couple. Or just do multiple playthroughs. Anyway u will only have only 2 avatars in the log at all times: one female, one male. If u make a new one, any new supports will be saved on top of the old. So yeah it's perfectly possible.

Edited by Keilis
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You can save onto other slots after u marry one couple, and then reload the old save when ur characters were unmarried and do another couple. Or just do multiple playthroughs. Anyway u will only have only 2 avatars in the log at all times: one female, one male. If u make a new one, any new supports will be saved on top of the old. So yeah it's perfectly possible.

I did make two female Avatars and notice which Supports I may view depends on who saved last, so I think it doesn't overwrite. But from what you're saying, the Support Log will register those unlocked Supports in this scenario:

1. I've got a file in Slot 1 and view an S rank Support

2. I save to slot 2

3. Reload Slot 1

4. Marry somebody else

5. Save to Slot 2 again

Will this preserve all S Supports I unlock? I want to verify about saving over the "Married" file each go, given the limited save slots.

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Getting all the S ranks for MU can be done in just two games.

1. Reach A rank with all characters with male MU.

2. Reach S rank with someone and save in separate slot.

3. Reset, delete extra save. The S rank conversation will still be on your game.

4. Repeat for all eligible characters.

5. Repeat 1-4 with female MU.

Getting the S rank with each character is easier if you keep a Seed of Trust item.

Now...if you want every support conversation in the game, this will include all combinations of children, parents, and siblings. You will need to play the game many, many, many times. So many that I can't even figure it out.

So getting all the S ranks is manageable enough, but getting ALL support conversations would be an exercise in futility for most players.

As a completionist myself, I wouldn't bother beyond the S ranks. Besides, I am sure there will eventually be a way to view them all online in one place.

Edited by Zera
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Getting all the S ranks for MU can be done in just two games.

1. Reach A rank with all characters with male MU.

2. Reach S rank with someone and save in separate slot.

3. Reset, delete extra save. The S rank conversation will still be on your game.

4. Repeat for all eligible characters.

5. Repeat 1-4 with female MU.

Getting the S rank with each character is easier if you keep a Seed of Trust item.

Now...if you want every support conversation in the game, this will include all combinations of children, parents, and siblings. You will need to play the game many, many, many times. So many that I can't even figure it out.

So getting all the S ranks is manageable enough, but getting ALL support conversations would be an exercise in futility for most players.

As a completionist myself, I wouldn't bother beyond the S ranks. Besides, I am sure there will eventually be a way to view them all online in one place.

Thank you so much for the step-by-step. I was hoping it'd work like that, but I didn't want to go overwriting my nub-MU's slot before I knew for sure that it'd be worthwhile. I'd started with a second female MU (other files are my original game clear *unsure if I have to have that to still be able to access Support Log, etc* and the current file pre-marriage for all but Chrom), but I can always redo the nub-file in favor of getting all the S-rank stuff for both male and female MUs.

On the note of children/parents/siblings, I certainly agree with you there. I can't imagine it'd be worth the level of work involved. Getting all the S ranks seems doable however, now that you've cleared that up for me.

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That's 23 generic conversations alone depending on who Female Morgan's mother is.

Yeah no, eff that. Just for a slight change in dialogue?

I'll keep the pink haired one for the mother support conversations thank you very much.

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That's 23 generic conversations alone depending on who Female Morgan's mother is.

Yeah no, eff that. Just for a slight change in dialogue?

I'll keep the pink haired one for the mother support conversations thank you very much.

Yeah for slight changes that hardly sounds worth the trouble at all. I'll stick with my MU's keeper-hubby for that, when I finally get there.

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Though I wonder if the children's hair color changes depending on the mother, make it legit, or the last file you loaded.

Oh man, that last one would be funny.

Pink haired Morgan talking to Tiki as her mother. OH MAN. I can't stop laughing. lolololololol.gif

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Though I wonder if the children's hair color changes depending on the mother, make it legit, or the last file you loaded.

Oh man, that last one would be funny.

Pink haired Morgan talking to Tiki as her mother. OH MAN. I can't stop laughing. lolololololol.gif

I actually hadn't tested that, since I didn't get far enough on a second female character to compare. My guess is the last file you had loaded, since the Supports you can access are only those associated with a specific Avatar's save.

Though now I kind of wish it was possible to see stuff like that. How does green get pink, the world may never know.

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Whelp. This answers my question.

"Mother, I don't think you're my mother."

Ahh, interesting. I'll have to give that a looking-at once I get there. Currently trying to figure out the most efficient way to level Supports. Presently it's about 2 minutes a battle and 5-6 battles total making for 10-12 minutes per character combination. Maybe that is the fastest, I'm not sure, but I have to wonder.

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Oh. (regarding the video) It's been a while after I got the book, but I still haven't read that.

Ahh, interesting. I'll have to give that a looking-at once I get there. Currently trying to figure out the most efficient way to level Supports. Presently it's about 2 minutes a battle and 5-6 battles total making for 10-12 minutes per character combination. Maybe that is the fastest, I'm not sure, but I have to wonder.

None to C: engage in a SpotPass battle. That usually does the trick, but if you want to be sure, use a Seed of Trust.

C to B: one SpotPass battle with 1 use of Seed of Trust.

B to A: two SpotPass battles with 3 uses of Seed of Trust. Remember to spread the 3 uses as 1+2 or 2+1 rather than buring all 3 in one battle.

A to S: three SpotPass battles with 5 uses of Seed of Trust. Or two battles with 4 seeds in some cases.

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It seriously looks awkward. XD

Rey: "I...err... I can explain."

Oh gosh, pink Morgan with Tiki even. I really do have to try that out sometime, once I get past all the Support grinding. I've only played female MU so far, I'm assuming the male MU's kids will have their mom's hair color?

And hey, your link addressed something I was curious about. I recognized the username because I've been using the LP of ToV on there, and it's been extremely helpful. I don't know enough kanji to get out of a wet paper bag, so thanks for putting those up. Reminds me I still need to get back to that, but Fire Emblem's so distracting.

Oh. (regarding the video) It's been a while after I got the book, but I still haven't read that.

None to C: engage in a SpotPass battle. That usually does the trick, but if you want to be sure, use a Seed of Trust.

C to B: one SpotPass battle with 1 use of Seed of Trust.

B to A: two SpotPass battles with 3 uses of Seed of Trust. Remember to spread the 3 uses as 1+2 or 2+1 rather than buring all 3 in one battle.

A to S: three SpotPass battles with 5 uses of Seed of Trust. Or two battles with 4 seeds in some cases.

Thanks for breaking that down for me. I've gotten a general feel for how many battles I needed (though there seems to be some variance for me) but I'd been wondering if I understood it properly or not. At first I'd had the misconception it had to do with facing a lot of enemies, but I figured out that wasn't the case. If it's simply participating in battles together, I ought to be able to make things a lot more efficient than I have been.

Edited by blizzara
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None to C: engage in a SpotPass battle. That usually does the trick, but if you want to be sure, use a Seed of Trust.

C to B: one SpotPass battle with 1 use of Seed of Trust.

B to A: two SpotPass battles with 3 uses of Seed of Trust. Remember to spread the 3 uses as 1+2 or 2+1 rather than buring all 3 in one battle.

A to S: three SpotPass battles with 5 uses of Seed of Trust. Or two battles with 4 seeds in some cases.

You can also use Reeking Boxes on Ferox Arena for a smaller map with easy-to-kill enemies.

And, yes, parent-children supports are an utter pain. Pair everyone with everyone, and then there's MORGAN as a sibling. That's why my MUs are going to be single forever (or at least until all the characters are finally available).

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So, wait. I could've just paired people with others, done my Confession-Collecting file normally, and it would've been perfectly fine, albeit with different hair colors that're a little off in the Support Log?

... Well, that was a slight waste of effort on my part to get the character pairings I had in my challenge run. Dang. I feel kinda dumb, now. DX

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For the children conversations you could still use the file save copy method, keep playing that alternate save a bit and recruit the child and grind out the supports on that save, rather than playing through the game up to that point again. But still, that's 14 per mother for most moms, and even more for Morgan.

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You don't even have to have a full new save to register the conversations, you can just get into a skirmish, take a bookmark save, then it'll be registered and you can just delete the bookmark.

Also, with the kids' hair colours, you can even use that to see the confession scenes with Avatar-only hair colours. I married Maribelle in my first file and Brady in my second, and in the support log I can see the CG with pink-haired Brady. I was surprised, I expected it just to default.

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You don't even have to have a full new save to register the conversations, you can just get into a skirmish, take a bookmark save, then it'll be registered and you can just delete the bookmark.

Also, with the kids' hair colours, you can even use that to see the confession scenes with Avatar-only hair colours. I married Maribelle in my first file and Brady in my second, and in the support log I can see the CG with pink-haired Brady. I was surprised, I expected it just to default.

...Man, that is really good to know. I seriously didn't want to delete my second female MU in order to get all the confessions for the male MU. Would've done it if I had to, but very relieved that I don't need that. I've never used bookmarks before so I'll just have to investigate that a bit. Guessing it's simple and not a hard save, so my guess is deleting the bookmark is straightforward enough.

The hair-color thing sounds handy. Does it use the same pool for the male and female Avatars, for the Support log? I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly. I know that (at least it seems like it so far) anything my second girl MU has access to in the Support log is entirely separate from what my first one's got.

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