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Absolute Base Stats

luigi bros

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I'm doing a "learn all skills" playthrough, and I have 2 questions about base stats.

1. If I go from Falconknight to Myrmidon, stats will drop significantly. I understand that. But should I chooe to go back to Falconknight, or promote to a class that can support stats beyond the Myrmidon cap, will the stats return?

2. If in prior example the unit automatically has a capped stat? Will it continue to grow, but unseen? As in, when a class change takes place, the stat gain will show up by increasing the changes by the same amount?

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If I understand your question right, then no, the stats will not return. (Apparently I am wrong about this part... Sorry! :sweatdrop:)

And if your character maxes her speed as a Myrmidon or has maxed speed when she class changes into a Myrmidon then it will not continue to grow (ie. when you promote the unit, they'll have 28spd + whatever the promotion bonus is).

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I'm not sure about the second question but for the first question the stats will return but only upon promotion. For example if you have a unit with 80 hp then class down you then get a unit with 60 hp upon promotion you will get 20 hp added on. Best example is MU.

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I'm not sure about the second question but for the first question the stats will return but only upon promotion. For example if you have a unit with 80 hp then class down you then get a unit with 60 hp upon promotion you will get 20 hp added on. Best example is MU.

Gosh, how did I not notice this? Then again, I usually didn't demote promoted units so...

But I am like, 80% certain about my answer for the second question though!

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Basically, there's an unseen minimum stat value that every class adds to for every stat. Your total stat is min stat+class bonus. If your total stat for a parameter is at a class' cap (when the value turns green), it cannot be raised by any method while you are in that class. However, the minimum stat value is not affected.

Another way to think of it is that the caps provide a ceiling for growth, but do not permanently penalize you if you're above that ceiling (you just won't get the full effect.)

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