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Rank the fire emblems you've played from worst to best


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Top tier

Thracia 776

Awakening (from what I played)

High tier

Radiant Dawn

TearRing Saga

Mid tier

Genealogy of the Holy War

Sacred Stones

Path of Radiance

New Mystery of the Emblem

Low tier

Sword of Seals

Mystery of the Emblem

Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light

Bottom tier

Blazing Sword

Shadow Dragon

I'd wager Gaiden would be somewhere in low or maybe even mid while Berwick Saga shows some promise in high tier.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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<br>Well, I liked the story and characters more in Sacred Stones.  Simple as that.<br>
I think it's just that I find Sacred Stones's story to be incredibly generic. Probably more to do with me than the game though. I also haven't actually played it in a while...

Awakening's story is incredibly generic and Radiant Dawn's story is a cluster-you-know-what, but for some reason it doesn't bother me as much in those games.

Edited by Swift sword
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I still don't understand how people can like Sacred Stones more than FE7 unless nostalgia, but tastes will be tastes. I'm sure people would say the same thing to me ranking Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance. laugh.gif

It probably just comes down to preference. Fe8 has extremely well done characters and enemies on par with 7, map design on par with 7, an extremely unique art style, and tons of replayability

I'd rate 8 over 7 if it weren't for nostalgia over playing 7 so much as a kid. I also think 8's story is better than 7's.

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8 has Seth

I like Seth

a lot


More seriously, though, 8 has that nice quality of being able to speed through it in <8 hours before accounting into turbospam (which cuts it down to more like 2-3 hours in real time) if I want to play through something really quickly for shits and giggles

I find it a nice platform for playing various themed runs as well since the earlygame on HM isn't as terribly tedious to lordsolo as it is on the other gbas and that works really well for me

I dunno, 7 is the most polished gba imo but I don't find it as enjoyable I also played 8 first so there's bias there

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It probably just comes down to preference. Fe8 has extremely well done characters and enemies on par with 7, map design on par with 7, an extremely unique art style, and tons of replayability

I'd rate 8 over 7 if it weren't for nostalgia over playing 7 so much as a kid. I also think 8's story is better than 7's.

Basically how I feel. If 8 was longer and more difficult , it'd probably be my favorite FE.

also I don't see how anyone could like FE11 over FE5, but yet I exist

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I still don't understand how people can like Sacred Stones more than FE7 unless nostalgia, but tastes will be tastes. I'm sure people would say the same thing to me ranking Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance. laugh.gif

I suppose one could say it's not really the point of FE, but I love the overworld system of FE8 and FE13, which allow me to more easily develop characters (both in ability-to-get-supports and, you know, actually being able to use all of them without having a terribly weak army) as well as allow for a postgame rather than a game that entirely ends at Final.

Sure, it's only 22 chapters, but that's not too much shorter than FE7 sans Lyn Mode (which is a semi-forced tutorial anyway), and doing Valni and Lagdou even once will add another 18.

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Yeah, I didn't mean to sound like I was attempting to invalidate your opinions, I was just curious as to the reasoning. I think my original comment reads a bit wrong, sorry.smile.gif

Lyn's mode is basically a tutorial so sans Lyn's mode FE7 is only a couple hours longer than Sacred Stones at most , maybe even shorter when you factor in the two routes. If you self-challenge yourself with playing through it without Valni's Tower and Seth it can pose a pretty decent challenge on hard mode as well, although only a couple chapters will match up to HHM (Phantom Ship was always hell for me. and that one early FoW map can be annoying if you don't know the enemy layout).

I look at it as Sacred Stones having superior features and an actual postgame (can't downplay that) but FE7 having a more balanced difficulty and a better main storyline.

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It probably just comes down to preference. Fe8 has extremely well done characters and enemies on par with 7, map design on par with 7, an extremely unique art style, and tons of replayability

I'd rate 8 over 7 if it weren't for nostalgia over playing 7 so much as a kid. I also think 8's story is better than 7's.

I actually don't see how 8 has a better story than 7.

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7 may have a better/more unique plot, but I found 8's narrative due to it's characters to be stronger and gave me more investment in it's story than 7's.

This is very subjective. I actually found 8's narrative to be boring actually. The characters weren't helping all too much either in that regard.

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Well yeah, I gave my subjective opinion on the subjective question of "which story is better". However, there's no denying that there's very strong characterization for Fe8's cast all around on par or better than 7's, even if it's not everyone's cup of tea. I just personally found Fe8's cast to be better.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Out of the four-five FE games I've personally played, My list would be as followed:

Shadow Dragon<Blazing Sword<Radiant Dawn=Path of Radiance<Sacred Stones<Awakening.

Shadow Dragon was a very lackluster remake, and the whole giving up units makes my OCD completionist gameplay obsolete. Blazing Sword is a great game and a wonderful beginning to the franchise in America, but I feel like the 3D games were just more fitting for me, they had more content and I was one of those people who liked the 3D graphics instead of complaining how they're not top notch for the system they're on. PoR/RD are both pretty equal in enjoyment for me. Sacred Stones was my first Fire Emblem, and I absolutely love the game... but, Awakening just took everything good about it and doubled it in my opinion. I'm absolutely in love with Awakening, to the point where I could say it's flawless(disregarding multiplayer that no FE game ever has shined for anyways so who cares).

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