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Gangrel's chapter came out a few days ago, how long do you think it'll take for Emm's chapter?

I'd really like to marry her on a male file.

I don't think that she deserves to be alone, especially if Chrom and Lissa are both getting married..

Somebody needs to take care of her! Especially in her cute mentally disabled state.

I just want to hug her and fkjdgfkljglkjlkgfd.

Anybody else waitin' on Emm?

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I personally thought Emmeryn's role in the story was extremely well done. Bringing her back the way they explain it is pretty baffling to me.

I know, it sort of bothers me a bit too.

Especially when Chrom and Gangrel both mention her corpse.

So.. I dunno..

I really loved her though, so given the chance to marry her, I'm pretty down.

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*This is all assumption based on what I know from the jp versions*

What's sad is that with the other extra spotpass characters, you get to learn more about them. You see why they did what they did, and how they're going to atone for it. You find out more about their character and personality. With Emmeryn, you don't. They just shoehorn her back in with plot device #326.

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*This is all assumption based on what I know from the jp versions*

What's sad is that with the other extra spotpass characters, you get to learn more about them. You see why they did what they did, and how they're going to atone for it. You find out more about their character and personality. With Emmeryn, you don't. They just shoehorn her back in with plot device #326.


But hey, at least they've demoted her mental state severely? x'D

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I don't want to see some of the dead characters back, and Emmeryn is at the top of that list.

From bottom to top:

#3: Walhart should stay dead, but him being too strong to die, being manipulated by Excellus (why did he keep Excellus in the first place if he knew he was plotting against him and didn't need any tactician to begin with?) and change in personality after joining the group made up for it.

#2: Gangrel shows remorse, which somewhat rationaize his joining the group. Still, Chrom probably wants him dead and Gangrel himself wanted to die in the first place, and it's not like Gangrel grew out of his emoitonal state after joining in. He should stay dead.

#1: Emmeryn really, really should stay dead. She's the reason the story was so emotional. Revealing her to be alive made subsequent playthroughs feel a lot less emotional compared to earlier playthroughs. The same can be said for Gangrel as well.

I'm fine with Aversa (given her backstory) and Yen'fay (not the same person).

Emmeryn's non-death basically shoved my rating to FE13's story down a few grades. It suddenly made not being able to save all assassins in FE12 less awful.

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Well, since her normal ending has her never recovering, I have no idea.

I don't mind if she never recovers, so long as it's something cute like "And Avatar took care of her and loved her fklgjkljgldf"

Something nice, to make me feel like she's in good hands.

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Personally, I'd prefer that she at least SOMEWHAT recover in the Avatar's hands.

Well, yes.. That would be a bit nice.

I'd like for her, Chrom, and Lissa to have a nice sibling thing going on after the war too.

Makes me sad that she hardly remembers them.

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Yep, Emmeryn's ending with the Avatar will be the generic Avatar ending (There's not even differences between the two genders other than pronouns, same with Morgan), except Emmeryn in as the wife/husband name

That.. is so lame.

I want Emmeryn to have a GOOD ending.


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That.. is so lame.

I want Emmeryn to have a GOOD ending.


I agree. It disappointed me to see me and Lucina have a generic ending. Though I wonder. In a video I saw future of despair 3 completed, and the ending credits rolled. So maybe they altered the endings for that. Of course I can't read japanese so..

Slightly off topic. Unless paired and given the generic avatar ending, the Spotpass char endings seem to be depressing or bittersweet.

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Again, I've said this before.

In Classic Mode, she remembers EVERYTHING in her death quote.

That totally makes up for forcing a lame plot device as acceptable or even interesting yepyep.

Of course, I could totally be wrong and an amnesiac Emmeryn who doesn't know anything (or say much) about what we want to know could be super interesting or something.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Emmeryn's paralogue should come out in like 3 weeks right? Cuz were getting Walhart next week, then it's an item I believe followed by Emmeryn.

I can't wait to get her! As for her coming back to the story I think it's totally fine I mean chapter 9 and especially 10 will still be emotional regardless.

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Somebody needs to take care of her! Especially in her cute mentally disabled state.

Especially in her cute mentally disabled state

cute mentally disabled state


ITT people take advantage of a mentally disabled girl

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