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I was going to have her with:

Renewal (War Cleric) -- It's a really nice skill in general, like a Concoction every turn.

Miracle (Cleric) -- I like Miracle in case of a mess up.

Galeforce (Dark Flier) -- Because everyone who can have it should have it.

Limit Breaker (DLC) -- Whenever we get it, because it's insanely good.

Bonds (Bride) -- I love how it sounds.

But that's just me, butting in with my side-input.

K so I just checked this before I go watch the Oscars.

The skill bonds, it heals at the beginning of the turn 10 points? Or it heals 10 points as a command like rally?

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You know, I notice that no one says Aversa should stay dead. They want shadowgift. Emmeryn probably should've stayed dead. And Yen'fey. And Walhart. And Gangrel. And Aversa. Infact, you defeat all of them except Priam. They are also pretty depressing.

Gangrel: Seeks death, reduced to working for pirates, kind of wants to help his people by dying while fighting Grima.

Walhart: Thinks himself weak and useless for losing 3 times.

Emmeryn: Remembers nothing, forgets pacifist tendancies she had and turns into a killing machine used by the army. And probably doesn't realize it.

Yen'fey: Likely killed his sister, considers himself dead already.

Aversa: Manipulated by Validar. For having Shadowgift.

Priam: Has blue hair and a cool sword, but doesn't lead the army.

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I thought Emmeryn's death was kinda lame. She pretty much gave up her role because she wanted everyone to see her point. She deserves that brain trauma for doing such a stupid thing. I can't think of anyone, Lawrence doesn't count, that died in such a crappy way. Chrom had a cooler death than her. Hell I'm going to recruit her just to give her a proper death by the angel himself!

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Gangrel's chapter came out a few days ago, how long do you think it'll take for Emm's chapter?

I'd really like to marry her on a male file.

I don't think that she deserves to be alone, especially if Chrom and Lissa are both getting married..

Somebody needs to take care of her! Especially in her cute mentally disabled state.

I just want to hug her and fkjdgfkljglkjlkgfd.

Anybody else waitin' on Emm?

I don't care what anyone says, I feel...EXACTLY...the same way. I'm holding off on making the perfect file until she is released so that I can have My Unit marry her.

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I don't care what anyone says, I feel...EXACTLY...the same way. I'm holding off on making the perfect file until she is released so that I can have My Unit marry her.

But none of you can ever be as OTP as the Mute MU.

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But none of you can ever be as OTP as the Mute MU.

Mute MU and Emmeryn? That's a good one...that America can't have.... How would they communicate, though? Sign language? Eh, whatever, pretty sure my heart would splode' if I actually saw the two of them together. God, talking about this makes me feel...feminine.

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I thought Emmeryn's death was kinda lame. She pretty much gave up her role because she wanted everyone to see her point. She deserves that brain trauma for doing such a stupid thing. I can't think of anyone, Lawrence doesn't count, that died in such a crappy way. Chrom had a cooler death than her. Hell I'm going to recruit her just to give her a proper death by the angel himself!

I think her sacrificial suicide was the most heart-breaking thing in the entire story. D: She did it so Chrom wouldn't give up the Fire Emblem, and also to show Plegia, and everyone else who was there to witness, how dead serious she was. Sure, it wasn't the most brilliant thing, but she didn't have a lot of options at that point. What would you have done if you were Emmeryn? Sometimes there is no smart or right choice.

I'm in the boat that thinks making Emmeryn recruitable cheapens her death by quite a bit. It's a bit mean to say you wish a character to stay dead, but in Emmeryn's case, it just should have stayed that way.

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God, talking about this makes me feel...feminine.

That means it's working.

I'm interested in seeing if the translation handles it in such a way that it doesn't make her 'death' seem pointless.

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No idea, I'm just going off of the reaction to it.

Lol still whether she deserves to be dead or alive, I think it's great she's alive, I think this because it doesn't really lessen the impact her death had. Also another great thing is that I need another sage, my only one right now is Ricken. Plus Emmeryn is my favorite character <3

After her is Tiki, then Vaike! (I love his muscles and general overconfident attitude <3)

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She's a selfish & naive leader, not to mention extremely generic

I didn't really like her character very much

How is she selfish and generic?

And she wasn't exactly naive, she was hopeful and had faith in everyone.

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She's a selfish & naive leader, not to mention extremely generic

I didn't really like her character very much

Umm... How was she selfish or naive? She was always thinking of her people and she knew that Gangrel wasn't to be trusted however as an Exalt (or any kind of leader for that matter), she still had to make an appearance and try to negotiate anyways. Plus she made the decision to sacrifice herself so Chrom wouldn't be forced to make that decision. So I'm not seeing how she was selfish...

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Here's what happened:

Emmeryn: - Sees eagle and falls to doom -

Emmeryn: - Falling - Chrom, Lissa....

Emmeryn: - Hits the ground and fakes death -

- After everyone has left

Eagle: Oh no! Emmeryn! I'm just an animal, but I can help

Eagle: - Picks up body and takes to a safe place for healing -


You're on the right track. Henry has said he's seen a person turn into a raven before, yes? So then that hawk MUST have been a Laguz from Tellius, whom after everyone had left, carried off Emmeryn! :D :D :D

*smacked so hard*

And yeah. Emmeryn being selfish? I think not.

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Being selfish because she left Chrom and Lissa behind to take over the reigns? Because she abandoned her people by up and dying? I can see why one would think that, but think about this:

She didn't abandon the Plegians, her enemies. She tried to reach out to them, to try to bring about peace that her own people also wanted. Maybe that's a bit selfish in and of itself; she wants everyone to have peace, and won't stop trying until she's...well, dead. But, she isn't harming her own people. Perhaps one could argue that she did hurt her people by dying; leaving them without their kindhearted ruler; leaving her younger siblings without their elder sister. But she had faith in Chrom. She believed he truly would be able to bring about peace even if she wasn't there, and that the Ylisseans and Plegians wouldn't suffer if she tried to reach out the way she did, at least not near as much as if a bloody war broke out or if Gangrel got his hands on the Fire Emblem.

I'd say Emmeryn is "selfish" in a good way. Determined. And she believes in Chrom and those around him.

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She's annoyingly and inexplicably selfless, something Chrom actually points out early on.

I don't really care if they bring her back, since they bring basically everyone back and the idea that she fell like that and then didn't actually die is absolutely hilarious to me, but I sure hope NoA goes with something... less icky... than brain-damaged amnesiac.

Seriously though I hate her as a character.

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