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3DS vs. 3DS XL


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Hey guys. With the release of Fire Emblem Awakening, I figured I would finally purchase a 3DS. However this comes with the conundrum of whether I should purchase the 3DS Bundle or a 3DS XL with the game.

Additionally, I did see a topic similar to this further back, but I was hoping I could get a little more input now that this game has had time to circulate.

Now, from what I understand, these are the pros and cons of the two routes I am thinking of going down.

3DS Bundle


-Comes all in one package, ready to go

-Better Sound Quality

-Nice Design, although I could possibly purchase a decal for the 3DS XL


-Smaller Screen

-No Physical Copy of the game, which I normally enjoy having in my posession

3DS XL + Physical Copy of the Game


-Larger Screen

-Better Screen Resolution

-Longer Battery Life

-More Comfortable to Hold

-Physical Copy of the Game


-Reduced Sound Quality ( I am an audiophile, so this is very important to me)

-Too large to fit in ones pants pocket, although I do not normally carry gaming systems on my personnage in my day-to-day life

-No Neat Design

-Around an additional 50$ + for this whole set, which does not even include a warranty

-Casing is more easily scratched

-Shaky 3D, although this aspect does not matter much to me, since the 3D can be turned off

Basically I am looking for someone who can offer input of which of these two packages I should go with. Additionally, if someone who has both a 3DS and a 3DS XL could tell me about the differences in screen resolution (i.e. is the resolution better, or just stretched?) and sound quality (does using headphones make the sound quality the same?) would be greatly appreciated.


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I can only say for the 3DS XL, didn't noticed anything wrong with the 3D in this game, it's even more awesome in a bigger screen. If there are games that stretched, it's not Fire Emblem Awakening.

I have Kid Icarus Uprising and it's amazing as well. Reviews says that the 3D got even better on the XL for this game. Played a demo of Resident Evil Revelations and it's also awesome.

It's not really that large, i thought the same and it fitted in my pocket. Altough it does have some noticeable weight, it is heavy indeed.

The XL have reduced sound quality ? Never heard that.

You can also buy the physical copy for the bundle if you really want the cartridge too. Or get the digital copy for the 3DS XL too. You will end up with 6 saves total =D, which i really wanted to have here.

The Bundle have the advantage of the design.

They are releasing a 3DS XL Bundle in Europe, who knows if that will also come here.

Edited by Lanko
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I have both a 3DSXL and the 3DS FEA Bundle, so here's my viewpoints:

3DSXL: The 3D has actually been improved upon, but the graphics aren't as good as the 3DS Bundle because the pixels are spread out. The sound is not as great either as the 3DS Bundle.

3DSBundle: Both the graphics and sound are great, but the 3Dness and size aren't. The design is actually etched into the front; it's not a decal, and a decal most likely would not look as good.

Honestly, my opinion is to go with the 3DSBundle, since it's a newer model than the XL, and since you'll have fond memories of one of your favorite treasures. Also, if you haven't had a 3DS until now, I suggest you go with the bundle too, because you don't have to pay an additional whateverso like I did, just to get the cool design and game pre-installed (I live in the US; the Canada shipping facility was broken into at that time, but I had purchased my 3DSXL a couple years before this purchase)

The most important point is that it's YOUR choice. Don't let people decide for you; that's like having people handle you.

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If you are an audiophile you would be using very expensive headphones instead of relying on the speakers in the first place. It comes down to what is the best to look at and most comfortable to hold and the XL wins both of those hands down. If you arneèt looking to own the bundle for the sake of owning the bundle then the XL is the way to go.

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Hey guys. With the release of Fire Emblem Awakening, I figured I would finally purchase a 3DS. However this comes with the conundrum of whether I should purchase the 3DS Bundle or a 3DS XL with the game.

Additionally, I did see a topic similar to this further back, but I was hoping I could get a little more input now that this game has had time to circulate.

Now, from what I understand, these are the pros and cons of the two routes I am thinking of going down.

I don't think this goes here...

Anyway, here are my comments~

3DS Bundle


-Comes all in one package, ready to go

-Better Sound Quality

-Nice Design, although I could possibly purchase a decal for the 3DS XL


-Smaller Screen

-No Physical Copy of the game, which I normally enjoy having in my posession

The only reason I would get this 3DS is either:

a) the price.


b) the color/design


Something happened to the rest of my post. I think I accidentally deleted it.

Oh well. I don't feel like writing it again~

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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If you record games, original. Because you cannot install a capture card in an XL 3DS. If not, then XL.

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I've bought a 3DS last year, anticipating Fire Emblem Awakening's release (yes, I've only decided to buy the console when the game was confirmed for Japan). I'm not using it (played Ghost Recon in the beggining a lot, a little bit of Mario that came with the console and haven't even touched Harvest Moon and Zelda yet, after a year or more).

Now that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming here, I'm tempted to buy the 3DS XL bundle. But I'm afraid I'm just hyped and I would regret later, as I don't even play the 3DS now, I can imagine I won't touch it again once I'm through with FEA.

Unless someone here says the XL version is clearly better, I think I'll save the money and just buy the physical game for my 3DS.

So here's a couple questions:

- Does FEA look more pixelated (aliased) in a 3DS XL?

- Is it easy to "read" what's going on in the smaller screen (can we see and distinguish well the NPC on the map? Can we read comfortably the dialogues?)?

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I say the 3DS bundle, no contest! Who cares if the game comes predownloaded instead of as a physical copy? That 3DS is just too beautiful! Mine is currently my most valuable gaming treasure, and I always keep it clean. <3

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1. No, it doesn't; it's actually less pixelated like I said, because the pixels are spread out further

2. You can still distinguish everything on the 3DS Bundle.

I still say you should go for the 3DS Bundle if you have the chance

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Thanks for all the input guys.

1. No, it doesn't; it's actually less pixelated like I said, because the pixels are spread out further

2. You can still distinguish everything on the 3DS Bundle.

I still say you should go for the 3DS Bundle if you have the chance

And thank you for your input especially. You brought up some good points.

However, at this point, I think I will buy the XL. I figure its options are better. Even though it will be less pixelated, I figure I wont notice the difference since this will be my first experience owning a 3DS. Otherwise the XL's options sound better.

Thanks for all the help guys. I'm off to go pick it up and enjoy this brilliant new FE!

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1. No, it doesn't; it's actually less pixelated like I said, because the pixels are spread out further

2. You can still distinguish everything on the 3DS Bundle.

I still say you should go for the 3DS Bundle if you have the chance

In your previous post, you've said the opposite " the graphics aren't as good as the 3DS Bundle because the pixels are spread out". Now you're confusing me. I've assumed that if the pixels are more concentrated, the less noticeable is the aliasing. I just don't know if 3DS XL has the same resolution as the 3DS. If not, I wonder if FEA was made to take advantage of the 3DS XL's higher resolution or not. If the resolution is the same, then I guess it will look more pixelated (aliased) on 3DS XL.

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True, true, it might have higher resolution, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has great pixel concentration in every area. And, if you read closely, I actually said the same thing both times, nothing the 'opposite'.

EDIT: Also, that's technically not how it works. The bigger the display of a selected pixel unit (SPU), the more the pixles are spread out. Do note that size is a factor of this, and resolution and pixels do not go hand in hand. Resolution is just the graphic display, while SPUs' are the tech-chemical display. A lot of people confuse this, so don't worry. I've taken Tech for many, many years and Digital Programming too.

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True, true, it might have higher resolution, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has great pixel concentration in every area. And, if you read closely, I actually said the same thing both times, nothing the 'opposite'.

I'm sorry, english isn't my first language. When you answered me you've said "[The 3DS XL] it's actually less pixelated like I said, because the pixels are spread out further" which I've interpreted as the opposite of what I quoted before "the [3DS XL] graphics aren't as good as the 3DS Bundle because the pixels are spread out".

EDIT: Also, that's technically not how it works. The bigger the display of a selected pixel unit (SPU), the more the pixles are spread out. Do note that size is a factor of this, and resolution and pixels do not go hand in hand. Resolution is just the graphic display, while SPUs' are the tech-chemical display. A lot of people confuse this, so don't worry. I've taken Tech for many, many years and Digital Programming too.

That's true, even if the 3DS XL had a higher resolution, it would have to be high enough for it's bigger size. Lusankya has already confirmed that the resolution is the same, so I assume FEA will look more pixelated (aliased/jagged) on 3DS XL.

Well, knowing this helps me to resist to impulse buy the 3DS XL Bundle. :)

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Now, this is me personally, but I wouldn't (and have no intention) of touching any DSXL system with a ten foot pole. The more pixalated graphics and additional size are turn offs for me, and in the case of a 3dsxl, the extra battery life is irrelavant, because you can just buy a battery pack for 20$ and have more than enough battery (my Zelda 3DS with Nyko Battery Pack has as good or better battery than my DSi). If I didn't already have the Zelda 3DS, I would buy the Fire Emblem Bundle 3DS, even though I'm not a fan of virtual copies of "cartridge" games.

That said, this is my opinion and what matters is your preferences, I know people who prefer the "XL" systems to non-XL systems.

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I already had a 3DS when I got my bundle, but that didn't stop me from sacrificing over $200 of my Christmas money for this beautiful 3DS. I got it not only to play Awakening on for the first time, but also so I could have a piece of FE merchandise. I finally was able to BUY FE merchandise for once. The only FE thing I had before was the Ike poster on my wall that I made myself. I practically dreamed of one day seeing FE merchandise in stores.

Also, two 3DSs means I can trade between two 3DS Pokemon games (X and Y versions when they come out in October). ^^

Even if there weren't any new Pokemon games, I'd have gotten this 3DS anyway. The design is absolutely GORGEOUS. It's a pretty bright blue with dragons and a Falchion, and the entire thing glitters in bright light!

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Personally I think it really doesn't matter to the gaming experience. I like physically copies, some people don't care. I like cool unique stuff, such as the fire emblem 3ds, because itll be rare soon enough and well..its cool. But hey, if you feel you need more screen size, go for that.

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I already had a 3DS when I got my bundle, but that didn't stop me from sacrificing over $200 of my Christmas money for this beautiful 3DS. I got it not only to play Awakening on for the first time, but also so I could have a piece of FE merchandise. I finally was able to BUY FE merchandise for once. The only FE thing I had before was the Ike poster on my wall that I made myself. I practically dreamed of one day seeing FE merchandise in stores.

Also, two 3DSs means I can trade between two 3DS Pokemon games (X and Y versions when they come out in October). ^^

Even if there weren't any new Pokemon games, I'd have gotten this 3DS anyway. The design is absolutely GORGEOUS. It's a pretty bright blue with dragons and a Falchion, and the entire thing glitters in bright light!

That's all pretty much exactly what I did and why I did it

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