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Reclassing and Timing

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Hello. I'm a new member here, but a long-time fan of Fire Emblem.

My Mom is getting me "Fire Emblem: Awakening" as a late birthday present. I have some questions before I start playing the game. If the answer is somewhere on the forum, may you please point me in the right direction?

I've been reading about reclassing, and it sounds fun, but there is a situation that I want to avoid. What happens if you reclassed a character and you want to go back to the original character's class because it might be helpful for an important battle ahead, but you're out of Second Seals?

If that question's confusing, please let me know and I'll try to clear it up.

Oh, is it possible to reclass every character?

I'm also curious what's people's favorite order of reclassing. For example, did you reclass Stahl into an Archer or a Myrmidon first? This is for all the characters.

Are there some characters that are better to promote first, then reclass? Again, for example, I've been reading that people like to promote Lissa to a Sage first, then reclass her to a Pegasus Knight/Dark Flier?

Thank you for your time and patience.

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If you're out of Second Seals, you're out of Second Seals. No Second Seals = No reclassing. Period.

Yes, every character can reclass, but each has his or her own specific "set". The character must stay in those given sets.

I haven't played the game yet, so I can't really say which order I prefer. :(

I think reclassing before promoting is better. Otherwise, you'd get less EXP.

Although, it may be better to promote first if you're playing Lunatic or Lunatic+.

Anyway, yeah, hi. Welcome to the Forest. I hope you have a nice stay and all~

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Second Seals are purchasable two-thirds of the way through the game. The middle third of the game is easy enough that you won't need that any Second Seals beyond the ones earned along the way from treasure chests and enemy drops.

The game offers ample opportunities to make your characters competent; you don't really need to stress out too much about making juggernauts to beat the game. The people who go through really exotic class-changing sequences do so more out of a desire to build superteams for postgame content, and not so much out of needing any juggernaut-level characters in the regular game.

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I hear it's probably better to reclass the children at level 10 first (and your first gens when applicable) so they can grab all the useful first-tier skills they can (e.g. Armsthrift, Vantage, and the like) before they promote and really slow down their EXP growth. This doesn't really seem too plausible without DLC grinding, though.

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Wow! Thank you everyone for your information! I really appreciate it! So I wouldn't worry that there should be a situation where I reclass a character before an important battle and found out I doomed everybody?

Oh, I wonder if someone could help with this rumor I read: You can promote Cherche into a War Cleric without having her being a Cleric. True or False?

Thank you again!

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Wow! Thank you everyone for your information! I really appreciate it! So I wouldn't worry that there should be a situation where I reclass a character before an important battle and found out I doomed everybody?

Oh, I wonder if someone could help with this rumor I read: You can promote Cherche into a War Cleric without having her being a Cleric. True or False?

Thank you again!

Yes; once she hits xx/10 as a Wyvern Lord or Griffon Rider or whatever, you can change her into a War Cleric directly using a Second Seal.

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Basically, you want to think of reclassing as a lasting promotion. Unless you grind a lot and trivialize the game, you're only going to have your characters change class a few times; when they leave their old class behind, they're not coming back until postgame stuff.

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First, thank you for answer the question. I was confuse if you use a Second Seal on a promoted class, if you can reclass into reclass promotions, if that makes sense.

Wait, can you or can't you go back to the original class? I was under the impression that you can. Good thing I ask before I begin playing.

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First, thank you for answer the question. I was confuse if you use a Second Seal on a promoted class, if you can reclass into reclass promotions, if that makes sense.

Wait, can you or can't you go back to the original class? I was under the impression that you can. Good thing I ask before I begin playing.

don't worry you can go back to the original class if you could not I would not reclass much

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Once you hit level 10 in your promoted class, or level 30 in the special classes (Villager, Dancer, Manakete, Taguel) you can reclass into every option you have available. For example, a level 15 Paladin!Sully can reclass into Myrmidon, Assassin, Swordmaster, Wyvern Rider, Wyvern Lord, Gryphon Knight, Cavalier, Great Knight, or back into Paladin (at least I'm pretty sure she can go to Paladin again, I don't have my game with me or I would check).

And I haven't been able to play around with reclassing as much as I'd like, but I've found that a good way to reclass Olivia would be to get her to level 10 (or 15 if you want Special Dance), reclass her to Myrmidon, then promote her into a Swordsmaster. Once she hits level 15 and gets Swordfaire, reclass her into a Dark Flier and get her up to level 15 in that class for Galeforce. After that, you can reclass her back to Dancer, or you could be like me and go Assassin for that lovely Lethality skill.

And on promoting first vs. reclassing first, I'm not too sure yet. I guess it would depend on the character and what skills you would like them to get.

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If you are new to the series or this particular game in general, I would suggest just going through the game at your own pace and making un-biased judgments on your first playthrough; that's usually how we all learn best, especially if you are going to be doing multiple playthroughs. I just finished my easy mode run of the game where I just kept most everyone in their original class tree and only reclassed the people who needed to be reclassed either to gain more skills (Taguels, Manaketes, Dancer), be a unique Class (Berserker since you don't automatically get a Barbarian), or just because they are Donnel (Villager class ultimately sucks). I now started my hard mode file where I am doing a galeforce run; making everyone who can possibly learn galeforce pass down the skill to children.

The point is, don't be afraid to mix it up with your classes, whether reclassing or not. If you really want to have a broken army with every possible skill, it'll take a super long time but its possible. Same as having a team fit for getting you to the final boss and nothing more. Its all up to you. Hope that helps! :)

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I apologize, but what does that mean?

I would not reclass to get skills if I could not go back to what I want which is the class they start out as normally

Edited by Chrom's Archie
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Thanks for sharing your opinion, but just out of curiosity, why do you consider an army with every possible skill 'broken?' Just curious. Thanks again.

I have played the first Fire Emblem released in the United States and the Sacred Stones.

Well, I used the term 'broken' here with the intended meaning that having every possible skill on every unit means that you can mix and match skills for any possible encounter; and needless to say, if you managed to get every skill, you would definitely have all of your stats maxed out, making you about as strong as you could possibly be in the game in every way (stats, skills, etc...).

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Okay. Thanks for the replies.

Just got the game today and I am having fun! My Mom wanted to help me create my character and we did it together. Her only complains were that the clothes and eye coloring need to be enplaned. I wanted to pair my character with Stahl first, but once I heard Chrom's voice actor I was won over! Maybe next play through.

Thank you.

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