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What Kind of team are you planning to make for Spotpass/DLC



34 members have voted

  1. 1. What will mostly be your team?

    • Main characters (Lords)
    • Mercs (Swordmasters/Heros/Dreadfighters/Assassins/Tricksters)
    • Tangeels
    • Manaketes
    • War Clerics (Light Magic users)
    • Fliers (Falcoknights/Dark Fliers/Griffon Knights/Wyvern Lords)
    • Tacticians
    • Knights (Paladin/Bow Knights/Great Knights/Dark Riders/Generals/Lodestar/Conquerers)
    • Dark Mages (Sorcerer/Shadow Gift users)
    • Briganders (Warriors/Berserkers/Snipers)
    • Mages(Anima) (Sages/Valkyries/War Clerics)
    • Brides
    • Dancers
    • Vile (Villians)

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Your DLC/Spotpass team mostly that you will likely use than any other. In general, your favorite archtype team.


VincentASM: (I don't know about you, but my StreetPass Team is going to be full of mage girls)





Well...at least we have yours. ^^

Pick your vote, tell which characters are you going to use in all of your runs mostly as well as describing the kind of class archtype you like.

Example. Well for me, I'm planning to go with a Mercish team. Most of my units will be Swordmasters, Heros, Dreadfighters, Tricksters, and Assassins. Because I am a treasure hunting, ninja for hire for pieces of gold loving maniac.

Characters that I will use in DLC/Spotpass in all of my runs total =D.....

























You can still give Sol and things like that to your most favorite breatheren. I'm giving all of my Merc gurls Galeforce+Lifetaker+Sol+Astra.

Edited by Katarina
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My team will have my favorite characters of course. But as to what kind, eh, a team made up of units with high defense. You know, Generals, Wyvern Lords, Sorcerers, Great Knights, Manaketes etc. Or a team full of Generals luul.

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This should be a multi option poll. I for one am gonna go a mix of knights and brigandiers. I'll use vaike zerker. MU zerker. Paladin stahl. In addition to a bunch of other units of course. But the point being that people mix the groups.

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Shit, I didn't know that Navarre and Ogma are in the spotpass content too. And of course I will be using them too. EDITED!

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I wouldn't count Dark Knights as "Dark Mages". It seems like they're an "in name only" case. Seeing as they don't use Dark Magic unless if their name is Aversa, or if one happens to be Aversa's daughter, and they're the closest thing to FE4's Mage Knights in this game. They fit better in the same group as Sages and Valkyries.

Also: Really? "Tangeels"? I'm sorry, but...

Edited by Little Al
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I wouldn't count Dark Knights as "Dark Mages". It seems like they're an "in name only" case. Seeing as they don't use Dark Magic unless if their name is Aversa, or happens to be Aversa's daughter, and they're the closest thing to FE4's Mage Knights in this game. They fit better in the same group as Sages and Valkyries.


This should be a multi option poll. I for one am gonna go a mix of knights and brigandiers. I'll use vaike zerker. MU zerker. Paladin stahl. In addition to a bunch of other units of course. But the point being that people mix the groups.

Multiple answers can now be selected.


Enlist the breatheren you like and will use most. My army with be the Ninja for hire for pieces of gold Merc bands. For instence, you have Assassins to do all of your Bow needs. Swords are no problem and Tricksters will do all of my staffing needs. Heros will be doing all of my Axe needs.

And done!

There is now a villians poll too! Of course I plan to make Mia into a Hero in the end.

Edited by Katarina
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Mine's gonna be a team of ALL Lvl. 20 Priests/Clerics/Troubadours. XD

I may not be able to attack... but... I CAN HEAL!!! ... Til' my staves run out... Then I guess it's "Run-like-hell-till-the-other-person-gives-up"... gee_wiz_emoticon.gif




... Okay.

That's not my real team...

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Welp, I picked everything because I use everyone no matter what. Meaning, all of my runs through DLC/spotpass and the like will be a mix of every character and class I can get my hands on.

Seeing as my streetpass team is limited to 10 people though, its mostly gonna be my female Avatar, Chrom (my hubby) and assorted fave characters on my normal file; my hard file will be my male Avatar, Tiki (my waifu) and my super trained children characters; and my overall main streetpass team will be my Avatar Army file, filled with whatever wacky combination I can make with a team of only Avatars.

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My main Spot Pass team will one day look like this, all maxed out and everything:

Maeve @ Grandmaster (My Unit)

Ricken @ Sage (My Husband fufufu)

Morgan @ Sage (like father like son)

Chrom @ Great Lord (best friend)

Lucina @ Great Lord (like a daughter to me 8U)

Henry @ Sorcerer (why cant we polygamy)

Marth @ Trickster (anyone can have a Lodestar Marth, mine is a trickster)

Roy @ Bow Knight (mobility is a huge plus, roy looks cool now)

Frederick @ Griffon Rider (along with his lovely wife...)

Sumia @ Falcon Knight (with Galeforce she kills stuff then she heals my men)

Don't care too much for "The Best" at the moment, but I sure might do so in my Hard File.

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my Spot Pass team will be of people that I like aka my family aka

Archie @ Grandmaster (yes that is me)

Chrom @ Master Lord (my Husband who could guess? "looks at pic and name")

Lucina @ Master Lord (my little girl why am I always calling her that?)

Marc/Morgan @ Grandmaster (son that kicks ass but I don't really remember much.)

Azure/Inigo @ Hero (my little girls boyfriend remember him more then my son lol.)

Severa @ Assassin (I still remember her my son's girlfriend more then him odd huh?)

Olivia @ Dancer (ya Azure's mom what did you think?)

Henry @ Dark Knight (Olivia's Husband I like this pair shut up.)

Tiamo @ Dark Flier (Severa's momy.)

Sol/Sort/Sthal (Tiamo's Husband music supports forever.)

and if I have space

Lissa @ War Cleric (more family!)

Wood/Owain @ Swordmaster (more family!)

Cynthia @ Falcon Knight (more family's wifeu!)

Sumia @ Falcon Knight (momy of Cynthia.)

Gaius @ Assassin (Sumia's hubby yay!)

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ALL CHARACTERS HAVE LETHALITY + GALEFORCE + ASTRA IF POSSIBLE. Except for Lucina and the Lucina!Morgan who`ll have Aether kicking around. As far as archetypes...I really like Myrmidons/Assassins, purely because they have the funniest specials that make people groan the most when they activate.

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Mostly mains and mercs:

Ike, Roy - Heroes

Marth - Lodestar

Lyn - Assassin?

Gaius, Matthew and Jaffar - Assassins

Mia, Zihark, Nabarl - Swordmasters

Avatar!Joshua - either SM or Assassin (it's so hard to choose! I'll probably make him an Assassin first for Lethality, then a SM because it suits him more)

but I'll also be having a few magicians:

Lute as a Dark Flier (inspired by her support with Vanessa),

Celica as a Grandmaster (because that's basically her class in Gaiden),

Tharja as a Sorcerer,

Merric as a Dread Fighter (because...why not?),

Soren as a Sage,

Eirika as a Dark Knight (because you gotta love that enemy control glitch in SS)

and of course my Avatar as a Dark Knight as well.

Oh and my Brides: Norne, Nephenee and Amelia NewYearsEmoticon.gif

I'm sure this list is too big for one team, so I'll have to kick a few kids out. I guess it'll depend who I get first.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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