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Does anyone find it odd


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I want acknowledgement that he existed beyond being a random plot device. He's a long time friend of the Ylissean royalty, he betrays them, and they're like "oh well time to fight!"

The more I play this game, the more I find lacking in it. It's still an awesome game, but I think more needed to be said than what we got.

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Why was that guy even there? Couldn't they have either made him exist before that point, or just had Cordelia be like "one of the Exalt's ministers betrayed your plans, my lord!" when she shows up to explain the ambush?

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Why was that guy even there? Couldn't they have either made him exist before that point, or just had Cordelia be like "one of the Exalt's ministers betrayed your plans, my lord!" when she shows up to explain the ambush?

Exactly my point. They implemented him to explain the ambush and then didn't even have anything to follow up for it. No comments from Chrom, no acknowledgement at all from the heroes. Just "okay here's your explanation for why this chapter happened, now let's get on with the fighting!"

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I want acknowledgement that he existed beyond being a random plot device. He's a long time friend of the Ylissean royalty, he betrays them, and they're like "oh well time to fight!"

The more I play this game, the more I find lacking in it. It's still an awesome game, but I think more needed to be said than what we got.

I can see your point. I do find it lacking too, although I'd say there are a lot more places in the game I can rant on that this deficit is hardly worth mentioning.

How did that guy talk to Mr. Oreo...Olio...Vasto from all the way over there anyway?

He's Ulki's reincarnation.

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I can see your point. I do find it lacking too, although I'd say there are a lot more places in the game I can rant on that this deficit is hardly worth mentioning.

Maybe so, but I just finished that chapter on a recent playthrough, so...yeah. Had to bring it up somewhere.

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All I wondered was why the heck that old guy betrayed Ylisse in the first place. D: Apparently he wanted protection with Plegia, so he betrays his own country or something like that? Never made any sense to me.

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He's probably old enough that he remembers Chrom's father maybe? Honestly it doesn't really make sense for him to believe Plegia is a place for asylum after Ylisse kinda mucked things up over there in the past. I wish the game would have gone deeper with the scars left behind by Chrom's father in regards to these other countries. All they ever use that information for is to make Emmeryn seem even more selfless but they never dwell on key character development moments. Otherwise Gangrel and Walhart's motivation would have been more clear.

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How did that guy talk to Mr. Oreo...Olio...Vasto from all the way over there anyway?

Same way that Validar spotted you through several thick castle walls in the previous chapter.

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He's probably old enough that he remembers Chrom's father maybe? Honestly it doesn't really make sense for him to believe Plegia is a place for asylum after Ylisse kinda mucked things up over there in the past. I wish the game would have gone deeper with the scars left behind by Chrom's father in regards to these other countries. All they ever use that information for is to make Emmeryn seem even more selfless but they never dwell on key character development moments. Otherwise Gangrel and Walhart's motivation would have been more clear.

Prequel about Chrom's father. WE'VE SEEN THIS BEFORE.

It would make for quite a heartbreaking game if history remembered him as a "terrible person" when he was actually a good person that fate screwed around with... Fate is cruel, you know.

[spoiler=Unimportant Ramblings?]For what little info we have about him, there hasn't been first-hand accounts of what he was like. Emmeryn wasn't even 10 yet when he died. She hasn't recounted any tales of his personality. The things Chrom says--maybe he heard from Emmeryn, maybe he heard from other people, as he was even younger than Emmeryn. He doesn't say anything about his father's personality either. The information presented can be taken either direction: the 'informants' knew him personally, or they just heard stories and whatnot. We don't know for sure. Obviously, since Chrom and Lissa--especially Lissa?--don't go on and on about how loving their father was, he wasn't a WONDERFUL AMAZING BESTEST FATHER EVER, but... Seriously, maybe he was a genuinely good person but things kept going wrong and therefore outsiders saw it as "he's a terrible person, killing off his own people and mercilessly slaughtering his enemies."

But, maybe he really was a terrible person and purposely slaughtered his Plegian enemies. WE DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN. Lack of information! IS could totally retcon a prequel.

Oh well. Wild imagination ftw! I'm getting depressed now...

As for this dude in Ch7... Yes, he has been with House Ylisse for...a while. They don't even say "he betrayed us?!" nor "oh my god, they killed him, the bastards". No one says anything that we can hear/see...Such lack of caring/such intense focus on the enemy... ...Wait, he would have known the previous exalt in person?! Sort of? Grah, there goes that source of information; he's dead now, the traitor. -shakes fist- I forget what he said when he got all pissed at Chrom/Emmeryn. Wasn't it something pertaining to the previous exalt?

Maybe this dude was supposed to be completely unmemorable/unremarkable. Robin says "Who is this guy?" even though he's been traveling with them for a bit... In that regard, it's actually kinda funny that no one says anything. Unknown person dies and no one cares. What satire.

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That in chapter 7, the priest guy both betrays Chrom & co, AND gets killed in front of their eyes, and NOBODY even seems to notice?

That's the chapter Cordelia shows up in, right? Easy not to notice the nigh-generic getting killed in that case :P:

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Same way that Validar spotted you through several thick castle walls in the previous chapter.

I lol'd

Speaking of which, there's the other flaw I've seen recently. Validar talks to the avatar in their boss fight, but the avatar is given no response at all. They could have at least had the avatar say something like "I don't think so." and THEN begin the fighting. But nope. "Submit to me, and I shall honor you with the truth!" *fight starts*

I think the narrative spins it that he sneaks off and then gets killed.

Map distance =/= Real distance

True, but you'd think the heroes afterward would be like "Hey, where'd he go?"

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Same way that Validar spotted you through several thick castle walls in the previous chapter.

Validar/Fauder felt his presence. He's such a good father... especially how you can make a bunch of star wars jokes.

You could say, in his battle quote with MU, that... he was gonna give him a bunch of very nice Christmas PRESENTS. shine.gif

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