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Yeah, I heard that too, but haven't used him much because by the time the children come, I've already grown weary of grinding and have my endgame team almost completely set up. So far the only child character I've used is Lucina.

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Yeah, Owain makes a lot of references to previous titles in the series. Also, I think Tiki and Anna have some past game references in their supports. Heck, the fact that the two of them can support each other in the first place is pretty much a reference to past games. Also, in their C-support, Tiki does say that Anna reminds her of someone she used to know.

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Yeah, Owain makes a lot of references to previous titles in the series. Also, I think Tiki and Anna have some past game references in their supports. Heck, the fact that the two of them can support each other in the first place is pretty much a reference to past games. Also, in their C-support, Tiki does say that Anna reminds her of someone she used to know.

on this note, Avatar references everywhere (Lyn, Katarina in DLC)

also Mar-Mar

why aren't Marcia and Jill spotpass characters, boo

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on this note, Avatar references everywhere (Lyn, Katarina in DLC)

also Mar-Mar

why aren't Marcia and Jill spotpass characters, boo

Ahh! Yes, Lyndis asking the Avatar if you're her Tactician from her game or not.


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That was little Tiki's pet name for Marth during their adventures together. She slips into calling the Avatar "Mar-Mar" in their A support, because the Avatar's core character is apparently similar to Marth's. It's actually kinda sweet, in its own little way.

And actually after a little thinking about it, well... let's just say the Avatar's personality could be a lot further from Marth's than it is.

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Gregor's A rank support with Lon'qu has "And knowing is half the battle!" I didn't know Gregor was also a GI Joe laugh.gif

(sorry misread topic about PAST game references)

Henry wants to be a raven laguz. He tries so hard :<

Edited by Samias
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That was little Tiki's pet name for Marth during their adventures together. She slips into calling the Avatar "Mar-Mar" in their A support, because the Avatar's core character is apparently similar to Marth's. It's actually kinda sweet, in its own little way.

And actually after a little thinking about it, well... let's just say the Avatar's personality could be a lot further from Marth's than it is.

I knew where "Mar-Mar" came from. I was mostly quoting it as a way to end my post. Sorry if that confused you. ^^;

Gregor's A rank support with Lon'qu has "And knowing is half the battle!" I didn't know Gregor was also a GI Joe laugh.gif

(sorry misread topic about PAST game references)

Henry wants to be a raven laguz. He tries so hard :<

It's fine. Don't worry about the GI Joe reference spotting.

Also, Nowi names a bird Janaff I believe in one of her supports and I think either one of the Manakete or one of the Taguel characters makes a reference to the laguz of Tellius.

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Henry wants to be a raven laguz. He tries so hard :<

I just realized that's what he meant by "I saw a man turn into a raven once..."

I mean, I never looked at it that way, but then I can be pretty dense sometimes, haha.

Also, someone upthread mentioned about either a manakete or taguel mentioning the laguz, I believe Panne mentioned it. I forget if it was a support or a sparkly-tile quote though.

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In one of the DLC chapters, having Panne fight Sothe triggers a brief exchange where Sothe confuses Panne for a Laguz, and Panne asks if there are other shapeshifters in existence. I don't know if that's what was referred to in this thread though...

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When you recruit Owain, his battle cry is "SACRED STOOOONES!" and another time he says something like "radiant dawn" . I really enjoy his odd quirks and references. :)

Edited by Evangellist
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When you recruit Owain, his battle cry is "SACRED STOOOONES!" and another time he says something like "radiant dawn" . I really enjoy his odd quirks and references. :)

In one of Owain's event tile quotes he says "binding blade" the literal translation of Fuin no Tsurugi.

Olivia and Donnel's support (in the japanese version), they make a reference to Naesala and Leanne through the song they sing together. Why this never got through to America, we'll never know.

Henry and Nowi's support, Nowi finds a bird and names him Janaff.

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In one of Owain's event tile quotes he says "binding blade" the literal translation of Fuin no Tsurugi.

Olivia and Donnel's support (in the japanese version), they make a reference to Naesala and Leanne through the song they sing together. Why this never got through to America, we'll never know.

Henry and Nowi's support, Nowi finds a bird and names him Janaff.

Nowi and stahl.

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Nowi and stahl.

Oops, my bad.

Also Cynthia and Lucina's frienship support, Cynthia talks about the Triangle Attack.

Shame it can't be done in Awakening. Guess because we can never get Phila, we can't do it.

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Olivia and Donnel's support (in the japanese version), they make a reference to Naesala and Leanne through the song they sing together. Why this never got through to America, we'll never know.

It is there. Its just differently worded. White swan princess and black winged prince. The song is actually about those two still.

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