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The game's been out for ages, I think, but has anybody here played it/been playing it recently?

I grabbed it after a recommendation and just beat the last stage a few days ago. It's a pretty neat game and I can't believe I've spent 30 hours on it X D

And did anyone check out those levels I sneakily posted on the main site? : P

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Actually I agree with you there.

I made them when I just started playing the game, so I hadn't gotten to grips with some of the more advanced techniques.

Edited by VincentASM
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Yup, I also have the sequel, Crashmo(or whatever the European version is called.), which is like 5x harder than Pushmo(which is friggin' hard.)

I love it though I gave up on Pushmo after about beating 90% of it. And I gave up Crashmo after about 10% because of the difficulty and because of FE13 and other things.

IS is probably my favorite developer because I can't really think of anything they have done that isn't creative and fun. And also because of FE.

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