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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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I don't use Imgur...

Also, if it's an issue with the spoiler tags, changing the link won't do anything. That's a problem with SF. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't want to upload something to my Photobucket just to post it in this thread either. I have limited space in my account (you have to pay for more and I don't need to do that right now). Besides, if it turns out to NOT be an issue with the link, I would've just wasted my time. xP

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How to use IMGUR.com (No account necessary. I don't have one)

  1. Copy URL of your image
  2. Go to imgur.com
  3. Hit Ctrl-V
  4. Hit Enter
  5. Copy new image link by clicking the button circled in red, outlined in the image below
  6. Come to SF and Ctrl-V the thing you just copied


That's all there is to it! You can do all this with literally one click

Also, the image in question is 9ff09712b3.jpg

Edited by Sara.
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Oh, I don't? Huh, I didn't know that.

We still don't know for sure that it's the link though...

Even then you should still reupload. Hotlinking in general is bad.

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Hotlinking is a term used on the Internet that refers to the practice of displaying an image on a website by linking to the same image on another website, rather than saving a copy of it on the website on which the image will be shown. So, instead of loading picture.gif on to their own website, a website owner uses a link to the picture as http://example.com/picture.jpg. When the hotlinking website is loaded, the image is loaded from the other website, which uses its bandwidth, costing the hotlinked website's owners money. For this reason many website owners use .htaccess files to prevent hotlinking. In some cases website owners use the .htaccess file to replace any hotlinked images with an offensive image to deter any other website owners from hotlinking.

Posting image links from like, Zerochan, to here, mean that the picture files are being saved on SF's servers, causing it to slow down by means of cluttering resources.

Posting image links from like, pu.ush/imgur/deviantart/tumblr, just present a link directly to that picture. The image is not saved on SF's back end, and resources are saved, allowing SF to perform optimally and not be bogged down by having to constantly save/update files on its own server every time a user loads a page with a picture.

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Well I screwed up posting.

Oh. Well, I'm still rather confused on what the difference is between hotlinking and regular linking, exactly.


And for how bad bandwidth leaching can be, this was an image I shared here:


Imgur can handle that kind of traffic. Other sites can't.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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Well I screwed up posting.


And for how bad bandwidth leaching can be, this was an image I shared here:


Imgur can handle that kind of traffic. Other sites can't.

Oh, I think I see now. Thanks for posting that article, I found it useful. :)

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Posting image links from like, Zerochan, to here, mean that the picture files are being saved on SF's servers, causing it to slow down by means of cluttering resources.

Posting image links from like, pu.ush/imgur/deviantart/tumblr, just present a link directly to that picture. The image is not saved on SF's back end, and resources are saved, allowing SF to perform optimally and not be bogged down by having to constantly save/update files on its own server every time a user loads a page with a picture.

okay so wait

if I were to find an image I like, right click and select Copy Image Location (I'm on Firefox if that helps), and then put it in the "Image" thing on SF (it's between the Code and Unlink things), would that be hotlinking?

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okay so wait

if I were to find an image I like, right click and select Copy Image Location (I'm on Firefox if that helps), and then put it in the "Image" thing on SF (it's between the Code and Unlink things), would that be hotlinking?

Like Elie said, it varies with source.

If it's hotlinked, it'll usually either not show up or have a dummy hotlink image (good example is Zerochan).

If it's on, say, imgur or photobucket, it's not hotlinked. Something like pixiv or zerochan, it is.

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OK here's the last post i want to see about this:

hotlinking is leeching bandwidth from honest internet denizens and is therefore bad. only directly link from sites that you know are image hosts: gyazo, puu.sh, photobucket, imageshack, imgur, ETC.

EDIT: if you don't know if a site is an image host, save the image and upload to a site you know is an image host and use that link.

now if somebody is still confused about the hotlinking rules, PM somebody (like, say, a mod, because it's a sf site rule) and stop the derail.

thank you.

Edited by Integrity
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