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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Yay! People updated (was worried I'd somehow missed a memo about topic moving or something...)

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=38709061 <- No, I don't know what's being said. But I somehow still got heartwarming from this comic. I think its the art.

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Those Micaiah pics <3

And that comic is gorgeous. Incredible all the detail that went into it, and I love the chibi versions of the characters in some panels.

Grrr. That Avatar looks exactly like mine, but she's not getting with Frederick in this comic. That makes it really weird for me. >_<

Ana, come on. Is that all you have to say? At least appreciate it for what it is, it's not like the author did it like that to piss you off.

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And that comic is gorgeous. Incredible all the detail that went into it, and I love the chibi versions of the characters in some panels.

Not to mention just how MANY characters show up. I'm still not too sure what's going on, except lots of heartwarming sweetness that you can tell from the pictures. xP

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Not to mention just how MANY characters show up. I'm still not too sure what's going on, except lots of heartwarming sweetness that you can tell from the pictures. xP

A translation of that would make my week, I'm sure.

And while I'm at it, I may as well drop this off.


Source: This amazing person.

Edited by Vashiane
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http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=38709061 <- No, I don't know what's being said. But I somehow still got heartwarming from this comic. I think its the art.

Super simple summarizing summary.

Title: Fire Emblem Manga: "Proof of the Rainbow"

"Thanks to them, there are now so many important things in my life... people I treasure..."

"But I wonder... how come every time... I feel this uneasiness in my heart?"

Like exposition, etc.

Anna comes in with a proposition for a matsuri... a festival.

Her entire plot is to take advantage of people going on dates and get LOTSA MONEH.

"It looks like peace has returned to Iris, hasn't it?"

Chrom and her gets lots of moments. He even asks her if she remembers the promise he made when he confessed, etc.

So he asks her to marry him.

She turns him down. Because she's still thinking about that mark on her hand.

Plot plot plot, really shady higher up little sleazeball, no memories, can't trust her, etc.

Character appearance fanservice. Nono, Miriel, Etc.

Her concerns with her memories. And how she could really be an enemy of Iris, etc.

"Are you okay, Rufure?"

"Yes... I'm all right..."

("It's a lie... I'm not all right... I'm scared...")

And then she gets the premonition flashback... err... flash forward.

"No... I can't... I CAN'T DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT..."

"What... am I?" *tears*

"Someone... tell me... who I am..."

Mariabel comes along... tells her "Even Chrom told you, yes? You should take a rest once in a while. You work and worry too much sometimes."

...and she has a fever.

"I heard from Liz that he got turned down when he proposed... but when you look at them now... It doesn't look like that's the case at all..."

Little sleezeball comes back and asks if her memories have returned. She says no.

"I wonder... what kind of relationship you had with the man who organized the assassination attempt on Lady Emelina..."

"When Lady Emelina passed away..." (Stuff she said to him. How he takes her hand... etc.)

Basically he's implying she arranged all that to get close to Chrom.

Plot plot plot. Sleezeball keeps putting doubts. And how explains if it was Emelina, blah blah blah.

"It's true my sister would have done so... but..."

"I'm not my sister! I'm Chrom! And this is what I've decided."



Everyone shows up.

And then Mr. Sleezball leaves... at least until someone mentioned he was connected with the priest that betrayed Emelina on those cliffs where Tiamo (Cordelia) shows up.


Frederick now then returns his line: "I wonder if you're Iris's ally... or enemy, then?"

Callum/Kellam blocks his path because he didn't notice him. (lol)

Etc. Etc.

And how Chrom says *HER* lines... "When you're down... just grab my hand and I'll be there to lift you up."

Sappy moments with every, etc. I still love how Olivia's just a silhouette in the background. Same with Sumia.


SHE FINALLY GETS A RING. Proposal. And she accepts this time.

"The festival... has turned into those two's marriage ceremony."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Super simple summarizing summary.

Title: Fire Emblem Manga: "Proof of the Rainbow"

"Thanks to them, there are now so many important things in my life... people I treasure..."

"But I wonder... how come every time... I feel this uneasiness in my heart?"

Like exposition, etc.

Anna comes in with a proposition for a matsuri... a festival.

Her entire plot is to take advantage of people going on dates and get LOTSA MONEH.

"It looks like peace has returned to Iris, hasn't it?"

Chrom and her gets lots of moments. He even asks her if she remembers the promise he made when he confessed, etc.

So he asks her to marry him.

She turns him down. Because she's still thinking about that mark on her hand.

Plot plot plot, really shady higher up little sleazeball, no memories, can't trust her, etc.

Character appearance fanservice. Nono, Miriel, Etc.

Her concerns with her memories. And how she could really be an enemy of Iris, etc.

"Are you okay, Rufure?"

"Yes... I'm all right..."

(It's a lie... I'm not all right... I'm scared..."

And then she gets the premonition flashback... err... flash forward.

"No... I can't... I CAN'T DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT..."

"What... am I?" *tears*

"Someone... tell me... who I am..."

Mariabel comes along... tells her "Even Chrom told you, yes? You should take a rest once in a while. You work and worry too much sometimes."

...and she has a fever.

"I heard from Liz that he got turned down when he proposed... but when you look at them now... It doesn't look like that's the case at all..."

Little sleezeball comes back and asks if her memories have returned. She says no.

"I wonder... what kind of relationship you had with the man who organized the assassination attempt on Lady Emelina..."

"When Lady Emelina passed away..." (Stuff she said to him. How he takes her hand... etc.)

Basically he's implying she arranged all that to get close to Chrom.

Plot plot plot. Sleezeball keeps putting doubts. And how explains if it was Emelina, blah blah blah.

"It's true my sister would have done so... but..."

"I'm not my sister! I'm Chrom! And this is what I've decided."



Everyone shows up.

And then Mr. Sleezball leaves... at least until someone mentioned he was connected with the priest that betrayed Emelina on those cliffs where Tiamo (Cordelia) shows up.


Frederick now then returns his line: "I wonder if you're Iris's ally... or enemy, then?"

Callum/Kellam blocks his path because he didn't notice him. (lol)

Etc. Etc.

And how Chrom says *HER* lines... "When you're down... just grab my hand and I'll be there to lift you up."

Sappy moments with every, etc. I still love how Olivia's just a silhouette in the background. Same with Sumia.


SHE FINALLY GETS A RING. Proposal. And she accepts this time.

"The festival... has turned into those two's marriage ceremony."


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Ugh. I never said I didn't think the comic was GOOD at all. It IS a good comic! It's just weird for me to read it because I'm basically looking at my own Avatar, but getting with the man that in my headcanon has unrequited feelings for her. And that's my fault, not the fault of the artist. I never said anything about the artist trying to piss anyone off.

Stop complaining every time I bring up Frederick too. Not EVERY mention of him is about my favoritism for him. >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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How about you just stop bringing up Frederick in everything, especially when he has zero relevance to everyone else?

How about you just stop telling me what to do when I'm free to talk about whatever I want as long as it's on topic and not breaking any rules?

Edited by Anacybele
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