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these are simply masterpiece. seriously.


It seems this is the beginning of a promising sequel.

But why are they sharing the same face.

Edit: I'm sorry, TWO promising sequels.

Edited by Serge Dusk Herzen
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It seems this is the beginning of a promising sequel.

But why are they sharing the same face.

Edit: I'm sorry, TWO promising sequels.


You're posting in purple, too???!!!

*goes to change the color*

But there's no other good colors to post in...

Green's "taken." Blue's "taken." Grey's "taken." Purple was what I'm using...

None of the other colors seems to compliment the green screen well...

Oh well...

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Aiku's just jelly because purple should be his colour

And by black you'd still have to highlight your post and choose the colour black because default font is not black no matter what skin you use~

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Didst thou not know?! Rabbits poundeth mochi on the moon when 'tis full! Wert thou to visit the moon, what wouldst thou wish to do?

Pound mochi with the rabbits

>Pound the rabbits

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it's "thou hast" you dip

I do apologize, Sir Integrity. Thine English is not of superior quality.

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Where's my pie?

Someone paste pie over everyone's face and put "Pie-er Emblem: A-bake-ening".

I feel as though the written description is funnier than the picture could hope to be. My...sides...

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I do apologize, Sir Integrity. Thine English is not of superior quality.

either thou insultest me or thou hast confused mine with thine

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It would be the latter. I shall place the blame on Sir Elieson. I dost not mean to insult thou.

Thy- My/Your

Thine- Mine/Yours

Gods above, save me from this eternal damnation.

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