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Gerome Inheritance


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Considering passing down the ol' Axebreaker (Grego) and Lancebreaker (Serge) but I just toyed around with seals and saw that Serge can go Cleric/Troub.

I'm assuming that Troub skills in general are overlooked, but Valk skills aren't necessarily awful, and something keeps bugging me about Rally Res and Support bonus +. Is it worth passing either of those skills down?

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I'd pass Dual Support+. It can make the unit able to combat with anyone as his partner, even if they cannot support each other. If you combine it with Deliverer and the combo Defender-Dual Guard+ from the cavalier tier (classs inherited from Frederick, Stahl or Ricken), and you'd have a great Pair-Up character, which only Kjelle (pairing Sully with Donnel, Gregor or Henry), Laurent (with the same possible fathers as Gerome), Brady and Owain (the last two missing the allmighty Galeforce) can achieve without being the Avatar's kid.

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