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My Best Way of Going Through Gen 2


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My 10% magic growth Sety will hate me.

Edited by Doga
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Not to mention he'd still have about 15 magic, not awful by any stretch of the imagination.

Claude demands to be paired. Possibly with Ayra (and put Levin with Lach)

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It's pretty hard to screw Ayra up to be honest. In fact, Claude gives the kids something they can hardly get with any other pairing, resistance, while still offering decent magic for the kids to use with magic swords. Even the lack of skills isn't that bad.

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I'm only missing out on some Str growth when using Claude, but it's definitely doable. I don't think I'll have too much trouble, considering powerhouses like Shanan, Aless, Celice (promoted), and Leaf (promoted) exist.

Of course I could restrict my use of them.

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Lewyn/Raquesis is actually really good, IMO. Delmud still has a competent STR growth (50%), and he will never be slow. Nanna's pretty much the same for me, always, so she won't really change much other than being faster than normal.

Oh, and Delmud would like the pursuit ring.

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If you get lucky with his 32% MAG growth.

And YES, Azel/Briggid. Kills Faval's potential (though lolYewfelle), but Patty gets crazy MAG. Give her a 50 kill magic sword and boom.

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Hmm... I think this might be a joke topic! :O!!!

Anyways, I never played FE4 before, but would these assumingly inferior pairings still be "generally" better than the replacement children? You don't have to get into specifics because it will go over my head. :p

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I feel like someone like Lakche or her brother whose name I can't spell for shit would want it more. Especially, the brother. His str growth is looking pretty abysmal.

Aren't there 2 Hero Swords, though?

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Hero weapons negate Continue though.

Ayra's kids will want the magic swords instead, especially Skasaher since he'll have a higher magic. The Light Sword should probably be best since it should be the one with most kills on it.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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Yeah, I'll probably give a brave weapon to Arthur.

And there are several magic swords, right? Fire, Thunder, and Light. Wind, too? I could probably pass enough around so that Ayra's kids and Patty get some. Delmudd won't need one, really, since he'll still have good strength.

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In order, you get Light, Thunder, Earth, Wind and Fire swords through the game. Earth isn't really viable since it has 10 uses and Fire comes rather late in chapter 7. Two of them should be good bets on Ayra's kids. Patty wouldn't mind having one either and the others could go for Delmud or Nanna.

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Skasaher will probably get Light, and then depending on how I'm feeling either Lakche or Patty will get Thunder, with the one not getting Thunder, getting Wind.

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