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fire emblem: swords of the souls


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Btw this is my first story ever and my style may be a little different but hey enjoy my fan fic


? - with this sword you will reign

? - what do i have to do with it

? - when the time comes you will know what to do

? - wait what is your name?

? - im sure well cross paths again and then you will find out.........................

villager - yea the mercenaries that came here really took care of the bandits

villager 2 - so they were cheap too eh? ha we got lucky too too bad there ........ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

villager - what what happened

? out of my way

villager 2 - MAKE A PATH FOR THESE MEN!!!!

villager - oh my god i cant believe this

villager 2 - leader left

villager - what?

villager 2 - to bad there leader left is what i was gonna say

guard - .....

? - why do you kneel

guard - why shoudnt i your our savior

Ike - heh i guess i am

guard - shall i get the Queen

Soren - no we know were she is

Ike - lets go

guard - Elincia, Geoffrey we have visitors.

Elincia - tell them ill see them later

guard - but milady im sure you would want to see them


Ike - heh still as stubborn as ever huh Geoffrey

Elincia - no i cant be? it couldnt

Soren - oh but it is

Elinica - not him too oh my god

Ike - milady call a metting of all Telliuses leaders laguz and beorc

Geoffrey - why? whats happened?

Soren - ill explain when were all here

Elinica - agreed

Soren - now that were all here ill begin the metting

Tibarn - heh no nice reunion meal or anything. Man this sucks

Sanaki - quiet bird let him speak

Soren - thanks you. Ike before we begin would you like to say anything

Ike - nah i like when you tell the story better.

Soren - okay then now during our journey weve discovered some things

Tibarn - like what?

Soren - like that Teillius wasnt the only continent left after the great flood

Elincia - WHAT?! you mean there are others?

Ike - yea there two others one is named Elibe and the other is Magvel

Soren - i thought i was gonna tell the story

Ike - yea but you were taking too long

Soren - okay let me finish

now the two also know of the other continents. Magvel is preparing soldiers to invade Elibe to start a war and we fear that if they gain control of elibe they could invade us.

Sanaki - then whats the problem lets aid Elibe

Soren - it;s not that simple see we just finished our reconstruction so do we really wanna get involved in something now and also if we send troops over there we also run the risk of a big rebellion. and thoes countries are united unlike us they are one. Lyncia controls Elibe and Grado controls Magvel. plus both countries are bigger than us.

Elincia - So what are we to do?

Ike - soren suggested we do so we stop the invasion on us but its up to you guys.

Tibarn - heh im in. ive been wanting to kick some ass lately its a little too peaceful.

Geoffrey - ughhh Milady, our final guests have arrived.

Sothe - ike looks like your still alive huh.

Micaiah - my apologizes i just fainted

Sothe - Micaiah said she sensed an invasion of some kind on tellius but we dont know from who

Soren - sigh**** ill explain again

Micaiah - that explains it

Sothe - sigh** another war another mess

ike - well if were gonna get invaded by someone it has to be Garado

Soren - well that settles it leaders give us your best troops and well be heading to Elibe with ike as general. leave some troops here as well to defend if necessary. ike and the troops will go straight to Garado's capital and crush them.

Sanaki - oh gods watch over our souls

Soren - we depart in a week.

soldier - milord how are you alive? you came from the dead and conquered an entire continent. are you really my lord

? - who else would it be?

soldier - yes lord Hector.

Hector - if you wish to know how i live i shall tell you.

soldier - ......

Hector - my life is bound to this sword.

soldier- milord what is it

Hector - this is Soul Calibur one of the two soul swords and this is the reason why i live

soldier 2 - lord Hector the enemy has beached and a battle has begun

Hector - ughhhhhhhhh take my daughter and go to tellius. shell be safe there.

soldier 2 - yes milord

Hector - Mathew

Mathew - yes lord Hector

Hector - were leaving to go recruit troops

Mathew - were do we start?

Hector - the plains of Sacae.............

Prologue part 2

Hector - Were here mathew

Mathew - yea we are havent been here since phewwwww so long ago

Hector - ahhhh i see them

Mathew - ughhhhh

Hector - WHAT IS IT. BAH

? - why are u here

Hector - Rath..... u

Rath - you brought curruption to out sacred lands its being invaded by troops what have u done!

Hector - what troops? rebels?

Rath - no form Ostia

Hector - WHAT!

Rath - dont play dumb there after Lyn

Hector - Is she safe?

Rath - I dont know why dont you ask your soldiers! there coming this way

Mathew - ughhhhh mi lord i know who sent them

Hector - WHAT! WHO

Mathew - your........brother....

Hector - how do you know !?

Mathew - because im his spy. remember i was his spy first

Hector - no then why did they attack you

Mathew - im such a secret the soldiers dont even know

Hector - so brother is alive........

Rath - so it wasnt your fault

Hecotr -....

Rath - mathew you traitor

Mathew - ughhhhh.h.h..h...h.h.......h.......h.......

Hector - u ... u killed him

Rath - i had to to he could have been leading us into a trap


Rath - Damn

Soldiers - ahhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhhh

Rath - heh what took u so long

Guy - .....

Hector - Guy........

Guy - mathew i owed my life to you once but now....... i couldnt care less if your dead of alive traitor

Guy - i know were our allies are Rath

Rath - really were

Guy - in another continent being held prisoners

Hector - which continent?

Guy - Magvel

Mathew - looooordddd...... your brother is there too.........

Hector - mathew

Mathew - sorry mi lord... but im done..............................................

Hector - BAH!!!! Damnit all

Rath - shall we be goin lord hector

Hector - yea to recruit more troops

Soren - we beach tomorrow

Shinnon - man i hate war its such a drag

Nepheene - Dont worry i recon we gonna win

Shinnon - i have no doubts but still its such a drag

Sigrun - General

Ike - yea

Sigrun - nothing forget it on your leave

Ike - .....?

Mia - BOSS!!!!!!! its been too long since weve spared can wew please please please?

ike - heh u havent changed a bit ok lets go

Ziark - sigh ** i hate boat rides

Vika - why hate them? there so calm....


Volke - hey can u stop snoring


Haar - what what

Volke - stop snoring

Haar - oh i was. ill stop for 1000 gold

Volke - ? what?

Naseala - how did i get draged into this

Tibarn - same way i did

Naseala - Sigh**

Edited by Doom103
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Prologue part 2

Hector - Were here mathew

Mathew - yea we are havent been here since phewwwww so long ago

Hector - ahhhh i see them

Mathew - ughhhhh

Hector - WHAT IS IT. BAH

? - why are u here

Hector - Rath..... u

Rath - you brought curruption to out sacred lands its being invaded by troops what have u done!

Hector - what troops? rebels?

Rath - no form Ostia

Hector - WHAT!

Rath - dont play dumb there after Lyn

Hector - Is she safe?

Rath - I dont know why dont you ask your soldiers! there coming this way

Mathew - ughhhhh mi lord i know who sent them

Hector - WHAT! WHO

Mathew - your........brother....

Hector - how do you know !?

Mathew - because im his spy. remember i was his spy first

Hector - no then why did they attack you

Mathew - im such a secret the soldiers dont even know

Hector - so brother is alive........

Rath - so it wasnt your fault

Hecotr -....

Rath - mathew you traitor

Mathew - ughhhhh.h.h..h...h.h.......h.......h.......

Hector - u ... u killed him

Rath - i had to to he could have been leading us into a trap


Rath - Damn

Soldiers - ahhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhhh

Rath - heh what took u so long

Guy - .....

Hector - Guy........

Guy - mathew i owed my life to you once but now....... i couldnt care less if your dead of alive traitor

Guy - i know were our allies are Rath

Rath - really were

Guy - in another continent being held prisoners

Hector - which continent?

Guy - Magvel

Mathew - looooordddd...... your brother is there too.........

Hector - mathew

Mathew - sorry mi lord... but im done..............................................

Hector - BAH!!!! Damnit all

Rath - shall we be goin lord hector

Hector - yea to recruit more troops

Soren - we beach tomorrow

Shinnon - man i hate war its such a drag

Nepheene - Dont worry i recon we gonna win

Shinnon - i have no doubts but still its such a drag

Sigrun - General

Ike - yea

Sigrun - nothing forget it on your leave

Ike - .....?

Mia - BOSS!!!!!!! its been too long since weve spared can wew please please please?

ike - heh u havent changed a bit ok lets go

Ziark - sigh ** i hate boat rides

Vika - why hate them? there so calm....


Volke - hey can u stop snoring


Haar - what what

Volke - stop snoring

Haar - oh i was. ill stop for 1000 gold

Volke - ? what?

Naseala - how did i get draged into this

Tibarn - same way i did

Naseala - Sigh**

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I dunno. The grammar is bad, the spelling is bad, the punctuation is bad, and there's no narration. It's such a boring read as it is... if you went back and fixed up the grammatical errors, typos and punctuation errors, it'd be much better as is. If you added narration on top of that, it'd have a lot of potential.

But yeah, as it is it's rather boring and is severely lacking.

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it sorta as my interest but not that much sorry, but don't worry people make mistakes on their first try

I think I did when I started my story

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