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Assassin's Creed IV


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So AC VI: Black Flag was recently announced. What is SF's take on this?

I'm exited as always for more assassinating. It takes place in the Caribbean(Havana,[Cuba] Nassau,[bahamas, island that has Atlantis] and Kingston[Jamaica] are the main cities) and the protagonist is Edward Kenway, Haytham's father. I'm hoping the franchise goes on a good bit longer, no game molds history, architecture, exploration, adventure, and being a total badass quite like Assassin's Creed.

They're getting rid of the anonymous bar or whatever you wanna call it. I loved the way it functioned in the first couple of games, but with every game I hate it more and more. They've taken it in the wrong direction and now that we're a pirate we shouldn't have to give a shit about being detected.

The plot of Haytham's father could be really cool, and blending an Assassin with a pirate will be cool or awful. This game has potential to bust. I'm hoping they keep it light and simple as well. No need to take risks this late in the franchise.

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