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Dread fighter model?


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So I noticed that Alm has a blue aura in his demon fighter class surrounding him and so does Spotpass Lyon. However, I also noticed that Donny had a red glow with lightning in this class. At first, I thought this was a reference to Dread Fighter being the third tier of villager in gaiden, but I also saw that Chrom has the same red aura as Donny on the wikia. I tried switching weapons, but that doesn't seem to affect anything. Maybe it has something to do with whether or not your STR stat is higher than your MAG?

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All Spotpass or DLC characters have the blue glow, IIRC. Red glow is Dread Fighter specific.

You're right about the first part at least and partially right about the second part. Spotpass and DLC units don't get the red glow as dread fighters though as normal units do, probably because of the blue glow. It's still weird, though. Can anyone confirm that this is the only pattern (spotpass and dlc get blue glow) and everyone else gets red glow as dread fighters?

Edited by Walhart
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