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why hate the competitve scene


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Also, I've heard of pros that also use items. Shocking, isn't it?

i like to for fun you know when its just me and my best friends but only assist trophies and smash balls

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At least they don't don't have a tier list for items, lol. FS's would be at the top, Mr. Saturn would be at the bottom. In fact, I think I'll post an item tier list for the lulz.

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At least they don't don't have a tier list for items, lol. FS's would be at the top, Mr. Saturn would be at the bottom. In fact, I think I'll post an item tier list for the lulz.

Mr. Saturn is pretty much an item form of Marth's Shield Breaker though...

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I don't like the proscene because elitists tend to over analyse things. They tend to make it a game of technicalities and all such. All they care about:



Effectiveness of moves

That's it. No respect for music? Graphics? Story? Characters? Since when were games all about gameplay and nothing else?

Now, I'm not saying all elitists are like that, but most of them are. They delve deep, too deep. So deep, that the game isn't about fun any more. That, and stuff other people said in this topic.

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I don't like the proscene because elitists tend to over analyse things. They tend to make it a game of technicalities and all such. All they care about:



Effectiveness of moves

That's it. No respect for music? Graphics? Story? Characters? Since when were games all about gameplay and nothing else?

Now, I'm not saying all elitists are like that, but most of them are. They delve deep, too deep. So deep, that the game isn't about fun any more. That, and stuff other people said in this topic.

well in all fairness brawls story was pretty bad and pros are anal about graphics unless its street fighter

and characters the more the better right all pros think that way

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What most of you are missing is that by saying that the way pro's enjoy the game is the wrong way, you are acting exactly like the pro's that say that your way of enjoying the game is wrong. There is no wrong or worse ways to enjoy entertainment such as videogames. Anyone who says that their way of playing the game is better than someone else's is being a close minded elitist with the tolerance and open-mindedness of KKK. Most discussions that resolve this issue go like this:

Tourney-fag: My way of playing the game is better than yours.

Casual-tard: No, my way of playing the game is better than yours.

Tourney-fag: Shut up, you tard!

Casual-tard: No, you shut up you fag!

(I decided that tourney player starts by flipping the coin. Casuals are just as likely to start this fight in my experience.) And this continues until both sides have given the other side more than enough reasons to hate them.

In short: Both sides need to grow up and stop taking the issue so seriously.

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Thing is though, that's not usually what happens. What happens more often is that the "casual" questions the T-Fag's "way", whereas they more or less say, "No. You suck. You can't wave dash, so stop talking. Don't talk to me til you can wave dash."

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"No. You suck. You can't wave dash, so stop talking. Don't talk to me til you can wave dash."

Ever heard of thins called "Loud idiots"? Internet is full of them. You're letting a few idiots to effect your image on an entire group. And as far as questioning the way they play the game, why bother? Questioning how others have fun is waste of time and considering the tourney people hear it all the time, they must be quite fed up with it.

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I can just as easily use that logic for us. We hear we suck because we don't use "advanced techniques" or exploit glitches all the time, I think we're fed up of it.

And no, it's more than half of the community I see doing it. That's a majority. That's enough to say the average T-Fag does exactly that.

Just because they're loud idiots doesn't make others like them. Sure, some tourney goers are fine, but the average tourney-tard is a faggot who think he's the best because he can't adapt to constantly changing battles but can exploit a glitch in a game's physics to win instead and talks exactly like I've mentioned because of it.

Edited by Zanryu
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I can just as easily use that logic for us. We hear we suck because we don't use "advanced techniques" or exploit glitches all the time, I think we're fed up of it.

Then stop feeding them. If they hang around in Smash pro only communities you have no reason to be there with them and if they are becoming to non-Smash pro boards then they are just trolling.

And no, it's more than half of the community I see doing it. That's a majority. That's enough to say the average T-Fag does exactly that.


Just because they're loud idiots doesn't make others like them. Sure, some tourney goers are fine, but the average tourney-tard is a faggot who think he's the best because he can't adapt to constantly changing battles but can exploit a glitch in a game's physics to win instead and talks exactly like I've mentioned because of it.

And by insulting them, you lower yourself to their level.

I think I should just quit. This is going nowhere.

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I'm not lowering myself to their level by calling them a faggot, I'm just being me. I call pretty much everyone a faggot.

Also, personal experience means nothing when it comes to things like Fire Emblem. But behavioral things like that, it means a whole lot. Watching someone's behavior and having it be mimicked by more than half of an entire community goes to say a lot. It's not a random thing, it's there, always will be, always has been.

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Guys? Doom103 hasn't said anything about casual playing being a terrible way to play. It's cool, he's cool, we're cool. M'kay? Kay.

And I'm something of a T-fag, I guess. One of the things I kind of like about them is that they're the guys who discover and think up the cool stuff, like that Snake can do a mortar slide, that Olimar's whistle has super armor, that Falco has a death chaingrab on Snake and other dudes, that Aether is a "spike", all that stuff.

It's just that, on Smashboards particularly, there are dudes who talk more about how much they hate Brawl and how much it sucks compared to Melee than about the cool stuff in Brawl. Which I think is megadumb.

And about the tiers thing, while I wouldn't say they are EVERYTHING, in a competitive game where the options are actually, y'know, different, a couple of ways to play, characters in this case, simply are going to emerge as being "better," or having higher competitive potential than others or whatever.

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I don't mind the pros that much. They know what's what in the game and how things work. When they become a jerk because you're not as good as them, that's when it's a problem. It's nice to be great in something you like, but it's no excuse to have a massive ego. That's kind of the problem at Fire Emblem Planet, except they only become jerks if you try to say they are wrong, when odds are, they know what they're talking about. That's where I went wrong when I went there. Sure, now I know better than to say, "Nino is the best character ever", but that doesn't stop me from using her. I also got rid of the prepromote prejudice I got from Fire Emblem Online. (the forum)

But going back to Brawl, many of the pros actually don't like Brawl at all. It seems they have a problem with the new overall machanics. Well, obviously it isn't built for proper competitiveness, just look at how cheap fans are. In Melee, I could easily decimate my brother, even with items (then I decimate him worse), but in Brawl, if he gets an item, it's a massive momentum breaker.

Anyway, I stopped trying to go pro in Brawl, since it just doesn't work in this game. Now I like to do competitions in who can commit suicide the quickest as Sonic, who can eat the most motorcycles in one minute as Wario, and who can crawl the best as Zero Suit Samus. Also, I can never take the anomynous Basic Brawls seriously whatsoever.

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actually pros perfer brawl to meele due to the fact its more balanced

and i like casual play too and there are casual player that are think there better than everyone else

i find brawl good for competition again more balanced and no death comboes

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