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Hard mode 5 star difficulty


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I don't consider myself much of a pushover when it comes to getting through any difficulty (bearing in mind I haven't had the wonderful honor of being trampled with FE5's reputation) in FE, but has anyone played the 5 star rating in hard mode?

If so, has anyone passed chapter 1 on their first try? :P For now, it does seem to be 'just' stronger enemy stats as reported (instead of more of them/more reinforcements, and thankfully it didn't pull a FE10 and get rid of the weapon triangle), however I was pretty surprised that I had to actually think of a plan to take out the axe enemies since usually I would let the weapon triangle take care of them in first chapters.

I played through the game on hard mode 1 star though, and beat it with practically no trouble, except in a few unexpected reinforcement locations. We'll see if I have to restart on the second highest rating if the rest of the chapters really end up brutal :P

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I'm going to move up, to get the full effect. But it sounds an awful lot like it's become a much better game. Too bad the first chapter, everything is in your favor almost--later, it won't be so easy to plan out your moves when you've tons of Paladins and Dragon Knights coming after you, not to mention Camus :(

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Yea i got past eliwoods 2nd try and hectors 1st weird huh

ging from normal to hard really is a big jump in diffuculty it was bigger than i thought

This isn't the FE7 board. Let me take you there.

*takes FEFL*

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(instead of more of them/more reinforcements, and thankfully it didn't pull a FE10 and get rid of the weapon triangle)

isn't the effect as minuscule as ever though, like +5 accuracy/evasion?

it was bad enough that FE10 reduced +15 to +10 :(

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Even with Jeigan, Chapter 1 is a pain. Unless you shower the enemy with Javelin strikes. (And for the love of God, make sure you pick off the Pirates fast or you will get swarmed.)

At least Chapter 2, despite the stats that were likely hiked up just because of Riff, is easier. First try, I got as far as Gomes because I got lucky and Doga evaded what would have been a fatal arrow shot. And now, I have a consistent strategy against the initial force:

*Oguma sits on the south end of the bridge, equipping based on the Pirate's Fight Speed.

*Marth sits away from Daros so that Daros doesn't join where he gets raped.

*Organization so that the west Pirate doesn't get to do much damage.

*Next turn: Oguma retreats

*Pirates get swarmed to death.

*Doga takes the bridge space that the Pirate was occupying, preventing the Thieves from getting across while Doga is alive.

*Organize to prepare for Grunia Social Knight attack.

*Enemy Hunter attacks Doga or whoever is on the other side of the water.

*Heal Doga if necessary, trap the Hunter (using Sheeda and another unit) once the Thief is dealt with.


Oh, and be sure to use the Save point when all of the enemies but Gomes are dealt with.

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