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Activating a shop outside of a location event.


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3rd topic in less than a day. I know..... I'm practically spamming the forum with questions -_-

I remember partially asking this in a previous question before I edited it but not very in detail on what I needed to know. Right now I'm trying to find some workaround for an NPC triggered shop (As in talk to an NPC triggers a shop). The problem I'm coming across is it seems there is no way to activate a shop outside of a location event and landing on it.

This is especially odd to me based on the fact in FEditor there is a [buy/Sell] code.... problem is it says glitches out if there is no shop which it does. has a buy sell option with a bunch of garbage data on the screen and nothing happens. But.... how would you even activate a shop in the first place? Because from what I'm trying nothing seems to work.

You can't JUMP to a shop, or do any sort of trigger to a pointer containing a shop. Even if your character is on a tile where a shop exists (like on top of an armory tile) it doesn't trigger. I've had it trigger nothing, I've had it reset the game mostly when I start mixing the shop into this type of event and that.

Is there ANY way you can trigger a shop to occur besides a location event and landing on a tile. I'm just trying to think of something creative to get it working, even if it's going to a background and then manually moving the character, or even doing a map tile change so that all the surrounding tiles are shop tiles while the backgrounds up lol. But none of that matters if a shop can't be triggered outside of just landing on one and choosing shop.

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lol I'm just thinking this isn't possible the more I try things.

The only work around I can think of is you 'talk' to a merchant on the map. This triggers a map change with a shop appearing. The merchant then walks into the shop and disappears. Make the shop have limited inventory or one to two rare items to sell. For big 'zoomed out' maps this wouldn't look bad depending on the tileset. For zoomed in stages where the armory and vendors tiles are just a giant door the size of a character with several other tiles making up the building it would be a bit odd.

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the problem is that shops are handled super differently

the LOCA event (which is basically what the SHOP command is, only prettified) takes a parameter for "data" and a param for "command". "data" is the event itself, "command" changes what text shows up when you go to the tile ("Village/House/Armory") etc (idk if it affects anything else, my gut says it does)

if you put a pointer to SHLI data in a LOCA event, you get the shop.

You could try something like putting a pointer to the SHLI data in your CHAR event or something but i'm decently sure that own't work

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So far it doesn't seem to work no matter how I point to shop data. Definitely not anything outside of Location events. That results in most often resetting the game, but sometimes just ignoring it so nothing happens. But even the Location events I can't get working for a shop outside of a standard code on an actual shop itself. (The pretty version usually showed in tutorials)

Don't know if I'm messing anything up though for just a LOCA since I've never tried it.

LOCA 0x05 Shophere [2,2] 0x01

(tried changing the 'command' to other things like 'Shop' but doesn't seem to matter, also just change the ID around to make sure)


SHLI (IronSword)


So I use either LOCA, or I tried SHOP as well, point to my list, but right now I don't even get a command to pop up, just plain old nothing happens.

Location based event

FE8, FE7 & FE6:

LOCA ID [Position X, Position Y] Command

LOCA ID *Event Pointer* [Position X, Position Y] Command


Location based events that happen when a unit is placed to

specified position and player selects the correct command from the menu.

I was just going based off this in the doc. I even put the LOCA on an armory tile but nothing worked.

Edited by JFierce
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i wasn't intending for you to use LOCA lol, SHOP and LOCA are pretty much the same thing (not exactly but close enough)

i meant for you to do this

CHAR ID stuff stuff2 Char_ShopData unknown

// ...
SHLI //...

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lol gotcha. Yeah I've tried that sadly. It basically just ignores it and nothing happens, turn ends.

CHAR 0x05 Shophere Renault 0x67 $000000



SHLI (IronSword)


This is what I was using originally. Just a standard talk conversation that points to a shop list.

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Yeah, hence the dilemma. honestly if I could get it so a shop could work outside of a "shop" tile. A simple workaround would be making it so all the tiles around where an NPC is on the map are shops, you enter the shop then can't enter again or something. Maybe make the NPC leave after.

But so far I can't even get a shop to work outside of a shop tile. Hence why the only work around I can think of is to do a map tile change that makes a new shop appear and make the merchant walk onto it and disappear that is triggered by talking to the NPC.

Then if enemies kill him or something there is then no shop lol. Then if he's dead he also wouldn't appear in later chapters thus cutting off any shops he would create in other maps.

Edited by JFierce
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secret shop, armory and vendor are functionally the exact same thing except you need the member card to trigger secret shop

Edited by CT075
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Already tried putting the NPC on a shop tile, the player on a shop tile etc. For some reason it just won't trigger regardless of what your on. Probably has to do with how shops work that just won't allow it.

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