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If the characters on this game have jobs in real life...

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Henry is a surgeon. Now he can fulfill his desire to see blood and not get arrested for it!

Libra is obviously a priest. Members of his flock often refer to him as Father What-A-Waste.

Owain writes for Platinum Games.

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Yeah, that's another good choice, but I just played Metal Gear Rising, and at one point, I thought "This is the sort of stuff Owain would eagerly indulge in." Oh, if only our reality actually had cyborg ninjas. Owain would take that role faster than you could say "DOWN, SWORD HAND"!

Edited by Chalky
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Just what I'm thinking off the top of my head.

Chrom - Big Business CEO

Lissa - Spoiled Schoolgirl

Frederick - Butler

Sully - Technician

Virion - Croquet Player (nobility and shit)

Stahl - Alchemist (medicine maker, basically)

Vaike - Teacher (dat tenure)

Ricken - Student

Gaius - Candy Store Owner

Cordelia - Guidance Counselor

Nowi - Schoolgirl

Inigo - Pimp

Brady - Music Instructor

Aversa - Prostitute (yeah, I went there)

Say'ri - Professional Painter

Gerome - Halloween Costume Maker (likes masks and likes to sew)

Cherche - Housewife

Olivia - Professional Dancer (obvious)

Donnel - Farmer (obvious)

Libra - Priest (obvious)

Anna - Shopkeeper (obvious)

Emmeryn - School Principal

Henry - Mortician

Kellam - Construction Worker

Gregor - Professional Translator

Edited by Karaszure
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Gaius steals from the rich and gives to the needy;

Takes a wee precentage but he's not greedy;

He rescues pretty damsels (MAN he's good!);

(unintelligable) Gaius Hood!

But seriously, if he ran a candy shop, he'd eat everything. If anything he'd be a subject of study on how he's yet to die of diabetes.

And Miriel's the one who researches that XD along with Laurent

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Cherche is a herpetologist, a scientist who studies amphibians and reptiles. She does most of her research by wrestling alligators in Lousiana.

Say'ri is the heir to an inn. Her brother was supposed to inherit the inn, but he left his family business for a foreign chain of hotels that moved into the area.

Gregor is policeman. Often confuse for Mafiya legbreaker. Make job complicated.

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Miriel would be a physicist. Just because.

Laurent would try to follow in her footsteps, but would end up being an engineer instead.

Person who I think would be a teacher is Severa. She wouldn't be popular with the nerdy girls.

Vaike would probably have some entry-level job, while posting stuff on the Internet at night about why the rich are evil and all.

Ricken would be in school, studying to be a businessman, to impress Maribelle.

Stahl would work some boring job.

Sully would do hardware repairs on computers.

Kjelle would play eSports professionally. I think she'd be just smart enough not to get herself banned in LoL, but that's not an accomplishment.

Donnel would take over the family farm.

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Why does everyone think Stahl won't do anything spectacular? He's an apothecary in the game, and developing new kinds of medicine gives pretty good pay here in real life. I mean, he wouldn't be a millionare, but he would sure as hell provide for his family.

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Henry runs a funeral service, and a suicide "prevention" program.

Virion would run the Ritz Carlton.

Walhart would run Walmart (duh)

Chrom buys the rights to Google Chrome.

The Avatar would be a high ranking office guy, while Tharja is his intern who keeps trying to overstep her boundaries.

Gangrel would be a stand-up comedian, then take over Comedy Central.

Inigo would be a pimp.

Laurent would be the star of a Harry Potter reboot, with Donnel being Ron Weasley.

Noire would be in solitary confinment.

Sully would be a professional grease monkey. Yeah. ^_^

Cervantes becomes a Moustache model, as well as Dr. Eggman in a Sonic the Hedgehog Movie.

Owain would write Action based fanfics.

...Yeah, that's all I got.

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I think it's because Stahl's supposed to be the Average Joe, according to Miriel.

Sumia writes cheesy romance novels. Cordelia has a lot of input.

Aversa is the mistress to a dictator. In reality, she's connected to a bunch of intelligence agencies, terrorist organizations, and opposing strongmen.

Nah is a Magical Girl. I realize that's not actually a job, but think about it. Little girl turns into a powerful entity and fights the minions of an evil dragon who is worshiped as a god. Nowi is a retired Magical Girl who has since left that life behind, but she occasionally drops hints to Nah that she knows what she's up to.

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Stahl would be a psychiatrist.

He's kind and is understanding of other people, and is good at reading them. He's also got some experience in the medical field, so he'd prescribe the happy pills to everyone. <3

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Olivia would be an exotic dancer - wouldn't even have to change her outfit.

Flavia would be Hilary Clinton. Basilio can even be Bill, since his time to lead is over.

Cherche would be a supermodel. And the secretary who knows more than the person she works for, if she feels like it.

Miriel would be a scholar published too many times to count.

Laurent would be middle management.

Owain would write fiction.

Inigo would be an escort… when business isn't good, he escorts men.

Panne would be a very angry activist and part of tumblr's social justice league. That's redundant.

Stahl would be a pharmacist.

Maribelle would be a lawyer.

Henry would be on lockdown somewhere. He'd still have a cult following.

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Presupposing that in a "real world" setting, the characters have undergone comparable experiences or traumas...

Henry - Chief Medical Examiner, most likely for one branch of the military or the other. He could examine cadavers all he likes and figure out how people died, and be appreciated for it. Not too shabby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just what I'm thinking off the top of my head.

Chrom - Big Business CEO

Lissa - Spoiled Schoolgirl

Frederick - Butler

Sully - Technician

Virion - Croquet Player (nobility and shit)

Stahl - Alchemist (medicine maker, basically)

Vaike - Teacher (dat tenure)

Ricken - Student

Gaius - Candy Store Owner

Cordelia - Guidance Counselor

Nowi - Schoolgirl

Inigo - Pimp

Brady - Music Instructor

Aversa - Prostitute (yeah, I went there)

Say'ri - Professional Painter

Gerome - Halloween Costume Maker (likes masks and likes to sew)

Cherche - Housewife

Olivia - Professional Dancer (obvious)

Donnel - Farmer (obvious)

Libra - Priest (obvious)

Anna - Shopkeeper (obvious)

Emmeryn - School Principal

Henry - Mortician

Kellam - Construction Worker

Gregor - Professional Translator

Mostly this. Although I see Virion more like a flashy fashion designer, as someone previously mentioned. As for Stahl, I'm thinking pharmacist. He'd make a nice doctor too, maybe a pediatrician? Inigo, I'm feeling the highschool (junior high? he looks so young...) playboy. Sully just screams MECHANIC to me. Oh, I'd also add in Miriel as a chemist.

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For this, I'll be taking into account the relative ages of kids to their parents, so their jobs (or "jobs") will likely all be ones a teenager would actually be able to get.

  • You know, I can actually see Gerome being a stage actor, in plays and musicals and such. Offstage he'd never speak of it, though.
  • Miriel would obviously be a physicist.
  • Whoever said Laurent would try to be a physicist as well but get sidetracked into something else I agree with you there as well.
  • Henry would be the creepy neighbor; nobody actually has any idea what he does but he always seems really happy and sometimes weird noises are heard from his house or he's just inexplicably not there at all for completely erratic periods of time and then when he's back he acts like nothing happened. He may also be the eccentric pet store clerk.
  • Stahl, I think, would run a small family-owned pharmacy/general shop. An old friend's dad actually had a similar job, and it's something I can totally see Stahl doing.
  • I also agree with the person who said Severa would be a pop star; it matches her personality pretty well actually.
  • Kjelle would be the star pupil of some martial arts teacher.
  • Sully would be that teacher/a higher-ranked pupil, at least, as well as... well the professional grease monkey idea actually works a lot better than what I had here originally.
  • Gaius would probably own a bakery specializing in pastries and sweets.
  • Inigo I could see being, like, a cashier/bagger at a supermarket or something. I don't really know why, but I guess it's just easy to imagine him wearing the uniform and making small talk. He'd probably attend school plays and dance classes, though.
  • Vaike would so be a teacher.
  • Maribelle would be the daughter of the owner of a successful business who is also a... fashion adviser? I dunno, one of those people in high-end clothing stores who helps pick out the right outfit for you and get the best-fitting size and all that.
  • Lon'qu would also be a cashier/clerk someplace. He probably has no idea what he wants to do with his life.
  • Cherche would either be a secretary or a pet shop clerk, depending.
  • Panne and Yarne would be outdoorsy woodworkers living on the edge of town. Yarne would be a boy scout and Panne would be a scoutmaster in his troop, because according to my younger brother's troop women can actually be scoutmasters in boy scouts.
  • Tharja would... actually maybe be a psychologist, yes, this makes sense. Also a creepy holistic "medicine" brewer and maybe a drug dealer.
  • Gregor being a policeman is yes.
  • Chrom, Lissa, Emmeryn, Lucina and Owain would be members of the local rich family.
  • Frederick is their butler.
  • Owain would be a really nerdy, hyperactive kid who loves D&D and takes Kendo lessons from...
  • Priam, who would be the personable Kendo tutor living on the edge of town in an old fashioned house.
  • Brady would be the classmate who looks and talks like a thug and so gets written off as one even though he's really a very nice guy. Man, a lot of the kids would be grocery store clerks in my mind.
  • Cynthia would be the super peppy student who's sort of "the cute one" in her group of friends (well, the cute one to them) and who probably works at a pizza parlor.
  • Old Hubba would be still be a fortune teller, obviously. He'd also probably be a foreigner... you know, the whole Outrealms thing and all. either that or he's great at forging passports and/or is a human trafficker
  • Virion might be a talk show host, CEO of some company or maybe a male model.
  • Kellam would be a secret field agent whose superiors often forget him at inopportune times, making his job much more difficult than it would be otherwise. Or he'd have an underwhelming job at a supermarket or something. Take your pick.
  • Libra would be a priest, obviously.
  • Cordelia would be Severa's hardworking businesswoman mom who's barely ever at home.
  • Gangrel would be a crime lord-turned-homeless-street punk
  • Walhart would obviously be the CEO of some large, successful and constantly expanding company.
  • Aversa would be a secretary who dresses just about as revealingly as she can without getting in trouble with her boss...
  • Validar, the company manager who may or may not also be the head of a cult and/or a mob boss and is also Robin's father.
  • The Annas would own a successful supermarket franchise, with the one recruited in-game running the local branch.
  • Sumia would be a florist.
  • Donnel would be a farmer or a rancher, obviously.
  • Nowi would be a loose, carefree teen mom who's surprisingly hard to get really stressed out about anything. Maybe she has a paper route or something?
  • Because of the above Nah would be a baby, a toddler or still in her mom's belly.
  • Whoever suggested the Chon'sin siblings hotel idea, I agree with you.
  • Noire would be the super-introverted mentally-disturbed nerdy goth girl who almost never initiates conversation with anyone unless someone hits a nerve in which case she goes berserk.
  • Tiki would probably be a celebrity of some kind. Maybe someone like Oprah? Or she could be a religious leader.
  • Flavia would be the town/city mayor and...
  • Basilio would be the vice mayor.
  • Robin would be the new guy/girl in town, having recently enrolled in a local college, unwittingly in the very same town/city in which his/her estranged father works.
  • Morgan would be Robin's kid after some romantic plot development.
  • The DLC and SpotPass characters are the random background townsfolk.

The topic said to say what jobs I think the characters would have in real life but I ended up making a realistic modern-day AU instead.


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The really fun thing about this list is applying it to the pairings you've chosen. I was simultaneously amused and depressed at imagining how Donnel and Nowi would deal with raising Nah at such a young age.

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