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Takeno's mugshop


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First a little mug


and second, an animation of a Female Merc (or so I hoped)

edit: animation deleted ( I'll repost when I finish the whole battle sheet)

Battle Sheet (there're only the normal attack and the dodging stance)


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D-does the sword get cut off when it's spun?

B-but physics

Well I had to cut it it because it would have been weird to see the sword under the shadow...like this


So I made the sword pass trought the ground....I had a frame for that (in which the sword "cut" the soil) but lost it....might redo if it seems weird to others

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You should probably add in a frame after that so the sword-lance isn't spinning 180 degrees in one frame.

Also, have the sword-lance point slightly to the right before the swing; that would seem more natural. Also maybe pointing left after the 360 she does when she retreats since spinning something that big, that fast, into a dead stop is ridiculously hard.

As for the mug, it's put together all right (except the Hector piece just sort of sits there unattached to anything), but it's pretty messy all around, what with missing or overly thick outlines and lack of shading/antialiasing between spliced parts.

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The sword in the animation looks kinda like a giant vegetable peeler too (which is totally awesome in itself). The hilt is really long, one thing I noticed is that her grip on the hilt changes throughout the animation for no apparent reason? Still a good attempt to me though imo *w* Battle animations are very time consuming

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I'm not saying that you can't do tiny person big sword, but I don't think it fits the mercenary class in particular. I'd say if you're deadset on making a merc you may want to make her bigger, but otherwise just make it a custom class, or something. Doesn't really feel like a mercenary.

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The sword in the animation looks kinda like a giant vegetable peeler too (which is totally awesome in itself). The hilt is really long, one thing I noticed is that her grip on the hilt changes throughout the animation for no apparent reason? Still a good attempt to me though imo *w* Battle animations are very time consuming

Do you mean the fact that she starts with a 1H stance and strikes with a 2H stance ? If so there is a frame where the non wielding arm starts grabing the sword-lance.....If it is not that please do explain more ?

And for everyone else...Thanks for the criticism (it always help)


I'm not saying that you can't do tiny person big sword, but I don't think it fits the mercenary class in particular. I'd say if you're deadset on making a merc you may want to make her bigger, but otherwise just make it a custom class, or something. Doesn't really feel like a mercenary.

Well if other want to use it it's up to them to decide.....so if someone want to give it a name...feel free to do it...

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You should probably add in a frame after that so the sword-lance isn't spinning 180 degrees in one frame.

Also, have the sword-lance point slightly to the right before the swing; that would seem more natural. Also maybe pointing left after the 360 she does when she retreats since spinning something that big, that fast, into a dead stop is ridiculously hard.

As for the mug, it's put together all right (except the Hector piece just sort of sits there unattached to anything), but it's pretty messy all around, what with missing or overly thick outlines and lack of shading/antialiasing between spliced parts.

Something like this ?


If that does not work I could remove the second swing and make something like that


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Well I can't say for sure since I'm not some genius that can mentally animate things, but yeah that looks much better. Except there's still the deal with her hand on her hip, and actually I think there should be an intermediary frame between when she lifts the sword-spear like | and like /. Or the frame where she raises it could have it at that 22 degree angle or something. Also while I'm talking about inertia, maybe when she retreats have her not go right into standing upright--perhaps the added frame when she's spinning the sword-spear to the right could have her knees bent ever so slightly?

Also I'm sure you'd notice this on your own, but the last frame has the tip of the blade coming off.

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I'm talking about the transition between these frames, it's not really making sense to me. Her hand goes from grabbing one part of the hilt, to it suddenly sliding to the opposite end. That's all I meant

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Does this look better ?

@ 47948201 : I made a frame between the | stance and the / stance and a kneeling frame at the end of the jumping retreat. And there are less frame with the right hand on the hips

@ Mewiyev : I think I made the transition you point out (or so I think...)

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Looking much better, though this frame


where she takes her far hand off her weapon, then puts it back on, I think would make more sense if she was still holding the weapon two-handed.

Now I just hope you'll be able to insert this nicely, but I trust you will.

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Based on what I've seen in the gif, you need more delays on the timing. The whole attack is way too fast and needs to be slowed down, particularly the raise before the downward slash. Realistically, can anyone move that fast? Not really. Therefore when she lifts it straight up, make it hold there for a split second prior to the downward slash.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

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Based on what I've seen in the gif, you need more delays on the timing. The whole attack is way too fast and needs to be slowed down, particularly the raise before the downward slash. Realistically, can anyone move that fast? Not really. Therefore when she lifts it straight up, make it hold there for a split second prior to the downward slash.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

Ah about the animation....I think I got a problem with the conversion .AVI to .GIF, in the video, the moves aren't that fast

But thanks I'll keep that in mind

I might as well delete it and post the final product....

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