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Future of Despair Synopsis?


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Sorry if a topic like this already exists, but if it did I couldn't find it.

Could someone explain to me, in a nutshell, what happens in Future of Despair based on the JP version of the game?

I know that you go into the future and the children characters can have conversations with their alternate selves, and that after clearing Future of Despair 3 you get the end credits, but what exactly is the story? And why are their two Morgans? Do the child characters from your timeline become/go with the characters from Future of Despair's timeline? And finally, is Future of Despair canon? If so, does it happen before or after the game's final chapter?

Forgive me if nobody can answer this.

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I haven't read much of the dialogue, because I don't want to spoiler myself, but I can tell you a few things.

1. I don't *think* there are end credits after beating Future of Despair 3. I do know there's one video that has the end credits, but I'm 99% sure the video creator added it for effect.

2. Future of Despair takes place in an alternate timeline--it's not the same timeline that Lucina and the kids from the story are from, but it's very similar. Because of this reason, you can have two set of kids in these episodes (your version and a NPC version).

3. The gist I got of the story is that Naga can't save the world, so Chrom and co. are tasked with helping the kids. The kids are trying to obtain the Fire Emblem and the five gemstones to stop Grima, but they're in dire straits.

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I haven't read much of the dialogue, because I don't want to spoiler myself, but I can tell you a few things.

1. I don't *think* there are end credits after beating Future of Despair 3. I do know there's one video that has the end credits, but I'm 99% sure the video creator added it for effect.

2. Future of Despair takes place in an alternate timeline--it's not the same timeline that Lucina and the kids from the story are from, but it's very similar. Because of this reason, you can have two set of kids in these episodes (your version and a NPC version).

3. The gist I got of the story is that Naga can't save the world, so Chrom and co. are tasked with helping the kids. The kids are trying to obtain the Fire Emblem and the five gemstones to stop Grima, but they're in dire straits.

Thank you; that inadvertently cleared up all of my questions.

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Sorry to dredge this up again, but given that

the Grima in Future of Despair 3 is more powerful than the Grima from Endgame

is it fair to assume that these events happen after the final chapter chronologically? Or is there text or dialogue to suggest that it occurs before?

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I'm completely in the dark about the chronology. However...

Judging by the kids' ages alone, I figured FoD had to take place afterwards.

As for Grima's increased strength, Grima probably didn't need to travel back in time to Chrom's era and thus didn't experience a power drain.

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I should have explained better. My question is: did Chrom and friends go to the future BEFORE dealing with you-know-who in their own timeline, or AFTER they finished the job?

By the way, thanks again for someone as critical to the site as you taking the time to answer som newb's thread.

Edited by HijackThis
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