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Who is your MU?

A small census on your first Avatar  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Sex

  2. 2. Build

  3. 3. Hair- Style

  4. 4. Hair-Color

    • 1 white
    • 2 dull maroon
    • 3 dull blue
    • 4 faded green
    • 5 faded brown
    • 6 pink
    • 7 blonde
    • 8 purple
    • 9 brown
    • 10 gray
    • 11 hot pink
    • 12 light blue
    • 13 teal
    • 14 dull blonde
    • 15 sandy brown
    • 16 dull pink
    • 17 more blonde
    • 18 more purple
    • 19 dull red
    • 20 orange
  5. 5. Face

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I'm just curious to see what was most popular amongst the forest as far as avatar types are concerned.

My First MU was a guy named Mark and my second was a woman named Karla because FE7 was magical and I am a terribly not creative person.

Edited by Father Anderson
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This is like the third Avatar thread we've had in this board. lol

Anyway, mine is a female (seeing as I'm a girl. xP), medium build, teal hair, I think with hairstyle 3 and face 2. Not sure exactly on the last two, I can't remember. xP

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I use the same male and female MU repeatedly. The poll is done for my male MU. My female one has medium build, eyes 2, hair color 7, and I forgot the hair style. (It's the one with the back ponytail and braids.)

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I /think/ the loosely tied bunponytail hybrid thing for big female MU is 4 at least

Anyway went Str+ Res- because hitting things

Probably will do bigdude with the longish hair and a scarface when I do a dude run

Edited by Thor Odinson
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My One True Avatar is a medium build, red ponytail (3) girl named Fox. I've used some male and female variants since but only for variety.

She's also married to Chrom.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Female, Medium size, Face #5, hair #2, Color #18, and voice #3 with my irl nick name, that's my one true avvie~

+ skl - spd for being a lazy but proficient student. Usually War Cleric 4 lyfe, or a Dark knight.

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Basically the one you see in my avatar, but with a stern face and brown hair. lol

Female -- I am female, lol

Small build --I'm short and everyone says I look younger than I am, so yeah.

Long straight hair --the other hairstyles are ew

Hair color 5 -- The 'brown' you have listed, I see as more of a faded black. I see 5 has the true brown while 9 is either black or very dark brown

Face 4 -- I liked this face better than the rest.

Voice 1 -- the other two are too old-sounding.

Asset: Speed.

Flaw: Luck (because luck really seems to hate me, at least when it comes to video games.)

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I forget what all the numbers are, and I doubt any of you care, but I named my guy Jacques and gave him long(ish) Black hair.

On another file I named my guy Mr. X, with Silver-White hair.

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My first female Avatar named Seraphina (married to Chrom) is the generic female avatar that sometimes appears at the top of your page (ie build 1 (medium), Face 1, Hair 1, Hair color 1 (white), Voice 3). In the months leading to Awakenings release, I just got so used to seeing her as the default female avatar that I couldn't imagine at the time using any other build. Yay for generic defaults!

My male avatar named Micah is build 1 (medium), Face 1, Hair 4, Hair color 9 (black), Voice Male 3, and is married to Tiki.

I haven't created her yet since she'll be the last one I make for my Avatar Army run as my main and more personal Avatar, but my third female avatar (married to Chrom again) will be medium build, face 4, hair 3, hair color 5 (brown), and voice 3. I'll actually be able to use my name for this one (Its Ana, but thankfully one letter less than Awakening Anna, so I'm good! And I also share a birthday with Lissa....so more run-ins I guess).

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Female, build two, hairstyle one, hair color nine (closest to black I could get), voice one (needless to say, she doesn't look antyhing like me IRL). Basically, short black-haired girl with twin tails and this really sharp and confident voice.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Am I the rare IRL-girl playing male MU first?

Male, Medium Build, Face 2, Light Blonde Hair 1.



I want to take a proper screenshot T^T why 3DS can't do it sob.gif

Edited by Fairlee
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Small build, hair and eye style 1, and hair color 17. She's gonna marry Paris, obviously. ...Yep, that describes my first playthrough avatar, Whitlia.

Long time waiting.

I commend you for your loyalty to an unreleased character. lol

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*looks at voters under "male" option*

*looks at voters under "female" option*

Are there any other women besides me who made a male MU first?

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