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Amgamg help meee~


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I have a nearly completed Pokemon team, as in I have decided on five members, but Iunno what role the fifth should have and I can't decide on a sixth.



Rhydon(soon to be Rhyperior)


Drapion(lul whatdo)


Standard spread on the Leafeon and Archeops, 252 attack/speed. Rhydon is ms.tank, 252 HP/defense. Chandelure has a weird spread, 252 speed, 210 special attack and 46 defense(I'm feeling ambitious). But Drapion? Iunno. Should I focus on defense or offense for it? It can do either, so mabye both? That sixth member? I have no clue. I was thinking Prankster Whimsicott, but iunno. Thoughts? Ideas?

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People still use Mamoswine? But, like, as you can see I'm not really concerned with what decimates my team. But if not Drapion, then who? I'd like to know since I'm dead set on Drapion.

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People still use Mamoswine? But, like, as you can see I'm not really concerned with what decimates my team. But if not Drapion, then who? I'd like to know since I'm dead set on Drapion.

I've seen Mamoswine around.

As for a Drapion replacement, Ferrothorn can tank special attacks that Rhyperior(or any other member of your team) can't, and it effectively sets up entry hazards.

Alternatively, you can have it run an offensive set to catch people off guard, but I've never seen it last long after the opponent realizes it's offensive.

Also if you can get it, Espeon with its' dream world ability is amazing.

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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I though people these days dont evolve their rhydons because Eviolite is a thing

Rhyperior is cooler and has more HP. But I have thought about just giving my Rhydon an Eviolite. Speaking of Eviolite, is Eviolite Porygon2 bulkier than Scrafty and Umbreon.

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