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European website and demo


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Only 10 uses of DEMO?

And the Spanish names of some objects lack the preposition "de"

And they've had a year and they don't even translate the voices of the characters?

NINTENDO Spain... I'm speechless...

Same thing in italian, the preposition "di" is absent from the weapons' name, like a direct translation of Iron Sword instead of "Sword of Iron". The voices are rarely translated in rpgs, dubs cost A LOT and would have delayed the game's arrive for another month or two.

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This particular prepositional error is nothing new - FE10's Spanish and Italian translations had the same problem, although at least then they were somewhat consistent by almost not having any at all. On the other hand, the Spanish and Italian versions of FE7, 8 and 11 didn't omit prepositions. Perhaps they did it for space reasons, choosing to not have prepositions instead of contracting the "sword" part of it like they used to do in the GBA games?

(disclaimer: I have no education at all in Spanish or Italian; I just have a couple of partially completed spreadsheets and a fuckton of spare time)

Edited by bookofholsety
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I've finally played the demo. It didn't let me down. I've played on normal and it was too easy, I didn't have to think at all. Also, I don't know why I was worried who should kill to get more EXP, as this is only a demo with two levels... :D

I still have 9 more uses, I'm gonna try the hard mode and then the lunatic mode. At first I thought 10 uses weren't enough, but I think it's the right number. How many times can we play the demo without spoiling the experience when playing the full game? I'm even skipping the dialogues to not be spoiled. I just didn't resist to watch the cutscenes: they really look great. Oh, and after being worried about how difficult it is to read texts on the 3DS and 3DS XL (I have harvest moon with blurry text and monster hunter 3 Ultimate with it's horrible text font), it's a relief too see that FEA's text is sharp and easy to read.

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Seen the clips on Youtube on the European channels. Because I like learning new words and I kinda wished there was a French translation in Canada.

Things I liked in the French translation-

Saint-Royaume d'Ylisse? Les Veilleurs? The French Translation makes me wish there was a French translation here in Canada! And according to the French info, Pair Up is called Duo. Brave weapons are Héros weapons, is that constant with French translations? And hey, I kinda expected Clerics to be called Soeurs! Also, the Master Seal is called the magister... *looks up Google* Oh hey, that is awesome! More reasons why I could've liked a French translation around here! And the Second Seal is scholaris... Here's from wiktionary. Why does the French version has the cooler names?! ...Also, were Priests always called Vicaire in French translations? ...Moine Guerrier? YES. And Baladin for trickster? Works with the jester motif of the clothing. Were Swordsmasters always called bretteur? *The word fits.* And Dark Knights are Paladin Noir? SEXY. Crochetage... I didn't knew the French work for lockpicking! Tantivy is Indépendance... I could work with that. Quick Burn is Adrénaline- why didn't they used that?! Swordbreaker is Anti-Épee, that's pretty cool. Healtouch is Main guérisseuse and the Rally skills are Raliement: ___. Kinda like that. Also, ___faire is art des ____. More on classes... Tacticians are Stratège, which means strategist. ...Taguel is Tagüel, looking pretty metal to me. Villager is of course villageois... Did I ever said French language is awesome? Also, they're using the Walkyrie spelling. More metal.

Dude, seriously, I'm french. Some of those translations sound just weird. Especially Baladin... Seriously, NoE, Baladin ? I played the demo yesterday and Veteran became Harmonie. Don't why, but meh... And Outdoor fighter became Guerrier des plaines (literraly Plaines warriors). And tha'ts all I know for now ^^'

Also, I completed the demo in lunatic mode and Chrom reached level 5, while MU almost get to level 3... Did I play right ? ^^'

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Dude, seriously, I'm french. Some of those translations sound just weird.

Same for me with the Spanish... Especially Auriga for Falcon Knight o_O And apparently they decided Taguel should be spelled the same as English, even though this makes the u silent, instead of how the French version did it (Tagüel). Kinda disappointed to hear they didn't record new voices, though I guess I can see why.

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Oh, are we bragging about Lunatic? Guess I'll join in... I was horrified at first, but then I figured out that if you give the Bronze Sword to Frederick, make either Robin or Chrom support him and then keep everyone else the hell away from the fighting, it's pretty easy. Still (as far as I can fathom) impossible without resorting to the Jagen though, which feels highly unnatural to me. I might keep trying to do it without him, if I want to depress myself.

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This particular prepositional error is nothing new - FE10's Spanish and Italian translations had the same problem, although at least then they were somewhat consistent by almost not having any at all. On the other hand, the Spanish and Italian versions of FE7, 8 and 11 didn't omit prepositions. Perhaps they did it for space reasons, choosing to not have prepositions instead of contracting the "sword" part of it like they used to do in the GBA games?

(disclaimer: I have no education at all in Spanish or Italian; I just have a couple of partially completed spreadsheets and a fuckton of spare time)

LOL Actually I was going to ask if you are italian or spanish :P In the GBA games they just contracted "Sword" but kept the preposition, this new nomenclature is.. silly, although italian language usually has very long words, so adding four more spaces (space_di_space) would have been terrible with weapons like Steel Swords (Spada di Acciaio. That's pretty long).

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Same for me with the Spanish... Especially Auriga for Falcon Knight o_O And apparently they decided Taguel should be spelled the same as English, even though this makes the u silent, instead of how the French version did it (Tagüel). Kinda disappointed to hear they didn't record new voices, though I guess I can see why.

Yeah, Auriga also sounds strange for me too...

P.S.: Are you Spanish too? ^^

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And apparently they decided Taguel should be spelled the same as English, even though this makes the u silent, instead of how the French version did it (Tagüel).

Funny enough, before I actually heard Panne say it in combat, even I with my English copy pronounced "Taguel" with a silent "u."

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There are a few things so far I don't like in the german translation.

First and probably most annoying to me:

Paladins are called "Rittmeister", which used to be a real army rank, but to most people sounds more like the guy cleaning the stables.

Also the concept and name Paladin are known by pretty much everyone who ever played an RPG.

"Geistliche" and "Heiler" for Cleric and Priest. "Kleriker" would be more apropriate for both. Again it would be an already established term.

"Heiler" is Healer and has nothing to do with priests.

"Kriegsheiliger" for War Monk, basically War Saint, it just sounds kinda weird and complicated.

"Kriegeraxt" I haven't found out what axe exactly that is but it would be "Warrior Axe". Why not "Kriegsaxt", "War Axe"?

The skill Miracle is "Arkanum", which means "secret", but it's not a very well known word, I had to look the meaning up.

Well, because you're so familiar with your own language, you notice the things that feel off much easier than non-native speakers.

So it's really rare to find a translation into your native language that's really well done.

That's why many people that speak japanese complain about the english version as well.

And on the topic of Lunatic: I can't even finish the first map on lunatic -.-

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How is it possible to complete the last chapter in Lunatic with Frederick alive without hoping for a 85% miss from the boss?

In the Demo? Give Frederick Robin/Avatar's Bronze Sword and use the Fort/Forest Terrain for greater avoid.

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Dude, seriously, I'm french. Some of those translations sound just weird. Especially Baladin... Seriously, NoE, Baladin ? I played the demo yesterday and Veteran became Harmonie. Don't why, but meh... And Outdoor fighter became Guerrier des plaines (literraly Plaines warriors). And tha'ts all I know for now ^^'

Also, I completed the demo in lunatic mode and Chrom reached level 5, while MU almost get to level 3... Did I play right ? ^^'

Well, I see you're from France, so maybe the difference in dialects is what makes me like things?

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There are a few things so far I don't like in the german translation.

First and probably most annoying to me:

Paladins are called "Rittmeister", which used to be a real army rank, but to most people sounds more like the guy cleaning the stables.

Also the concept and name Paladin are known by pretty much everyone who ever played an RPG.

"Geistliche" and "Heiler" for Cleric and Priest. "Kleriker" would be more apropriate for both. Again it would be an already established term.

"Heiler" is Healer and has nothing to do with priests.

"Kriegsheiliger" for War Monk, basically War Saint, it just sounds kinda weird and complicated.

"Kriegeraxt" I haven't found out what axe exactly that is but it would be "Warrior Axe". Why not "Kriegsaxt", "War Axe"?

While I can understand your point of complaining about those choices because there might be better ones, I don't see what's the big deal with it. Personally, I think it would have been much more distracting if they broke the continuity by using the terms that you suggest instead of going with the established ones that exist since the first German translation of a Fire Emblem game.

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How is it possible to complete the last chapter in Lunatic with Frederick alive without hoping for a 85% miss from the boss?

I've managed twelve Lunatic runs with no losses, so I think it's down to your approach.

Are you using Pair Up?

I didn't have to trade a sword to Freddy, fort + Chrom was good enough.

Keep in mind that Chrom has a Vulnerary that can be traded to Freddy if you're in a real pinch.

Virion has an Elixir too, so there's that.

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My strategy is sticking Frederick paired with Chrom in a fort and just resist the assault. But the boss is the real problem, he hits hard, so I always am in a pinch situaztion: to heal with a Vulnerary-Elixir or to do damage? The other characters do jack, healing with Frederick means not damaging the boss and using another item in the next turn, so yeah... Actually I'm curious about the Bronze Sword, this is not the first time it's mentioned, why to use it instead of the Silver Lance?

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Well, I see you're from France, so maybe the difference in dialects is what makes me like things?

Probably. Or maybe I just don't like my native language ^^'

But I just don't understand some translations like Baladin. I mean, Baladins are guys from circus (or something like that), nothing close to Trickster. Or is it that I don't get the word Trickster ?

While names like Zelcher and Palne are actually good (Cherche is soooooooooooooooooo strange for us frenchie, I almost disliked the character just because of that...), Lon'zu and... well, scholaris is a bit weird too, but that's fine.

Alos, for those who possess basics of French, Chrom and Liz "tutoient" (says "tu") everyone and Fred "vouvoie" (says "vous") everyone. However, MU says "tu" to Chrom... A bit awkward at first, but maybe that's just me.

Btw, I don't know if it has been said before, but Validar became Valldar in French. Meh...

And Risen became Ombre (literraly Shadow (or Shade, I don't really know)). And that's cool.

I've managed twelve Lunatic runs with no losses, so I think it's down to your approach.

Are you using Pair Up?

I didn't have to trade a sword to Freddy, fort + Chrom was good enough.

Keep in mind that Chrom has a Vulnerary that can be traded to Freddy if you're in a real pinch.

Virion has an Elixir too, so there's that.

I just played Lunatic again just a little earlier. I gave my bronze sword to Fred and paired him up with Chrom. At the end of Chapter 1, Chrom reached level 5, MU reached level 4 (almost 5) and Lissa reached level 2 (almost 3). And I blessed by the RNG Goddess Anna. And I get Aversa's Night (and Alm's and Selpih's blades on other tries)

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My strategy is sticking Frederick paired with Chrom in a fort and just resist the assault. But the boss is the real problem, he hits hard, so I always am in a pinch situaztion: to heal with a Vulnerary-Elixir or to do damage? The other characters do jack, healing with Frederick means not damaging the boss and using another item in the next turn, so yeah... Actually I'm curious about the Bronze Sword, this is not the first time it's mentioned, why to use it instead of the Silver Lance?

Weapon triangle. Try it, you'll be surprised.

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There are a few things so far I don't like in the german translation.

First and probably most annoying to me:

Paladins are called "Rittmeister", which used to be a real army rank, but to most people sounds more like the guy cleaning the stables.

Also the concept and name Paladin are known by pretty much everyone who ever played an RPG.

"Geistliche" and "Heiler" for Cleric and Priest. "Kleriker" would be more apropriate for both. Again it would be an already established term.

"Heiler" is Healer and has nothing to do with priests.

"Kriegsheiliger" for War Monk, basically War Saint, it just sounds kinda weird and complicated.

"Kriegeraxt" I haven't found out what axe exactly that is but it would be "Warrior Axe". Why not "Kriegsaxt", "War Axe"?

The skill Miracle is "Arkanum", which means "secret", but it's not a very well known word, I had to look the meaning up.

Well, because you're so familiar with your own language, you notice the things that feel off much easier than non-native speakers.

So it's really rare to find a translation into your native language that's really well done.

That's why many people that speak japanese complain about the english version as well.

And on the topic of Lunatic: I can't even finish the first map on lunatic -.-

I would say that the only real problem with the translation is that they never fixed their "Elfire" translation.

They somehow translated that as "ElfLight". And unlike the English translation, they never changed "Lightning" to "Light".

So by the time of PoR and RD, we had light magic spells called "Lightning" and "ElfLightning" and a fire spell called "ElfLight".

At least Awakening will avoid that mess either way, because it has no "lightning" magic in the first place.

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I would say that the only real problem with the translation is that they never fixed their "Elfire" translation.

They somehow translated that as "ElfLight". And unlike the English translation, they never changed "Lightning" to "Light".

So by the time of PoR and RD, we had light magic spells called "Lightning" and "ElfLightning" and a fire spell called "ElfLight".

At least Awakening will avoid that mess either way, because it has no "lightning" magic in the first place.

Oh my god, you are stuck with Elf-things too?! I'm starting to think that's the actual meaning, at first I thought it was an oversight in italian translation, and that really was a Nordic prefix or something.

Ok then, I'm trying lunatic again!

EDIT WOW! Guess what I found in the first event tile: Ephraim's Lance! Awesome, a Silver Lance with +2 Speed! I doubled the Risen boss and OROKed him, and I managed to Support-guard Fred with Chrom TWICE with a 5%! feelsgoodman.jpg

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Probably. Or maybe I just don't like my native language ^^'

But I just don't understand some translations like Baladin. I mean, Baladins are guys from circus (or something like that), nothing close to Trickster. Or is it that I don't get the word Trickster ?

While names like Zelcher and Palne are actually good (Cherche is soooooooooooooooooo strange for us frenchie, I almost disliked the character just because of that...), Lon'zu and... well, scholaris is a bit weird too, but that's fine.

Alos, for those who possess basics of French, Chrom and Liz "tutoient" (says "tu") everyone and Fred "vouvoie" (says "vous") everyone. However, MU says "tu" to Chrom... A bit awkward at first, but maybe that's just me.

I think it's a reference to their clothing, lol, idk.

And I've never heard of tutoient and vouvoir before, so that kinda took me by surprised... ah, I see! Maybe it's to emphasize the fact that Chrom prefers informal speech to formal speech? In the Japanese and English version, I do recall that in chapter 2, when Chrom's lineage was reveal, Robin used formal language before Chrom said it was okay for them to us informal language around him, and so after that, they continued being informal. I'm kinda mixed up with my "tu"s and my "vous"s in the first place, and add in the fact that the dialect I use tends to get tu into t'... (like, tu es is t'es, tu avais is t'avais... Acadian dialect, I love you.)

...I wonder what type of dialect they're gonna give to Donny?

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Ha ha, talking about event tiles, I had a lot of good weapons sometimes ^^ Like Aversa's Night, Superior Lance, Alm's Blade, Seliph's Blade, Wolt's Bow, and a Catharsis. And a reeking box, but who cares

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