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Bromance : There Isn't Enough of It

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For the most part, Awakening spoils us in terms of romantic pairing choices. But in terms of same gender friendships? Very, very slim pickings, and that's such shame when you have so many characters with rich personalities.

So, people of Serenes Forest, what bromance/womance supports would you have liked to see in game? I've got a two examples to start it off:

Chrom - Ricken: I know I definitely wanted to see some type between support the moment the kid was introduced. The game goes as far as to state that Ricken really looks up to Chrom, but they give us little reason as to why, nor do either characters interact much aside from that one in-game cutscene.

Panne-Nowi: I think they'd both bond nicely over the aches and pains of being a shape-shifter while discussing their own opinions on humans in general.

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Yeah, there weren't many non-romantic supports outside of parent-child and sibling ones. That was a bit disappointing.

How about Frederick and Stahl? Frederick apparently trained Sully, so he probably taught Stahl a thing or two as well. Virion and Henry just seem random...

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Just stick to the Avatar (M) and Chrom bromance. The "I sacrifice myself to kill grima thing" after a few times eventually set this way into my mind.

Chrom: I will not rest until I find him.

Sumia: I know he's very important to us all, me included. But you have a kingdom to run and two daughters to take care of. Don't forget me too.

Chrom: Woman! Rule #1! Bros before hoes!

Plus Chrom's final cg in the other ending is just...weird...Chrom's staring into my soul...Stop it! I have Cordelia already!

Edited by Naui
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There is a gratuitous lack of Lon'qu x Libra in this game.

That surely would be comedic gold.

I'd like to see Olivia and Cordelia, because I'd imagine Olivia to be in awe of Cordelia's talents and maybe viceversa for Olivia's dancing ability. Henry and Stahl might be amusing because they're "easygoing" in different ways. Oh, Gregor and Basilio, because they're both hilarious fellows.

Also, Gregor once competed against Basilio for the title of Khan. That's something interesting

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OMG yes to Chrom/Ricken support! Dude it would be cute.

Lon'Qu and Basilio too, seriously, L was B's champion, but they can't support? How dumb, grr.

I also wish all the children supported with each other, they supposedly stuck together in a horrible feature, yet they don't get to support with all the kids the same gender. Bah.

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Basilio really should have had both Lon'qu and Gregor as supports. Meanwhile I wish Flavia would support Lucina, and for the luls I kind of want her to support Miriel too. Say'ri should've had a support with Anna. And Virion should have had a support with Inigo! Generally I wish that gen 1 had more supports with gen 2 that weren't parent supports. The only ones I can think of are Nah and Lucina supporting with Tiki, and Avatar supports.

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There is a gratuitous lack of Lon'qu x Libra in this game.

Oh man....

If only...

How about Frederick and Stahl?

Even weirder? Those two look freaking RELATED! and yet no support? D:

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They aren't related, but they resemble each other greatly. Stalh pretty much looks like young Frederick, since they have similar hairstyles and start in same class tree.

I'd be willing to say that's better than canon, then tongue.gif

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I did notice some bromance between OwainXInigo. It's cute how the two would argue. Oh I can still remember Inigo teasing Owain about playing with Dolls, and he got mad and dissed him from being a chastise in return

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Kjelle and Walhart. I'm not kidding. Lucina and Kjelle's supports have Kjelle looking down on the weaker members of the army, and I genuinely want to know how she would react to Walhart, whose philosophy matches up eerily well with her opinions and actions.

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Ricken does gets a conversation with Chrom in the summer of bonds dlc if i'm not mistaken.

I kinda wanted to see a Gangrel/Walhart support. I don't think the two former bad guys would like each other very much.

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I've always thought that Gaius and Kellam would have a pretty great support together. Our two Plegians supporting with their former king would've been interesting as well.

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Yes, the game severely lacks same-gendered supports. The Bonds DLC kind of made up for it, but it doesn't feel as nice as actual supports. Same for cross-generation supports between certain pairs (like Lucina and Lissa).

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Henry and everyone, man. Henry and everyone.

Also echoing what was said about cross-generation Supports. Particularly when characters wind up related, or those times when it's obvious they'd have gotten to talking. Last but not least, why no Morgan (M) and Inigo? I want to see sunshine and rainbows, kids.

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The lack of Donnel/Chrom astounds me. I honestly would have loved to have Donny tell Chrom his tales about living on the farm and his secret wish to leave it behind for a while, while Chrom shares his stories about being royal... and his own wish to leave that behind as well. In the end, they both admit that while their dreams comes with consequences, and what they would abandon to retrieve it isn't worth it in the end.

And Chrom/Stahl, as well. I don't have an idea for that support yet, but I figured it would be apothecary related. Maybe Chrom wants a hobby?

And I want a Virion and Libra S Support, goshdarnit!

For some reason I see a great deal of humor involved if Henry and Kellam had a support. Ghost stories abound, haha.

And yes, Ricken and Chrom! I was so mad they couldn't support. [/huff]

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I kinda wanted to see a Gangrel/Walhart support. I don't think the two former bad guys would like each other very much.

Similarly, Walhart/Yen'fay.

Though it sort of makes sense that they didn't, what with the whole "you/your minion forced me to me kill my sister" thing. On the other hand, it would have probably given a nice amount of background on Walhart's motivations, and why he would bother letting someone as blatantly treacherous as Excellus roam free.

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