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I need DLC recommendations.


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Other than Golden Gaffe and another one I can't think of at the moment but it's the one with those Risen that are worth a bunch of exp I'm not sure which ones to get.

I have $20 to work with by the by.

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It depends on what you may want. If you care more on the item rewards than the DLC characters, then get those which have the rewards. And even then, the ones you may want to get. Like, if you want the extra classes, get those maps, or if you want Paragon, or Infinite Regalia for the weapons, etc.

Actually, since you're planning to get two of it's maps already, I'd recommend buying the whole Golden Pack. I believe it's slightly cheaper than all 3 maps bought separately, and the third map, Infinite Regalia, can give you a never-ending supply of powerful weapons to boot.

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Lost Bloodlines 2 gives one of the best male classes, Lost Bloodlines 3 gives the best high-level grinding spot and a skill to help do it even faster, and Smash Brethren 2 lets you make an army of brides. Infinite Regalia gives you extra legendary weapons if you're OCD and don't want to use them normally, and Rogues and Redeemers 3 will provide the Limit Break skill when it comes out.

Those are probably the most important ones.

Edited by Iridium
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Since you're getting Golden Gaffe and EXPonential growth, just pay a dollar more for Infinite Regalia.

I also highly recommend

Lost Bloodlines 2: For Dread Fighter

Smash Bretheren 2: For Bride

total just for these


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Since you're getting Golden Gaffe and EXPonential growth, just pay a dollar more for Infinite Regalia.

I also highly recommend

Lost Bloodlines 2: For Dread Fighter

Smash Bretheren 2: For Bride

total just for these


Lost Bloodlines 3 as well for Paragon (may as well get the whole set actually, only adds $1 more)

so $15

+Rogues and Redeemers 3 eventually

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So, Golden Gaffe and EXPonential Growth.

I don't particularly care for Dread Fighter or Bride but if I can grind higher level folks in their maps I may as well get them too as well as Lost Bloodlines. Alrighty. I'll go with these.

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If you're think you're going to play Lunatic Mode at any point, and want to grind... I recommend Selph's Map (Lost Bloodlines 3) which gives you Paragon and lots of enemies.

EXPonential Growth loses its uses when you cap character internal levels to 50 in Lunatic. In Seliph's Map, you can equip paragon (which you get from that map) and pair up onto the fort and just set to it to skip actions and watch the levels rake in.

Well this is moot if you don't plan on touching that mode.

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Assuming we're playing on Normal, what is the best time to start the Lost Bloodlines ? I mean, if Dread Fighters are that awesome, when can we get our first ?

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