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I just realized what I want in Awakening


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Not like Team Fortress 2, where you pretty much have to pay to play in order to get them. More like FE12, but with more choices.

Just imagine it, they could give us Joshua's hat! Or Ricken's hat! Or Priscilla's leaf-feather thingy! Or even Tiki's crown thingy!

Of course, I'd personally want the original Marth's manly tiara. :3

And, in addition to hats, we could have masks made by Gerome. Heck, give us the option to make Lucina look like Marth again!


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Exactly! Like, have a thing (tailor? hair stylist? I dunno) in town where you can change your Avatar's appearance. Like, eyes and hair color can't be changed, but style and hat/mask/headband/hairpiece could be added in. For extra costs we could also have our hair styled like one of the characters (Like, I want my Avatar's hair to be like Cordelia's over everything else.)

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^ Always.

Eh, hats/accessories would be cool, but that'd require more art than they seemed willing to do. The expression changes and hair colors were already pretty minimal to begin with, and the fact they just used placeholder art for the majority of the Outrealm characters is pretty indicative of their approach toward things, I think.

It should also be noted that reclassing/promoting has never had anything to do with the portraits from the start. If you reclassed someone in FE12, their mug still stayed the same, regardless. However, the difference is that everyone used the same generic battle sprites regardless of how they actually looked.

The difference here in FE13 is that your Avatar's appearance (read: the hair/face you picked for him/her) is reflected on the battle model itself. Although it'd make more sense for there to be an option to change your hairstyle and color since the options are already in place, but to have something like another character's hairstyle or accessory might be a bit excessive and require more edits to the avatar model than necessary. I don't see why it wouldn't work, though, honestly, model-wise, but as far as portraits are concerned, that'd require the artist to do a lot more.

Edited by ObLIVIA
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Should have included hats, masks and more headgears. Think about Roro (Legend) and the Black Knight.

And Beards and Moustaches for Mycen, Dagdar, Noma and Raydrick. Maybe in the next game if they still have the Logbook units and a My Unit creator they'll make it more extensive.

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If Nintendo would allow a modding community, I would totally learn how to mod just to make an extensive Avatar editor that would allow for hats, masks, and all hairdos! (Including bald, so my SO can have an Avatar that actually looks like him.)

Heck, I'd extend it so you could choose to make Lucina Marth!Lucina or Lucina!Lucina.

And of course you'd have to buy your masks from Gerome. If he can make a mask for Lucina he can make masks for ALL the army!

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If Nintendo would allow a modding community, I would totally learn how to mod just to make an extensive Avatar editor that would allow for hats, masks, and all hairdos! (Including bald, so my SO can have an Avatar that actually looks like him.)

If Nintendo makes modding official, I want to edit every Fire Emblem game ever released.

And yeah, bald. I'm surprised that this isn't included in FE13, especially since you can change to this in FE12.

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Should have included hats, masks and more headgears. Think about Roro (Legend) and the Black Knight.

I think we'd have gotten those things if they had the whole spotpass/DLC character ideas since the beginning of the development, but they were seemingly a late concept according to the Iwata Asks. If we get another game in Awakening's engine, I think we're likely to see head acessories included. At the very least, adding headbands seems obvious.

Edited by NeonZ
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-Actual feet

-Custom battle models and map sprite, especially for DLC characters.

-Alternate hairstyle and that kind of stuff. Like Lucina's mask being a option for her (even as a DLC, I take it ^^).

-Aether inheritance not being limited to female children.

Edited by Ekhynoxx
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  • 5 weeks later...

Exactly! Like, have a thing (tailor? hair stylist? I dunno) in town where you can change your Avatar's appearance. Like, eyes and hair color can't be changed, but style and hat/mask/headband/hairpiece could be added in. For extra costs we could also have our hair styled like one of the characters (Like, I want my Avatar's hair to be like Cordelia's over everything else.)

I'm still disappointed that the only eye color the avatar can have is brown.

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