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Return of the Emblem Paralogue One: The Travelers


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Wilhelm grabbed his mace, leapt out of the wagon, and rounded on the nearest visible opponent, roaring "I'll 'ave you!"

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“Wagon, wagon… I can do that,” Rhoul muttered nervously. Nimoeph would destroy the contraption and Greta could probably calm the horses, he was no good with animals anyway… He had turned and run halfway to the back, however, when Angelica revealed the hidden shaman. The man had immediately ducked, both because of being spotted and because of the knives. The brief glimpse the mage did get was enough to realize he recognized him. Wilhelm was already bringing his mace around to smack the shaman, but Rhoul decided to step in for both personal and practical reasons. “Hold on, don’t kill him yet! Get some information out of ‘em first, ey?”

The shaman had avoided all the knives thrown towards him, but though he would like to think it was due to his expert timing it was only because the mage hadn’t been aiming at him anyway. He was not so lucky to avoid Wilhelm’s mace, as he decided to pop back up at just the wrong time and got hit in the shoulder. The resulting crack and pained yelp signaled that he probably wouldn’t be using that arm for a while. Nothing that was said around him afterward was immediately registered, because having the top of your humerus and scapular processes smashed in by a hard metal object hurt like hell.

Whatever was going on behind her, Nimoeph had to tune out most of it. The sphere of dark magic she was creating was not all that safe to stop paying attention to, but as soon as it was finished she hurled it into the center of the flames, straight at the box that was emitting them. There was no loud explosion as she had expected, just a final whoosh of flame as the damaged runes stopped functioning. If the horses could only be brought under control, they were good to go.


With the noise of the flame box gone, a new noise could now be heard, and it meant nothing good. Hoof beats were fast approaching from the left. From the sound there were more than a few horses, and anyone looking could catch glimpses of them as they wove through the trees. Less obvious but also present were a grey pegasus circling above and a single woman with a bow coming up the road behind the wagon.

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Erion grimaced and yelled out to Wilhelm, "Riders, in the forest! Hurry up back to the wagon. We need to protect the others, remember?" Glancing around, he spotted a figure walking up from behind, but missed the flying shape above. "They're behind too it looks like! Everyone, get ready."

Edited by scorri
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Wilhelm took advantage of the first strike and, with a potentially negative care in the world for 'honour' or 'giving the enemy a fighting chance', smashed the shaman's skull like a watermelon falling from a great height. "Come on, then!" he bellowed. "I'll spinefuck the rest of youse without breakin' a sweat!"

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The explosion and sudden stop nearly sent Jamilla to the floor. Luckily, she managed to brace herself against a wall, keeping her on her feet. The dancer watched as Alphonse immediately took over the defenses, assigning people to the front lines. He may not have been the leader, but Jam preferred his authority over most others (with the possible exception of Greta). Just as long as she didn't have to stay in the wagon the whole time.

As half the passengers cleared out, Jam ran to her seat to root through her things. She quickly came up with her tome and started reading things over. The dancer had practiced this magic before in the abbey, but this would be her first time using it in actual combat. She ran to the door as soon as she heard the painful yelp of the enemy shaman. Jam wasn't supposed to leave the wagon, but no one said anything about taking a peek outside. She knelt down to the floor to see what was going on. Jam immediately regretted it as she saw Wilhelm smash the shaman's skull. She turned away to avoid all the gory details, but her attention turned back once more as the sound of horse hooves filled the air. She couldn't see any of the calvery, but Jam did catch sight of an archer approaching the wagon. Things were escalating rather quickly.

"I think they're gonna need our help," Jam said to Aubri and Circe as she looked once more at the archer. "There's a woman coming this way. Wait, is that a bow?"

"Alphy!" Jam cried to Alphonse, "We've got an archer at the rear!"

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"Damn it Wilhelm...." Alphonse muttered under his breath as the shaman's skull was cracked open, and the corpse dropped to the ground. He could have been interrogated, after the fight if need be, but still, alive would have been better than dead. Before he could actually do anything though, the swordsman could hear the hoofbeats of incoming enemy reinforcements.... a lot of them.

Jamilla's voice overcame most of that though, and it alerted him to the fact there were enemies coming from more than one side. "Form up around the wagon! Each team take a side, let the enemy come to you instead of rushing them!" He shouted as he was already running back to their defensive point. "Jam, stay behind me, you're acting as support, take a potshot at the enemy if you think you can do it but above all just don't get hit." Al said to the girl as he came back to her.

Turning around to face their incoming foes, Alphonse drew his blade. Gripping it with both hands and assuming a stance that should allow him to take action at any moment. 'This is gonna be one hell of a fight.... I just have to protect her at all costs. I'll cut a path out of here if I have to.'

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"You got it," Jam replied to Alphy. The dancer quickly exited the wagon and took her place behind the swordmaster. "You better bot get hit either. It's gonna suck if I have to drag you back to the wagon." She figured a little tongue in cheek humor would calm some nerves a little bit.

Jam put the tome within her vest and began chanting. Her hands started to glow in preparation for the battle ahead.

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'Well, so much for not killing him... I would have just sheathed them in his face had I known that to be the end result regardless...' Angelica noted with a slight mutter, her vantage point again working to her advantage, as the approaching enemies were easy enough to see... though with at least one bowman among them, remaining atop the wagon would turn her into a priority target... not the most ideal of scenarios. Still, the cavalry all seemed to be rather clustered and there were still a good chunk of trees between them...

"I'm only gonna be able to do this once here, so you guys had better put it to good use, you got it?" Angelica told the others in their caravan, as she broadened her stance... this should do the trick. As the wind particles began to swirl and take shape about the sage, they soon formed into various heavy arms, all seemingly designed to deal a large load of upfront force and damage to a target, or to simply slice it into tatters. Those wind formations were swiftly launched at the nearby treeline, downing several on their own, and turning the balance of those remaining in the area into a shady prospect to be sure. A follow up conceived of a heavy slam of wind particles was more than enough to barrel down what remained standing in the effected area, leaving a makeshift blockade. With that, Angelica ducked down into cover.

"That should stall them a little while, but not long... don't waste this time, okay?"


Well, seemed the party had been started... Circe readied her tome for when the highly probably fighting began.

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Erion quickly ducked as Angelica threw a blast of wind towards him. Starting to turn to yell at her, he noticed that the end result was a barricade, and sighed. With a slight frown on his face, he shrugged and settled back into a ready crouch. Well... hopefully the crazy chick won't do anything else that might result in me getting a tree on my head. As much as hats are in style, somehow I think a whole tree wouldn't make a very good one.

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Mind Blowing

When the wagon came to a sudden stop, the old man almost fell over. Luckily, or rather pointless in the long run, he regained his balance. When both horses backed into the wagon, though, the shake knocked him over anyway. Shaun was jostled twice on top of hearing all the ruckus and so woke with a start, sitting up almost instantly. "W-what in Sardius was that?!" he exclaimed as he began rapidly scanning his surroundings. While his father readied his gun and lied down along the roof, creating a surprisingly low profile for himself, Shaun got an unwitting eyeful of Angelica's undergarments.


When the old man turned to see if the trouble was coming from behind the wagon instead of in front, the show was over and all he saw was Shaun covering his eyes and muttering some gibberish over and over again. Still though, the old man could put two and two together ... and get panties. "Ah darnit, I missed it. Boy be quicker with them warnin's next time. Now quit your chantin', get down and don't draw too much attention to yourself! You too, little lady! Err-you can lie down in front of me if you want."


"Shaun, boy ... get your keister down, now! Grit! Calm those horses and then get down!"

"I know pa, ya don't have to tell me twice," Greta called back before hopping down from the driver's seat to tend to both the horses.

Shaun finally got down flat on the roof but kept on yelling anyway. "Okay-okay-okay, pa, I'm down, I'm down--Mother Mercy, I'm so sorryyy!"

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"What's he so riled up about, anyway?" Angelica asked, as she herself darted down out of the archer's line of fire... at the very least she would recover her energy before the cavalry reached them. As her eyes scanned the surroundings, that pesky pegasus knight circling about caught her attention.

"Do you think you could keep an eye on that one flying up there? I might be able to shoot her down with a wind blast, but that rifle of yours is way better for taking out something at that range." Angelica noted to the old man, hinting at the pegasus rider.

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"Hey, hey, I don't take orders from you! ...Um, I mean, fine. I'll hang back for now and reinforce you in a minute." Aubri's knee-jerk reaction proved wrong and she agreed to stay... Until Jam and Erion signaled the ambush was more extensive than they thought. Figuring their group should probably meet enemy reinforcements with their own, she jumped to her feet, unhooking her whip and taking it in her right hand, her staff in her left. "Right!" She nodded as Alphonse continued to lead the strategy; it seemed for the time being that the two were thinking alike, so she ducked out of her wagon and quickly took her place.

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Angelica’s little magic trick had done the job, and the horsemen were forced to split up to approach from around the tree blockade. The combination of less distance and less trees presented less obstacles to vision. There were seven horses in total, but about half were carrying more than one passenger. Leading the pack was a dark haired man in green lamellar armor with a broadsword strapped to his back. The others had a variety of weapons, but nothing about those charging screamed ‘common bandits’.


Rhoul had to look away when Wilhelm brought the mace down. The shaman hadn’t been a friend by any means, but he knew the guy had probably just been hired for his knowledge of explosives and not much else. Killing felt too extreme a response to him, but apparently the mercenary felt differently.

Both the sounds and warnings of approaching riders were impossible to ignore, and Rhoul managed to round the edge of the wagon in time to see Angelica’s show with the trees. That would certainly buy them some time, but not much. Before he could do much else however, Nimoeph had finished her run from the front of the wagon, grabbed the front of his shirt, and slammed him against the side. He had never seen her so angry before, and on top of his already present anxiety it terrified him. “Whaa-”

A hand clamped over the mage’s mouth shut him up. The irony of her words not lost on her, she demanded, “Start talking. I know this is your fault somehow. What did you tell them? That you were working for a merchant?”

“I… may have mentioned it,” he replied once she removed her hand. She punched the wall by his head, and he flinched.

“You idiot.“

“I swear, it was before I even knew anything shady was going on. How would they even know when we lef-“

And the hand clamped back over his mouth again, with Nimoeph’s other one pulling away from his shirt to point up. When realization dawned on his face she continued. “I know your word is worth shit right now.” And Rhoul flinched at that, because Nimoeph never cursed. “But this is something I’m going to hold you to. Can you swear that you’re on our side right now?”

The mage visibly struggled with that for a moment while catching a glimpse of the riders over her shoulder, one in particular. He took a breath and braced himself before giving an answer she definitely did not want to hear. “Unfortunately, I can’t choose who I owe life debts to.” And then there was a crack as her fist me the side of his head, sending him stumbling to the side. “Fuck, I was trying to avoid this!”

Nimoeph grabbed his shirt to reel him in before slugging him again, this time in the face. “I’m going to keep hitting you until you give me the right answer, you little cretin.”

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Jam's chants were interrupted when Angelica used her wind magic to create a makeshift barrier out of the surrounding forest. As a result, the enemy forces were forced around the group rather than charging straight on. The dancer was rather relieved; she and Alphy were in their direct path prior to the blockade. However, this also gave her a good look at who they were fighting.

"Are these guys bandits?" Jam said to no one in particular. "I thought they would be more scraggy looking. These guys look like...I don't know, soldiers?"

The dancer bit her lip, experiencing a slight sense of fear after seeing the foes. She was expecting a bunch of klutzy brigands armed with dull weapons. But these guys? They seemed like professionals who knew how to take out a group of hapless travelers and token mercenaries. Jam looked to Alphy; was he thinking the same thing as she was? As Aubri exited the wagon, Jam saw her fellow dancer take her place in the skirmish. Neither were yielding to the pressure from their adversaries. Noting her fellow travelers, Jam maintained her position, waiting for the enemy to strike.

The appearance of enemies (as well as her thoughts) had kept Jam distracted from the drama happening at the side of the wagon...

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Alphonse was surprised to see the trees near the incoming enemies suddenly break and bend, forming a rather effective makeshift barricade. Noting to thank Angelica later for giving him more time to analyze their foes. Well maintained armor, new weapons, using actual tactics instead of just rushing in. These were no normal bandits, these men were professionals, former military most likely.

"They are soldiers, probably deserters, but soldiers nevertheless. Nobody else moves in formation like that." He replied to Jamilla, a noticeable hint of concern in his voice

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After Nimoeph’s second punch Rhoul was sporting what was probably a broken nose, but he managed to skitter to the side out of reach before she swung again. “Stop, I’m not going to hurt anyone! I just can’t help you kill Lagar, ok?”

As much as she wanted to hit him again, chasing Rhoul down to do it was foolish right now with everything else to deal with. Instead Nimoeph switched back to yelling at him. “And abandoning us does what exactly? You’re a traitor, you tard.”

“I’m a traitor either way,” he replied, wiping blood from his nose.


As the rest of the attackers neared, the pegasus rider began to descend and the archer finished readying her arrows in the ground. Angelica’s blockade had prevented the horses from coming at them head on, but it also cut off one route of escape, allowing the bandits to close in around them easier. The two groups that had split rounded the trees from either side and when they neared most of the riders dismounted off road to cover the rest of the distance on foot. Mounted warriors they were not, it seemed. They surrounded those at the back without actually closing in. The man in green took a few steps into the circle before holding out his palms in what could be considered a gesture of peace. “We just want the merchandise, loves. Surrender and I can guarantee you your lives, resist and I guarantee much less.”

Objective: Remove 9 enemies from battle.

Reward: You get to live.

Hint: Pay attention to erratics. Also, don't die. That's bad.

Enemy Data

Lagar - Hero 2/5
Full Plate Armor
Silver Sword
Skillbook 2
HP:10 Str:8 Mag:0 Skl:12 Spd:8 Luk:2 Def:6 Res:2
HP:30 MT:12/14 Hit:15/18 AS:8 Avo:10 Def:6 Res:2
Fighter 1/5
Reaver+ Axe
Half Plate Armor
Triangle Book
HP:8 Str:8 Skl:6 Spd:5 Luk:2 Def:2 Res:1
HP:24 MT:10 Hit:7 AS:5 Avo:7 Def:2 Res:1
Merc 1/5
Splint Mail
Spellslayer Sword
Triangle Book
HP:7 Str:6 Skl:8 Spd:6 Luk:2 Def:2 Res:1
HP:21 MT:6/7 9/10(SS) Hit:10/12 14/16(SS) AS:6 Avo:7 Def:4 Res:1
Sniper 2/1
Shock Grenades (3/3)
Half Plate Armor
Triangle Book
HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1
HP:18 MT:5/5 Hit:13 AS:8 Evade:12 Def:1 Res:1
Shaman 1/5
Killer Dark Tome
Restore Staff
Lucky Charm
HP:7 STR:0 MAG:8 SKL:3 SPD:6 LCK:1 DEF:4 RES:3
HP:21 MT:8 Hit:4 AS:6 Evade:7 Def:4 Res:3
Cavalier 1/5
Plate mail
Precise+ lance
HP:8 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL:7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 2
HP:24 MT:6 Hit:15 AS:5 Avo:6 Def:7 Res:2
Knight 1/5
Disabling Axe (spd)
HP:8 Str:5 Skl:5 Spd:4 Luk:1 Def:8 Res:1
HP:24 MT:5 Hit:6 AS:4 Avo:5 Def:8/12 Res:1
Bard 1/5
Recover staff
Dampening anima tome (speed)
HP:6 Mag:4 Skl:6 Spd:8 Luk:6 Def:1 Res:1
HP:18 MT:4 Hit:7 AS:8 Avo:14 Def:1 Res:1
Bishop 2/1
Mend staff
Fortune Light tome
Triangle Book
HP:7 STR: 0 MAG:6 SKL:4 SPD:6 LCK:6 DEF:2 RES:6
HP:21 MT:6 Hit:8 AS:6 Avo:12 Def:4 Res:6
Falcon Knight 2/1
Slim+ Lance
Skillbook 2
HP: 8 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 10 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 3
HP:24 MT:3 Hit:11 AS:10 Evade:13 Def:1 Res:3
Myrmidon 1/5
Holy Robe
Triangle Book
HP: 5 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1
HP:15 MT:7/14 Hit:10/18 AS:8 Evade:10 Def:1 Res:1
Horseman 2/1
Light Brand Sword
Warrior Ring
Triangle Book
HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 9 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 2
HP:18 MT:5/11 Hit:12 AS:9 Evade:10 Def:3/9 Res:2
Rhoul - Sage 2/3
Slim+ Anima tome
Mend Staff
Skillbook 2
HP:7 Mag:10 Skl:10 Spd:9 Luk:3 Def:1 Res:2
HP:21 MT:8 Hit:17 AS:9 (doubles 6) Avo:12 Def:1 Res:2

NPC Data

Nimoeph Kiduri - Adept 2/3
Rod (light)
Imbued Sphere
Bladeshield Tome (dark)
Elegant Headband
HP:7 Mag:8 Skl:12 Spd:6 Luk:1 Def:5 Res:3
HP:21 MT:8/18 Hit:15 AS:6 Avo:7 Def:5 Res:5
Class: Level 2 Druid
Raw Stats
HP:7 STR:0 MAG:12 SKL:8 SPD:5 LCK:1 DEF:1 RES:5
Simplified Stats
HP:21 MT:12 Hit:10 Evade:6 AS:5 Defense:10 Resistance:9
Weapon 1: Bulwark Dark
Weapon 2: Recover Staff
Special Item:Imperial Headband
Book: Skill 2
Class: Level 5 Troubadour
Raw Stats
HP: 5 STR: 2 MAG: 4 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 4
Simplified Stats
HP: 15 MT: 2/4 Hit: 8 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4
Special Weapon: Combat Knife
Special Weapon: Flintlock Pistol
Item: Vulnerary
Special Item: Large Pellet Pouch
Overall Stats
HP: 15 MT: 2(6-CK)(16 FP) Hit: 8 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4
Class: Level 1 Sniper
Raw Stats
HP: 5 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 9 LCK: 4 DEF: 3 RES: 1
Simplified Stats
HP: 15 MT: 3 Hit: 13 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1
Special Weapon: Betsey(Rifle)
Item: Stimulant
Special Item: Large Pellet Pouch
Book: Skill 2
Overall Stats
HP: 15 MT: 3(26) Hit: 13 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1
Lagar 30/30 (erratic) Silver sword
Fighter 24/24 (Passive-Aggressive) Reaver+ axe
Merc 21/21 (Passive-Subversive) Spellslayer sword
Sniper 18/18 (Subversive) Longbow
Shaman 21/21 (Aggressive) Killer dark tome
Cavalier 24/24 (Aggressive) Precise+ lance
Knight 24/24 (Defensive) Disabling axe (spd)
Bard 18/18 (Subversive) Dampening anima tome (spd)
Bishop 21/21 (Aggressive) Fortune light tome
Falcon Knight 24/24 (Passive-Defensive) Slim+ lance
Myrmidon 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive) Mageslayer+ sword
Horseman 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) Light brand sword
Rhoul 17/21 (Erratic) Slim+ anima tome
Alphonse 12/12
Jamila 15/15
Angelica 9/9
Wilhelm 33/33
Aubrianna 18/18
Erion 21/21
Nimoeph 21/21 (Erratic) Bladeshield dark tome
Circe 21/21 (Erratic) Bulwark dark tome
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Aubri continued to rush into battle, to meet the enemy and their reinforcements, channeling her magic and adding a flourish to her step as she rushed just behind the front lines. Her speedy spell prepared her allies for the upcoming combat, strengthening their attacks and dampening any blows they might take.

"The big guy's right!" She called out, gesturing at Wilhelm with the staff in her left hand. "We've seen as much blood as they have, and if they're deserters, that doesn't speak well of their courage! Come on!" She stepped forward with a chuckle, keeping just out of the enemy's reach, and lashed out with her whip, twice before her chosen opponent, the axeman flanking the apparent leader who'd just spoken.

The first hit glanced across his arm and chest, causing some serious pain, but it was the second strike, the tip of the whip lashing across the fighter's neck with enough force to slice it, sending the fighter to the ground. "Come on, everyone! They're not getting a thing!" She shouted as she jumped backwards, back into the small crowd of mercenaries protecting the wagon.

Aubri empowers the party's MT and Def.

Aubri's HP 18 - 3 = 15

Aubri attacks Fighter with whip, doubles (11 ASpd vs. 5 ASpd)


Fighter's HP 24 - 7 = 17

Fighter's HP 17 - 18 (lethal hit) = dead

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Well, it seems the time she had bought hadn't really accomplished a whole lot of anything... that was annoying. Standing from her cover atop the wagon, Angelica felt the need to vent her frustrations... yes, that big, lumbering armoured fellow would to the trick nicely, she reasoned. It didn't take a whole lot to dispose of the man, a decisive slam tossing the man to the ground and onto his back, followed by what could be considered a rain of summoned spears, piercing clean through the man's armour, impaling through his body and effectively nailing him into the ground... had he still been alive it would have neutralized him as a threat, but with sharp instruments protruding from his head, throat, and heart... among other areas, that prospect was unlikely.

Leaping down from the roof of the wagon, Angelica glowered at the approaching soldiers, banditry, whatever the hell they were... this whole business was far too reminiscent of something far too close to her heart.

"Guys like you... piss me the hell off!"

Angelica(1,5,3) 8 hit - 5 evd, hit! 17 Mt - 1 res, 16 damage!

Knight(2,3,1) 8 hit - 16 evd, miss!

Angelica(4,6,6) 11 hit - 5 evd, hit! 18 mt - 1 res, 34 damage(Crit)!

Angelica 9/9

Knight 0/24


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These enemies were tough. It was clear that they needed a boost. Jam obliged with a special dance. Her dance consisted of several rapid fist thrusts and a mighty cheer

"Hit 'em hard!"

Jam dances! Boosts MT+2!
12/15 HP

As a cavalier approached, it was time to show Alphy what she was capable of. Aubri's speech did as much to bolster Jam as her dance. At the approaching enemy, the dancer blasted a bolt of light magic into the cavalier's chest. While the hit was solid, the rider continued to charge, swinging his lance into Jam's side. The blow sent the dancer to the ground, but she wasn't out just yet. As the cavalier passed her, she sent a second blast into the enemy's back.

"That'll show you- ah!"

Jam held her side; while there was no blood, there was definitely pain. She needed to heal, and fast. No doubt the cavalier would return for a bit of revenge. Jam prepared for the counterattack, knowing that one wrong move could be her last...


Jam strikes! Aubri dance boosts mt +2
[6,6,4] =hit! Double!
11-2=9 damage
Jam: 12/15 HP
Cav: 15/24
Dappening: Cav Res goes down 1

Cav strikes!
[5,6,4]=20-20=0 hit!
Jam: 2/15 hp

Jam strikes again!
[1,5,6] = hit!
10-1=9 damage
Cav: 6/24
Dampening: Cav Res goes down 1

Edited by Toogee
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'Hmph, they seriously expect us to believe that? They'd just kill the men and take the women, not happening on my watch!'

Rushing forward right after Jamilla had stunned her target, Alphonse chose a nearby sword wielder. Using his high speed to his advantage, Al kept his blade ready. Seemingly appearing right in front of his target, Alphonse's weapon was held high, like he would attempt a normal vertical blow.... which would have been the truth if he wasn't using this weapon.


Pushing the trigger near the hilt of his weapon a he was swinging down, Al activated the force runes that were on the back of the blade, making it swing down with many times the force it would normally have. Slicing clean through the neck of his foe, dislodging the head from the rest of the body and digging into the arm as well before pulling out and retreating to Jamilla's location only to see the dancer clutching her side.... had she been hurt already while he was taking down his target?

"Jam! Are you okay?"

[spoiler= Rolls]


+2 MT from Dancers.

[1,5,5] = CRIT

11+5-4= 12*2=24= DEAD

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Wilhelm rounded on the nearest enemy; another shaman. "You're next? Fuck off!" he roared, breaking most of the mage's ribs with a single backswing.

The shaman, breathing shallow and backpedalling desperately, launched a ray of darkness right into Wilhelm's chest, but the warrior merely spat back at him and roared his defiance.

Shaman takes 19 damage, Wilhelm takes 13.

Wilhelm: 20/33

Shaman: 2/21

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Erion grimaced as people just attacked randomly, doing damage, but not taking out the wounded. "Everyone, work together!" Glancing around, Erion spotted two things. One, that Rhoul was seemingly fighting against them here, and that two, a wounded fighter was left standing near him. Quickly ducking up behind the man, he quickly slashed the man across the throat, leaving him to fall to the ground behind him as he continued back to the wagon, where he called to Circe while gesturing to Rhoul. "Unless one of us gets damaged real soon, could you kindly take out the traitor in our midst?"



(4+3)=7 hit!


ded fighter, etc.

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Enemy Phase

-Bard boosts hit by 1! Bard HP: 15/18

Not five seconds after his announcement and they were already downing his men. Well Lagar couldn’t blame them, a bunch of guys with sharp pointy things looked pretty dangerous after all. He had been planning to stand and watch for a while before two things quickly changed his mind. One, they were already downing those next to him, and two, the swordsman who had cut down his mercenary was quite skilled. Lagar had assumed Nimoeph would be the thorn in his side this fight, but it looked like he now had two. Erion finishing off the fighter didn’t go unnoticed earlier, but it seemed he’d have to wait his turn.

Lagar unsheathed the broadsword on his back and held it loosely while he turned to Alphonse. “That’s a nice sword you got there. I mean, I really prefer the two-handers myself, but… Mind if I have it?” The swing that followed was aimed diagonally across the man’s chest and torso and was followed by a shove to send him backwards before any last ditch retaliation.

-Roll: 6,5,3 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4059709/

(19mt 25hit vs 5+1def 18evade)


Alphonse HP: k0/12

Lagar HP: 30/30


The sniper wasn’t particularly pleased with how things were going so far, and sought out what looked like the easiest target. The girl who had just jumped off the wagon didn’t look particularly sturdy, she thought. Turned out she was right.

-Roll: 6,4,4 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4059735/

(Fuck crits 9Mt 20Hit vs 1+1def 16evade)


Angelica HP: 0/9

Sniper HP: 18/18


The shaman didn’t much like having his chest smashed in, and attempted to stop Wilhelm before he finished the job. He not only succeeded, but also siphoned life energy to heal some of his own wounds.

-Roll: 1,4,4 (killer tome) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4059759/

(Autohit due to lucky charm, 12MT vs 1Res, crit)

-22HP (Nosferatu in effect, +10HP to shaman)

Wilhelm HP: 0/33

Shaman HP: 12/21


The cavalier, not struck once, but twice now with light magic, was absolutely seething. He pulled his horse around to charge again with his lance, but Jamila's small, agile form proved too difficult to hit.

-Roll: 1,2,6 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4060484/

(17hit vs 20evade, miss)

Jamila HP: 2/15

Cavalier HP: 6/24


-Bard heals Shaman!


Shaman HP: 18/21

Bard HP: 15/18


-Bishop heals Cavalier!


Cavalier HP:16/24

Bishop HP: 21/21


Rhoul, uh, undercasts. -4mag +4speed.

Rhoul continued his backwards retreat away from most of the fighting. Nimoeph was preparing a spell, and though he was pretty sure it wasn’t for him, he didn’t want to be in the general vicinity regardless. When he caught what Erion shouted inside the wagon however, he was slightly incredulous, and more than a little freaked out. “Does it look like I’m attacking you?! Maybe you should focus on the real threats, ey?”

For the first time since he arrived, Lagar turned his attention to Rhoul. “What? You’re not helping?”

Shit. He would keep them from killing Greta’s family if it came down to it, Aubrianna perhaps since her being here was pretty much his fault, and possibly Nimoeph if they actually managed to bring her down, but that was about the extent of his loyalty at the moment. “I’m not killing anyone,” he answered.

“Oh, well then. Your loss.”

NPC Phase

The dark thunder spell Nimoeph had been charging had indeed not been for Rhoul, but for the dumbass who decided taking a moment to chat was perfectly ok on a battlefield. She said nothing before releasing the spell (why ruin the advantage of surprise?), but donned a very self-satisfied smirk as Lagar doubled over in pain.

Whatever friendly persona the Hero had been putting up vanished, and his expression became deathly serious as he glared at her. “You’re next, bitch.”

If that fazed her, she didn’t show it. “I’ve got this one,” she announced to those still standing.

Turned out she really didn't, as Lagar took that moment to rush at her and jam his blade between her ribs.

Roll: 3,6,3 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4060662/

(Autohit, 14MT vs 2res)


Lagar counters!

Roll: 6,5,5 Ouch http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4060917/

(crit, hit, 15MT vs 5def)


Lagar HP: 18/30

Nimoeph HP: 1/21

((Ether needs to act with Circe first, then player phase starts. If I'm not here (I will be gone a while) just put 'Player Phase' in large blue letters at the beginning of the first player post (or Phee can do it)))

As of now


Lagar 18/30 (erratic) Silver sword
Fighter 0/24
Merc 0/21
Sniper 18/18 (Subversive) Longbow
Shaman 18/21 (Aggressive) Killer dark tome
Cavalier 16/24 (Aggressive) Precise+ lance
Knight 0/24
Bard 15/18 (Subversive) Dampening anima tome (spd)
Bishop 21/21 (Aggressive) Fortune light tome
Falcon Knight 24/24 (Passive-Defensive) Slim+ lance
Myrmidon 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive) Mageslayer+ sword
Horseman 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) Light brand sword
Rhoul 17/21 (Erratic) Slim+ anima tome
Alphonse 0/12
Jamila 15/15
Angelica 0/9
Wilhelm 0/33
Aubrianna 18/18
Erion 21/21
Nimoeph 1/21 (Erratic) Bladeshield dark tome
Circe 21/21 (Erratic) Bulwark dark tome
Edited by roymbrog
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What a bother... half of these idiots had gone down already, and the druidess was not taking her chances with the hulking swordsman. Aiming instead at one of the healers, Circe's blast went wide, much to her dismay... thought the retaliatory fire didn't even manage to fling soot on her robe... this guy didn't have much kick, did he?


Angelica cursed as the arrow lodged itself into her. If she managed to get back on her feet, she would personally tear every last one of these flippant fuckers to pieces.

'Damn it, Boss... why can't I...?'

Circe(3,5,4) 13 hit - 14 evd, miss!

Bard(1,3,3) 8 hit - 6 evd, hit! 5 Mt - 9 res, CRITICAL TINK!

Bard(4,3,2) 11 hit - 6 evd, hit! 5 mt - 9 res, TINK!

Bard 15/18

Circe 21/21(-1 Spd)



Edit: As a note, I had no intention of doing Circe's actions. I can't look at these things objectively, and I know I won't follow IC for what she would do, because lol I'm me what do you fucking expect? We clear?

Edited by Ether
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