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Weird/Awkward/Wacky Moments for you in Awakening?


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Oh please, any differences between males and females besides genes/biology are only put there by society and kept alive by statements just like yours.

Yes, genes and biology aside, since those immutable things have nothing whatsoever to do with human behavior. Just like any difference between forks and knives, besides their shape, are only put there by the Silverware Cabal. Who are they to tell me that I can't use a spoon to cut a steak? Equal opportunity for cutlery, I say.

In terms of Morgan this an even weirder claim to make considering it's the exact same character regardless of gender, but apparently some people will still want to force a gender binary.

Yes, exactly the same, aside from the thing that isn't. But what's one thing? It's probably not even important, really.

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Yes, genes and biology aside, since those immutable things have nothing whatsoever to do with human behavior. Just like any difference between forks and knives, besides their shape, are only put there by the Silverware Cabal. Who are they to tell me that I can't use a spoon to cut a steak? Equal opportunity for cutlery, I say.

Yes, exactly the same, aside from the thing that isn't. But what's one thing? It's probably not even important, really.

Biology is hardly the deciding factor in a person's personality. Human males and females have exactly one organ exclusive to them, and all the rest is the same. Morgan has the same taste in clothes, the same energy, the same amnesia, and the same devotion to the opposite gender parent regardless of what's in hir pants. The point is why are people accusing MaMorgan of being into incest and not FeMorgan? They're written exactly the same. They're either both creepy or they're both just cute kids.

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Yes, genes and biology aside, since those immutable things have nothing whatsoever to do with human behavior. Just like any difference between forks and knives, besides their shape, are only put there by the Silverware Cabal. Who are they to tell me that I can't use a spoon to cut a steak? Equal opportunity for cutlery, I say.

Yes, exactly the same, aside from the thing that isn't. But what's one thing? It's probably not even important, really.

It feels like we're excluding nurture in favor of an argument about nature. Personally, I believe that Morgan regardless of gender can look up to the parent(s) (s)he sees as a role model. I don't think gender matters when it comes to being a tactician, plus Morgan only remembers MU. Perhaps before that memory loss either male or female Morgan adored both parents equally. This seems probable to me given the lone recovered memory is a positive.

I'll not deny that women and men are wired differently in certain ways that are intrinsic to our nature, perceptions, and thought processes, but across demographics our love for our parents (or lack thereof, depending on the person) doesn't appear dictated by gender. Given that, I'd conclude neither gender combination to be creepy, as that seems pretty unfair/biased. Morgan, male or female, loves his/her parents. As others have also said, it's written exactly the same in either scenario. You have Oedipus and Electra, or you have healthy functional parent/child relationships, but I think it's both versions of Morgan or neither.

Edited by blizzara
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They're written exactly the same. They're either both creepy or they're both just cute kids.

Or there's actually something about them that's different. The Morgans may be cute, but they aren't anywhere near as adorable as some of the strongly-held opinions in this thread.

It feels like we're excluding nurture in favor of an argument about nature.

That's funny, because I see it as the other way around. I don't see anyone denying the impact of society and/or environment, but I see lots of righteous indignation surrounding the idea that men might be more biologically inclined towards aggression than women.

I'll not deny that women and men are wired differently in certain ways that are intrinsic to our nature, perceptions, and thought processes, but across demographics our love for our parents (or lack thereof, depending on the person) doesn't appear dictated by gender. Given that, I'd conclude neither gender combination to be creepy, as that seems pretty unfair/biased. Morgan, male or female, loves his/her parents. As others have also said, it's written exactly the same in either scenario. You have Oedipus and Electra, or you have healthy functional parent/child relationships, but I think it's both versions of Morgan or neither.

I disagree with you, but I can respect your standpoint for being consistent/logical.

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I don't know why, but, when someone with magic(or a bow)uses Astra, it just makes me laugh sometimes. XD

Or whenever someone on a flying/mounted unit guards one of my units. :T (I can't imagine getting pushed aside by that isn't that fun...)

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I meant something like, for example, awhile back, somebody had said that in the barracks for them at one point, Stahl popped up on the lower screen and said he was so hungry that he could eat a Pegasus...

They put a CD-i Zelda reference in this game?


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I turned Morgan into a Bride.

Her quote: "Do I look like my father in this?"

I was thinking uh... I hope not.

I did the same thing with Male Morgan and changed him into a barbarian/berserker

"Do I look like my mother in this?"

Didn't know he'd expect his mother to go topless

Severa with Cordelia

Severa: "You abandoned your only daughter!"

Me:"Um...have you forgotten your sister, Morgan?"

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This has happened to me a few times now but hasn't stopped making me smile. Donnel goes onto an event tile... "I never seen this back on the farm!" ...and gets a log XD

Heh yeah.

Anything involving a Log is awesome.

Walhart talking to anyone in the barracks is amusing.

Speaking of Astra shenanigans, mages with Astra amuses me greatly.

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Severa with Cordelia

Severa: "You abandoned your only daughter!"

Me:"Um...have you forgotten your sister, Morgan?"

To be fair, it's perfectly possible that Morgan never came into being in the Despair timeline, given the fact that none of the other children characters remember her either...

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To be fair, it's perfectly possible that Morgan never came into being in the Despair timeline, given the fact that none of the other children characters remember her either...

Not really considering Severa does remember Morgan. But the Morgan with us now might not be the same one.

"In the future, with Mother and Father gone, it was just the two of us. You're all I had, Morgan... I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

It's generic for all of the siblings of Morgan, but it's only a slight awkward moment.

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Yes, genes and biology aside, since those immutable things have nothing whatsoever to do with human behavior.

Alright, fair point, but they aren't everything nor the biggest determining factors. Regardless I still don't see why Morgan would seem more creepy for looking up to the opposite-gender parent if he happens to have higher testosterone levels and everything else is the same...

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Chrom OHKOed a dark mage with a javelin and said "Well fought."

Lissa said "What a loser!" and either missed or did no damage on multiple occasions in my first playthrough.

Lon'qu activating Lethality and criticaling at the same time. It helps a lot, of course.

Anytime a partner knight or general has to walk towards the enemy for several seconds to attack and STILL manages to hit the enemy. Noticed it more with my General!Frederick XD

The Donnel item comment, except with a tree branch.

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My younger sister likes to watch me play sometimes, and we enjoy making oddball commentary. This one's from beating Paralogue 12, aka the one to recruit Morgan, and you can take a guess to which husband makes this hilarious:

Me: ...And so, my avatar is happy to know that in some other future, she makes this OP kid known as Morgan.

Sis: I think she'd just be happy to know she's able to make kids with Lon'qu at all.

Me: *shuts 3DS to double over laughing* ... You just had had to go there, didn't you.

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Nowi's event tile quote with a Male Avatar husband:

Nowi: "You're so warm, Robin. Idon't ever want to lose you. ...Promise?"

Avatar: "I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together."

I don't think the Avatar has this fully planned out.

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Nowi's event tile quote with a Male Avatar husband:

Nowi: "You're so warm, Robin. Idon't ever want to lose you. ...Promise?"

Avatar: "I'll stay safe if you promise to do the same. I want to grow old together."

I don't think the Avatar has this fully planned out.

Oh... that is kind of awkward.

In my game, I'm currently working on a three-way best friendship with Fem!Avatar, Chrom and Gaius. I've got Silvia and Chrom to their A support, Gaius and Silvia to C and Chrom and Gaius to B. In chapter 11, I unlocked Chrom and Gaius' A support... which is Gaius taking Chrom out to the red light district. Right before his wedding too.

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I married my Chrom to Olivia, generating an Inigo with Rightful King. Then I married my MU to Inigo so that Morgan would have it as well.

I kind of forgot Morgan's parentage for a minute there, and ended up marrying him to Lucina. Hooboy ;;

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Donnel-"What in tarnation? I ain't seen nothin' like this back on the farm." Found: Tree BranchWhat's funnier is, I saw it in a picture like two weeks later.

And when Chrom says "Thank you, friend." When his wife gets a kill.

Oh, and Severa shouting "Goodnight!" As Sol activates

This wasnt in game, but I got really frustrated at a Lunatic level, so I decided to cool down with some YouTube. And, naturally, naga decides to rub it in by putting an Awakening ad right before the video starts.

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I married my Chrom to Olivia, generating an Inigo with Rightful King. Then I married my MU to Inigo so that Morgan would have it as well.

I kind of forgot Morgan's parentage for a minute there, and ended up marrying him to Lucina. Hooboy ;;

...I am at a loss for words. I cannot look at Morgan the same way again now. ._.

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Donnel-"What in tarnation? I ain't seen nothin' like this back on the farm." Found: Tree BranchWhat's funnier is, I saw it in a picture like two weeks later.

And when Chrom says "Thank you, friend." When his wife gets a kill.

Oh, and Severa shouting "Goodnight!" As Sol activates

This wasnt in game, but I got really frustrated at a Lunatic level, so I decided to cool down with some YouTube. And, naturally, naga decides to rub it in by putting an Awakening ad right before the video starts.

I used to get that Awakening ad all the time.....when I still didn't have the game and half of the US/Canada already did. I kept wanting to scream "WHY NINTENDO?! WHY?! I'M THROWING MY MONEY AT YOU BUT YOU'RE NOT DELIVERING!!!"

But now that's nothing but a bad dream a few months ago. Makes me appreciate everyday the game I have now. :3

On topic: I feel like I mentioned this somewhere before, but isn't it funny that Ricken rides a pony into battle as a Dark Knight? Looks like he was too short for a horse. XD

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