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Final skill for mu?

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Yeah, might be good to replace Tomefaire with Limit Break when it comes out. D: For the last skill, I'd use Ignis over Galeforce, you'll need that extra power. Also, if you're gonna Aversa's Night everything, do you need Sol? I'm no expert yet, but it seems redundant to use two things that will restore HP.

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You're probably right about sol. I should be getting enough hp with just Aversa's Night. Ignis wouldn't be bad either, seeing as most fighting will be on enemy phase. I think I'll do:





Limit break (galeforce till it's out)

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If female, then yes, Galeforce is good. For a male, Counter, Despoil , and Wrath are good as well. Good skills for both are Aegis and Pavise, If you like that.

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Coincidentally I'm also starting Lunatic and am uncertain of the skills I want for MU. I guess I'll ask what people think in this thread instead of making a whole new one.

okay, so I'm gonna make a male MU that'll end up as a grandmaster ('cause GM is the shit) and I think I'll have my asset be skill and my flaw be... Idunno. I was thinking defense, but that would make the growth rate for defense and resist be 35 and 25 respectively and that's kinda not so cool. A suggestion is welcome for that too.

Skills I plan on having are:

Ignis [because obviousness (it's the shit)]

Rally Spectrum (AKA mega buff)

Sol (great activation +healing)

For other skills I was thinking maybe Lifetaker, but then I started wondering if I should even bother with it because Sol. It's awesomeness is tempting though...maybe switching out sol for it? Or having both? You tell me.

Also with Golden Gaffe being a factor I don't really see the point in Armsthrift, but I might be convinced. And of course Limit breaker will be a factor once it's available, but until then I'd like a suitable replacement.

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