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Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


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Or simply Luigi's Mansion 2 in regions outside North America. :3

Anyone else here get this game besides me? It just came out on March 24th in NA. I absolutely love it and think it's WAY better than the first game! And the first game was awesome as well. I just didn't think it was OMG AMAZING like this one. And this is coming from someone that grew up a big Luigi fan. I just can't put Dark Moon down!

I love the puzzles and mansions so far! And Professor E. Gadd is lolzy as always. And of course, Luigi himself is hilarious, though I wish he'd still do that funny hopping around and shake his hat out when he accidentally lights himself on fire. lol In this game, it just seems like fire doesn't hurt him at all. But oh well, I've still laughed a bunch of times to make up for it! The only real complaint I have so far is that I miss Luigi's commentary on certain stuff he can interact with. It was often quite funny in the first game. Otherwise, I think this game is absolutely perfect and amazing.

I feel dumb for taking so long to figure out how to destroy the large spider webs in Gloomy Manor though. lol I can't believe it didn't click to me that I had to light the little balls of webbing on fire. xP

But the story is getting interesting. In that photo from Haunted Towers which Luigi looks at, you see part of a picture that the ghosts were keeping. And in that part is a pair of feet. Which look VERY familiar. Not gonna spoil anything, but I think I know who they belong to and I was like "Oh good lord..." XD

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I've been having a lot of fun with it. I like how the mansions really start to open up to reward more exploration with all sorts of bonus things to find, something I wished the first did better at, although after completing the story mode, I think I've had my fill for the time being of scouring every corner of the mansions for gems and Boos.

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I bought the game the day it came out (preordered) and I absolutely love it. I find the game-play to be very fun and it can be hard to put down. I agree that it is much better then the first game. This is a huge improvement for the series in my opinion.

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I got pounded into the floor and couldn't get out. I still need to find the time to try to take a video of that and put it on youtube.

Aside from that, I enjoyed it a lot, while I was playing it. When I got my computer in the mail, the amount of time devoted to it shrunk to minimum. Hence why I'm still stuck in the glitch.

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I feel dumb for taking so long to figure out how to destroy the large spider webs in Gloomy Manor though. lol I can't believe it didn't click to me that I had to light the little balls of webbing on fire.

I spent twenty minutes running around before I randomly set the ball on fire and finally burned the web.

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I spent twenty minutes running around before I randomly set the ball on fire and finally burned the web.

Oh, so I wasn't the only one. That's good to know. lol

And Balcerzak, that's really weird. o.O

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I still don't have the game... (This, Awakening, and Dream Team are the games I want *the* most... and Pokemon X/Y and the Super Smash Bros. game...)

It's good to hear that the game is really good, though.

Or not. It just makes me want to get it more. X3

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This game is pretty glitchy, yeah. Stuff I've noticed:

-In B-3, I was dicking around a bit at the bottom of the tree before burning the web in order to progress and noticed that somehow all the web balls had disappeared and weren't coming back, forcing a reset

-In D-1, after getting lost a bit and finally trying to go back to the room with the rope bridge to reach the elevator and escape, I found myself unable to vacuum the Toad, making it impossible to cross back through the hallway with the crumbling ice floor; even after trying numerous times, I was only able to fix it by resetting

-In D-3, the walking bomb things sometimes would clip out of the puzzle and chase after me after having been stuck in place; this happened a bunch of times in a row on one particular run of the level but worked eventually without resetting

Also, not certain this is a glitch, but I found myself able to get past the plant monster in E-2 without bringing in the bucket to grow the spike ball plant. Don't remember whether it just disappeared or I got some item to use against it, but somehow, I was standing there with it gone and me able to free the Toad without having gone to any other exhibits on that run, and I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be possible.

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Geezus. o.O

Anyway, I just have one more Dark Moon piece to find! I'm a bit disappointed that this game didn't last longer though. I thought it would be longer than this. But it's amazing anyway and I still have a whole bunch of Boos and gems to find. Plus there's the Scare Scraper. :P:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still not done with this game yet. I don't get a lot of time to play, with class and whatnot, but so far, I just beat Level 3-1. Fun game. Makes me want to go back and play Luigi's Mansion again...if I can find a copy for cheap, which I doubt. *sigh* Though I did discover ONE major glitch that, while not fatal, is pretty disheartening to anyone who happens to encounter it.

At any point in the game, if you happen to shut the 3DS to put the game and system to sleep (just flipping the cover shut), sometimes the sound will no longer play when you open the system. I've encountered this problem twice, and figuring that it was just a slight glitch, I shut the 3DS again, figuring it would go away when I opened it back up to play. DO NOT DO THIS. If you shut it if the sound isn't playing, opening it back up turns off both the screens, and you'll be unable to play the game.

Thankfully, this doesn't happen all the time, and by holding down the power button for about ten seconds, you can shut off the 3DS, and the game will work if you encounter this glitch. But this has happened to me twice on this game, and once on Kingdom Hearts 3D...maybe it's just my hardware and I need a new 3DS? x_x

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I'm still not done with this game yet. I don't get a lot of time to play, with class and whatnot, but so far, I just beat Level 3-1. Fun game. Makes me want to go back and play Luigi's Mansion again...if I can find a copy for cheap, which I doubt. *sigh* Though I did discover ONE major glitch that, while not fatal, is pretty disheartening to anyone who happens to encounter it.

At any point in the game, if you happen to shut the 3DS to put the game and system to sleep (just flipping the cover shut), sometimes the sound will no longer play when you open the system. I've encountered this problem twice, and figuring that it was just a slight glitch, I shut the 3DS again, figuring it would go away when I opened it back up to play. DO NOT DO THIS. If you shut it if the sound isn't playing, opening it back up turns off both the screens, and you'll be unable to play the game.

Thankfully, this doesn't happen all the time, and by holding down the power button for about ten seconds, you can shut off the 3DS, and the game will work if you encounter this glitch. But this has happened to me twice on this game, and once on Kingdom Hearts 3D...maybe it's just my hardware and I need a new 3DS? x_x

If it happened in two different games, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a hardware problem.

But then again, it could be a software glitch.

That's strange... But my game also froze up entirely once. I certainly hope Nintendo didn't accidentally make the game buggy! D:


Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

Eh, I'm getting the game anyway. X3

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I wouldn't panic yet, Frantic, I could just have a slightly defective copy. That can happen too. You might get a perfect one with no issues.

I-I wasn't panicking, really.

I was just sort of like, "Oh, is that so? Hm, that doesn't sound good. Eh, glitch or no glitch, I'm getting the game. Because, you know, Luigi." X3

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It does seem to be a rather glitchy game. And not in the awesome way, like the Metroid games, but at least it doesn't seem to cause too many issues.

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