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Why does Marcus suck so much?


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Like he doesn't even cap any stats and just steals exp from good units like Oswin and Lowen. It's almost sickening how bad he is. The only units worse than him are like Isadora and Wallace, seriously. Prepromotes should just be avoided from my personal experiences. Pent seems... okay, but in all of my playthroughs Erk has had like, capped Mag and Spd and an A staff rank by the time Pent comes (I spent a looooooot of time training him in Lyn's mode... Worth it).

I don't see the appeal. He has a nice steel sword, I guess, but I never play on Hector's Mode because I don't like Wire, and Lyn's the main character of FE7 anyway. Why couldn't you unlock a Lyn's mode for the full story? I would play that.

Anyway, Marcus is lame and Sain is much better.

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I tried going to your thread but I couldn't stand it. I mean, you promoted Sain at level THIRTEEN!?!?!? Like, you're missing out on 7 levels for Sain. That's crazy.

I always make my units promote at 20. I remember, the one time I didn't arena abuse, I promoted Serra at Cog of Destiny and then I used the mine glitch to train her light levels. So worth it.

Edited by Doga
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oops accidentally replied

please delete mods thanks

Don't think that's an error worth deleting the entire moderating team of this forum over.

And yeah, isn't it such a nice feeling when your units cap all of their stats? Especially those underdogs like Nino and Wendy.

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Don't think that's an error worth deleting the entire moderating team of this forum over.

And yeah, isn't it such a nice feeling when your units cap all of their stats? Especially those underdogs like Nino and Wendy.

I think if I had to outline all of my life's ambitions in order of importance, "Having a bunch of shiny green numbers on a stat sheet" is at least, AT LEAST, number two.

Number one is probably making a life-like replica of the Tower of Valni (my friends and I call it the Amelia pwning grounds hahahahahaha)

Wendy's really neat and I hate tier lists because they don't see how cool she is. Like, talk about female empowerment. IS is so sexist to men! I mean, with units like Amelia, Wendy, Sophia, Lyn, and Nino, the men can't keep up! Except maybe Raven.

EDIT: Forgot about Nephenee. Man, she rocks.

Edited by Doga
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>Goes against SF's general opinion

>Labelled a troll

5 years ago marcus was a piece of shit. Now everyone loves him. Stop changing your minds just for the sake of changing them lol.

Edited by Klok
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>Goes against SF's general opinion

>Labelled a troll

5 years ago marcus was a piece of shit. Now everyone loves him. Stop changing your minds just for the sake of changing them lol.

Yeah seriously.

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>Goes against SF's general opinion

>Labelled a troll

5 years ago marcus was a piece of shit. Now everyone loves him. Stop changing your minds just for the sake of changing them lol.

I can't tell if this post is serious or not.

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I liked Marcus before it was cool.

(No really, I did)

Also, it was actually more like nine years ago that nobody liked Marcus.

Edited by Charlie
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My Makalov tag can beat up your Makalov tag

or maybe just drink with it until nothing conscious remains

Marcus can run the most spaces of anybody in the game since the beginning, hes the Kenya of horses. by turn 100 he's moved at least 100 more spaces than anybody else with a horse. eat fuckin dust Sain

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Except sain has good growths and can easily be abused in Lyn Mode. Abusing Marcus gets you... nothing? He steals exp and has shitty growths. Oh right, LTC'ers love him and really that should be it. Maybe HHM peeps too who aren't man enough to solely rely on matthewxhector combo starscream attacks.

Also, it was actually more like nine years ago that nobody liked Marcus.

To be fair I've been in the FE community since 2001 so... time flies amirite?

Edited by Klok
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Except sain has good growths and can easily be abused in Lyn Mode. Abusing Marcus gets you... nothing? He steals exp and has shitty growths. Oh right, LTC'ers love him and really that should be it. Maybe HHM peeps too who aren't man enough to solely rely on matthewxhector combo starscream attacks.

someone will call you retarded and then you will mention how much of a le epic troll you are

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motherfucker we can settle this right now, race across space and time, get everybody in every game running from one end of the map to the other from the farthest possible space on one end to the farthest possible space on the other end, see who finishes first most consistently, then divide spaces moved by turns spent, then multiply by average spaces moved per turn, then divide by mov stat. answer multiplied by number of first-place finishes is each unit's universal Kenya level

no pegs allowed obv (fuckin floaters)

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Except sain has good growths and can easily be abused in Lyn Mode. Abusing Marcus gets you... nothing? He steals exp and has shitty growths. Oh right, LTC'ers love him and really that should be it. Maybe HHM peeps too who aren't man enough to solely rely on matthewxhector combo starscream attacks.

To be fair I've been in the FE community since 2001 so... time flies amirite?

MatthewxHector starscream attacks?

Elaborate please.

I need to do this in HHM.

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It's kinda like pairing up in FEA, except it initiates this badass cutscene where hector leaps up and right before the attack matthew swoops in and screams, (and I quote this carefully) "fuck, the police", and slashes the enemy. Also I think hector yells something like "hadouken" right when he hits after matthew... but yeah anyway they have to have S support level to initiate this attack, but once they're married FEA style it works on everything.

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I don't believe you.

I heard if you get Marcus and Merlinus to A level support you can deploy Merlinus as an Iron Rune.

But only in the Japanese version first edition cart.

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Like he doesn't even cap any stats and just steals exp from good units like Lowen.

Anyway, Marcus is lame and Lowen is much better.

Sorry, you made just one mistake. Lowen rules. Lowen is the best. Not only was he number one for 7 consecutive years as the "Best Haircut in a FE game", but he also get far more chick than Sain. And he is such an absolute beast that he pwned Pascal in all my parties in 1 vs 1.

He can tanks hits better than Oswin, but he is far faster than Marcus. I mean Sain is cool and alll, but nobody can beat Lowen. that's just kuh'razy talk. I mean, seriously

I'm also happy to notice that, apparently, everyone agrees that Kent is the embodiment of pure evil, and should be benched immediately in order not to contaminate our dear Lyn and the far better Sain.

He may get more chick than Lowen, but it's thanks to its ignominous tactics. And his sad attempt to imitate Lowen'shaircut is just plainly ridiculous.

So, Marcus is bad, Kent is evil, Sain is great, but Lowen rules.

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Sorry, you made just one mistake. Lowen rules. Lowen is the best. Not only was he number one for 7 consecutive years as the "Best Haircut in a FE game", but he also get far more chick than Sain. And he is such an absolute beast that he pwned Pascal in all my parties in 1 vs 1.

He can tanks hits better than Oswin, but he is far faster than Marcus. I mean Sain is cool and alll, but nobody can beat Lowen. that's just kuh'razy talk. I mean, seriously

I'm also happy to notice that, apparently, everyone agrees that Kent is the embodiment of pure evil, and should be benched immediately in order not to contaminate our dear Lyn and the far better Sain.

He may get more chick than Lowen, but it's thanks to its ignominous tactics. And his sad attempt to imitate Lowen'shaircut is just plainly ridiculous.

So, Marcus is bad, Kent is evil, Sain is great, but Lowen rules.

Lowen is the best

At being gay

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