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Youtube video - one turn final boss

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Hey guys, if you are interested, check out this video

In the video:

- One turn strategy for Final Boss which is relatively simple to do. You will only need a few Rally units, a few Rescue users, a decent Chrom, and Olivia the Dancer.

- Lunatic/Classic/no DLC grindings

Yeah... video quality could have been better, but still... hope you enjoy, cheers!!

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Err... One turning bosses in Lunatic Classic isn't that much of an achievement. Generally, that's what you SHOULD do in Lunatic/Lunatic Plus in the last chapter.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It might be a buzzkill but it's pretty accurate. The chances of you surviving against multiple enemies in a row in the finale on Lunatic is not exactly that high so the more turns you hang around the worse it can get, honestly. Heck even on Hard I found it easier to take down the final chapter faster by just rushing the final boss with my MU and getting a lucky Vengeance Crit.

And while the game might record your Renown afterwards (among other things) I don't believe any extra EXP earned or anything is kept after you complete the chapter, so it's not like there's EXP to be farmed or anything.

I mean it's still cool because the final boss on Lunatic/Lunatic+ is pretty nutty regardless of how you tackle it but hey

Edited by Tormod
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Regardless if you guys think its "nothing special/not much of an achievment", that doesnt change the fact that the OP found it interesting enough to post it here.

I feel like its bashing on the poor guy for just finding something he likes, and putting forth the effort to put it on here. This is a "supportive community", right?

If you don't think its great, then fine. Just dont demoralize this thread (for lack of a better word).

Whew...not trying to start shit, don't get me wrong. Just wanted to put that out there.

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But it makes sense doesn't it? Lunatic has you rushing through a lot, anyway, IIRC. Otherwise you get overwhelmed. Unless you DLC grind.

Yeah, Kinda stinks endgame exp isn't saved, even though the game saves after(before? around there...) the credits. So there isn't much of a point to stick around. Wanna update your renown ASAP. XD

Edited by L95
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Lunatic+ is worse. If you want to win you literally have to finish Grima off on turn 1.

Aren't the AI for the units surrounding Gimle/Grima only aggressive if you're in range at a certain area? Like how Walhart's mooks have more range than him, but they don't turn aggressive until you're in Walhart's range?

The rest of the mooks are obviously aggressive, but they can't reach you. So, nitpicking, but can't you finish it on turn 2?

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Regardless if you guys think its "nothing special/not much of an achievment", that doesnt change the fact that the OP found it interesting enough to post it here.

I feel like its bashing on the poor guy for just finding something he likes, and putting forth the effort to put it on here. This is a "supportive community", right?

If you don't think its great, then fine. Just dont demoralize this thread (for lack of a better word).

Whew...not trying to start shit, don't get me wrong. Just wanted to put that out there.

Agree 100%, I've found those types of comments are very common on these boards and it definitely stops me from posting as much as I would like to.

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Yeah it is Lunatic+ we're talking about, but you may get mauled anytime afer turn 1 (no matter how hard you grind before then.)

So its either go Balls-out with rally/dancing/1-turn kill rush...


@Swe3t- Yeah just some food for thought for any poster on any forum.

Edited by The Masque of Barona
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