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Is it possible to activate a "World Map" set of events mid-chapter?


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This is just a fairly simple question. I've messed with trying to get a World Map events to my Ending chapter events but can't do it. Get visual glitches galore, then I think it skips to the next chapter if you add EndWorldMapEvents (or whatever the real code is I don't have it pulled up atm). Either it skips or it just sends you to a random map full of visual glitches and nothing on it. If you don't have that and just a skip to X chapter code then it pulls up visual glitches on the save screen and such.

Is it possible to have a set of World Map events during a chapter, not just between them? Mainly want to use it for explaining the state of the world and such.

If you can't no biggie but figured I'd ask.

Edited by JFierce
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Ah, wasn't thinking how this was purely EA based. Yerp, should have probably added it to the EA thread, my mistake.

and sadly I already edited the regular world map for all the location names so I don't really want to add a bunch of CG's for each location that won't look like the world map lol. That and I'm guessing a bunch of CG's would eat up a lot of space and I have fairly lofty goals so I want as much space as possible.

Guessing it just can't be done then. Which is no biggie will just have to remove the world map event for the next chapter and make the dialogue lead up to the explanation then explain it in the World Map events between the chapters.

Edited by JFierce
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lol I just replaced all the names on the world map not the world map itself. So it didn't take up any space. The world map confuses me way too much to do a custom one.

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