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I finally used Levn!Arthur

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Not only does Arthur have lower caps than Sety, he also lacks Pursuit meaning he isn't even guaranteed to double. Sety on the other hand has both. Wrath is useless overkill unless when Arthur is unable to double something.

And there's also the fact that Levin/Tiltyu is a waste of turns in proper efficiency play, and cuts no turns at all. Arthur is cool if you want something to just rush in and kill armies quickly, but not so useful against bosses compared to Sety and an outright detriment in proper efficiency play.

Edited by Olwen
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seriously you don't even need holsety to kill most of if not all the bosses in this game so the difference between levin!sety and levin!arthur is overkilled and just flat out killed

there aren't too many bosses that celice can't handle on his own regardless

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So you're going from "low caps" to "inefficient and unable to double"? K.

Sety also doesn't have a horse.

I'm not allowed to add another argument? Lol. Both are true.

Also Horace, the important battles of the game (Alvis, Ishtar, peg sisters, Dark Warlords) aren't that easy at all to clear without Holsety. Especially Alvis. Sety is far more useful against him.

All I am saying is that Holsety Arthur is overrated.

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capped str celice with a str ring cleanly 2RKO's alvis (enemy counter + player phase attack)

i'm having trouble imagining a scenario in which having any holsety user attacking alvis first would make any noticeable difference

Ishtar kind of sucks (she hits hard and she's accurate but that's like literally it)

dark warlords also blow pretty hard

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capped str celice with a str ring cleanly 2RKO's alvis (enemy counter + player phase attack)

i'm having trouble imagining a scenario in which having any holsety user attacking alvis first would make any noticeable difference

Ishtar kind of sucks (she hits hard and she's accurate but that's like literally it)

dark warlords also blow pretty hard

yeah but doesn't he have like 90% hit after all the charisma + arvis's FUN GREAT SHIELD bullshit

shit i know *I* prefer having a second dude who can chip at arvis just to lessen the rng load

it's just usually ares

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I'm having a hard time imagining how 15 damage with a pretty shit hit rate will do much to Alvis.

All I am saying is that Holsety Arthur is overrated.

In that case, Sety's extremely overrated, since he's not reaching anything important to kill.

I'm not allowed to add another argument? Lol. Both are true.

Because your first (and only) argument was total shit. Extra speed and magic doesn't mean crap when Holsety already 2hkos most things and lets you double 100% of the time. However, arthurs doing it on a horse in what might as well be called FE: Geneology of the Horse War.

You may as well try to argue that Largo is more deserving of bexp than Oscar because he has better caps.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I wasn't arguing in an efficiency context earlier, so Arthur's move isn't that relevant. He can still reach all of Alvis and Ishtar and so on.

Anyway, my argument that Levin!Arthur is a useless detriment in efficiency playthroughs is pretty much undeniable, and no one is going to argue against that if they have any clue of how to play efficiently. I doubt anyone will disagree with me on this. He costs turns to get which in a tier list context is valuable, and he doesn't give you any back as Leg Ring Celice is doing most of the work.

Holsety Arthur would be better than Sety in playthroughs that are between casual and efficient. But no one really cares much for playthroughs like that

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High movement isn't important just for efficient playthroughs in fe4. You're not gonna have any foot units reaching Nodion in time or the like.

I never argued that pairing Tiltyu and Levin is slow or inefficient, I'm arguing against your dumbshit notion that low caps apparently hinders Arthur's combat when it does not in any relevant manner whatsoever. You never even mentioned efficiency until your third post. Keep changing your argument like you always do, kthanks.

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I wasn't changing my argument. I acknowledge it still. If you looked past your ad hominem you'd see that I was still defending it.

No one is going to deny Sety is preferable for Alvis, Ishtar and such. Right? It isn't overkill. You want a bunch of people attacking Alvis, and Sety is one of them. 15 damage is very significant. Arthur isn't even half as useful as Sety is against Alvis. Sety can even ORKO Alvis, though it is unlikely. Arthur is stuck to attacking him twice per turn (with around a 60% chance) whereas Sety has Pursuit and is almost certain to hit at least 3 times. Wrath is useless. And of course there's the peg sisters and Ishtar.

What advantages, then, does Arthur have? I guess he's good for 7, but that's really it.

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Uh, no, you don't want a bunch of people attacking Alvis because either a) he'll ohko them or b) they do insignificant damage. Assuming both Levin and Fury were level 30 (hint: they won't be) by the end of ch 5, Sety needs roughly 10 levels before facing Alvis just to avoid being ohkoed. So no, he (or Arthur) is not someone you want to have fighting Alvis. It's better just to have Aless and Celice just wail on him themselves. Arthur has no problem dispatching Ishtar or anyone else of significance . Sety theoretically doing 5 more damage is pointless, because the end result is the same. Arthur's likely going to inherit the pursuit ring from Levin if he's in play with Tiltyu, since who the hell else uses it as effectively as those two (pursuit's the only actual credible argument you brought up besides efficiency, however). You're also going to have to explain to me how Sety even has a slimmer of a chance to orko Alvis, because pulling off 5 hits (3 continues) at sub 50 hit rate is practically impossible in one round.

As for advantages, can you not read? He has a horse, meaning once Sety joins, he's killing everything important alongside Celice while Sety's cleaning up useless crap like Areone's wyvern squad. That is infinitely more important than Sety's high mag (which he won't reach) and speed cap. He also happens to exist for the first half of the game, unlike Sety.

I find it interesting you've never explained exactly how Arthur's worse caps make him (relevantly) worse in combat than Sety (can't get rid of your generalizing problem can you). I thought it was common knowledge that we compare performances/stats throughout the game, not level 30 stats, because Sety will never reach his mag cap, let alone at level 30 or even close to that. Sety doesn't 2-3hko anything that Arthur doesn't.

No one is going to deny Sety is preferable for Alvis, Ishtar and such. Right?

How's he going to be doing this if they're already dead by the time he gets to them

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Honestly even when not playing fast i find a hero sword to be much more effective at killing Ishtar regardless

Hol!Sety is incredible against the pegasus sisters though, he's probably the only unit that can handle them somewhat reliably

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In my one experience with her, Altena did really well against them.

EDIT: Can't definitively say if that was a fluke or not, though.

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