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So... what do you like to think the Avatar did afterwards?

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More baseless story speculation! I may have mentioned this in another thread, but I can't stand how ambiguous the Avatar's ending is.

So, based on who the Avatar is married to, if anyone, what do you like to think they do after the war ends?

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I'm assuming this is bound to be filled with spoilers, but you mean if you don't let Chrom finish Grima? Or ... wait, like completely after the war is over regardless of who finished Grima?If the latter, well, I don't know the avatar's ending with other marriage partners but at least for me, she probably stayed with Chrom in Ylisse after the war. There's also the raising of the newborn Lucina! But I guess if the avatar finished Grima, she probably ... I'm not sure, lol. I don't have much of an imagination for how someone who's supposedly dead comes back.

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Female Avatar: She stays with Chrom as his Queen and they live happily ever after.

Male Avatar: He stays with Tiki on the Mila Tree and they live happily ever after (until he dies first after a very long life).

...I'm a total sap for happy endings. What did you expect? XD

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The life I live every night I sleep.


The "boring" family lovey-dovey crap.


It's less that it's "too boring" and more that I would expect the Avatar to do something to help out Chrom rebuild, even if they're not married to him. That being said, given the existence of Morgan and <insert other child here, if they have one>, the Avatar would have to settle down somewhere with his/her waifu/husbando.

It's especially odd in the case of marrying a child character. Can't imagine them sticking around with their parents (despite how much they may want to). Especially bad in poor Lucina's case, who literally disappears somewhere in her solo ending. Raises too many questions.

Not saying it shouldn't have been generic, simply because of the amount of work involved, but it would have been nice to give players something a little more specific.

EDIT: And this is regardless of which ending you choose, as it's established in the ending that the Avatar reunites with his/her family even if they sacrifice themselves.

Edited by HijackThis
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Gets pulled into a massive war following the defeat of Grima. Chrom is viewed as a tyrant and Ylisse is forced to war once more. Avatar stands their ground and uses their tactics to slaughter millions more, setting in stone their legacy as the most ruthless and effective tactician in history. In a century or more, they become grouped with figures like Walhart and Medeus as the darker end of the political spectrum.

My happy ending for Avatar

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Well, not exactly one of my own Robins, but I do kinda have a sequel fanfic that deals with the fact the world accepted people from alternate dimensions/universes/realities and just rolls with it. Robin's married to Chrom after her ending, and the story begins a whole year after the end of the game.

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FeMU becomes Queen to Chrom's King and lives happily ever after as they usher in a new reign of peace across all the nations and crush those who oppose them. Until she is sent to Amaranthene to become Comander of the Shepards and fight the remnants on the Risen who are led by new and smarter Risen from her newly appointed fort Vigils Keep.

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Pff, screw ChromxFemale Avatar. My headcanon is that Frederick and Female Avatar live happily ever after, and using Frederick's toughness, leadership, and combat skills combined with Avatar's magical and tactical knowledge, they train and lead the most powerful Ylissean army ever together that crushes any enemies that dare attack the nation! And they raise a cute family as well. x3 Morgan is trained in tactics and stuff as is his dream and they have a daughter as well who wants to follow in her father's footsteps. And even after Freddy and Avatar have grown elderly and retired, they're still just as in love as they were when they were young. ^^

See, I imagine that with the parents actually SURVIVING, some could decide to have more than one child. :3

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Everyone's headcanon is the character they married.

Yes, but it's what they DID with the character after the game that matters here. lol

Besides make babies of course.

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Everyone's headcanon is the character they married.

You say that like it's a bad thing. It's only bad if you pretend your head!Canon is Canon.

Anyway, I guess it's not unreasonable to imagine that Lucina and Male Avatar would raise Morgan in Ylisstol with Chrom. She strikes me as the type of person who desperately wants to stay with her mother and father but doesn't want to "impose herself" on them. In a way, I think that Male Avatar continuing to serve as Chrom's tactician is her "excuse" that she gets to stay with them. I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. I also get the feel that she wants to give Morgan everything she never had, "princess life" included.

Just my two cents.

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Yes, but it's what they DID with the character after the game that matters here. lol

Besides make babies of course.

I'll do one better.

Hmm... I suppose since my female avatar married Lon'qu, it's a long-distance relationship because Lon'qu's stays by Basilio's side and Peoni (Avatar) has stuff to do for Chrom and Ylisse. Not that don't visit eachother when they can and use dumb excuses like Ylissean-Feroxi relations and diplomacy.

Then Flavia hired Morgan to kick Team Basilio's butt in the ruling tournament, because she was the team his dear mom was on.

Peoni and Lon'qu ground Morgan for a week and take a nice vacation to get away from Flavia and Basilio's "encouragement".

Morgan does math about time and what little knowledge of his life he has... like his age. The Khans catch word.

Flavia and Basilio party. Morgan's a bit traumatized and gets his first hangover from all that mead.

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My headcanon: Male Avatar, F. Morgan. and Lucina are living in Ylisse together. The Avatar is helping Chrom rule over Ylisse and rebuild Plegia. Morgan continues to study tactics to one day surpass her father. Lucina helps out with Sumia taking care of baby Lucina but is a bit hesitant about taking care of her younger self. But when a new evil arises, Chrom, the Avatar, Lucina, and Sumia will take up in arms again and gather every shepherd to fight and stop it.

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I must admit i can't really see how Emmeryn can marry anyone except for Frederick(yes, this includes the "the only one that can be canon" Avatar)

Avatar married Tiki because Divine X Earth.

Also Sword of Seals Mode on

Next game the Avatar will be killed

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My family. :3

Edit: Used another link for the picture.


Guess I wasn't the only one who fell for Lucina.

Also, that is a really good drawing.

Did you make it yourself?

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My main FeMU married Henry, so I fancy they're quite contented with being bookworms together. Him with his dark magic and her with tactics - they can sit around together reading and bat ideas back and forth. No doubt they'd stick around Chrom and help train new recruits, as the army's undoubtedly been taxed by the game's events. In that file, Morgan married Lucina, so I think they'd travel together and visit their families often. They'd likely explain themselves as cousins or something when little kids inquire. Chrom probably keeps a stern eye on Henry, the kind of eye that suggests he'd better not scar little Lucina for life as she grows with some of that morbid talk of his. Somehow I think little Luce would just think Uncle Henry's a riot. When Morgan's born in their time, he and Lucina would be playmates, since I figure they'd be a couple of years apart in age. Of course they'd get into all sorts of little escapades as they grow up. As I'm sure Chrom would do, FeMU and Henry would be likely to travel for various reasons, assessing reconstruction and the like, and perhaps there are straggler Risen to pick off...or dissect.

Friends into old age and happily ever afters post-reconstruction because hey they all worked for it.

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