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So why exactly do(spoliers for future children)

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All of the above. They're, like, the last eight people in the world or something so why would they want to go back even if they could?

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Doesn't Lucina say in a parent support that her future may not even be there anymore? Can't remember exactly but in my head that suggests it's not reaaaally a matter of timelines coexisting, rather they changed "the" one timeline and erased the future they came from entirely. I believe it's also mentioned somewhere the kids all went back in time at the same time, but arrived at different points in the past. So I would guess the moment they left their "future", that future ceased to exist. So even if they wanted to go back they literally can't, because it isn't there anymore.

But that damn Morgan complicates this since it's unclear where/when s/he comes from. Ugh. And the Future DLC might complicate things more from what I know of it. ._. Time travel is a tricky business.

Edited by Owain Dark
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But that damn Morgan complicates this since it's unclear where/when s/he comes from. Ugh. And the Future DLC might complicate things more from what I know of it. ._. Time travel is a tricky business.

Speaking of Morgan, I had a weird theory about him/her the other day. Perhaps there was a Morgan existed in the same future as the other children, but the Morgan that you recruit is from a different future. That would explain why Morgan's sibling recognizes her (him if the sibling is Lucina) but Morgan can still be from a different timeline.

And of course, if Morgan is the kid of a children character then you DEFINITELY need yet another timeline for that.

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  • They've overwritten their own timeline by going back in the first place. As they have changed the future, they cannot return to the future they are originally from without crossing into the 5th/6th dimension.
  • They would rather stay in this timeline because it's nicer and they've worked their asses off to save it.
  • They want to be able to see their parents every once and a while.
  • If one of them married the Avatar, they aren't gonna leave them alone in their timeline. Morgan's gotta get born somehow.

One or all of the above reasons.

Edited by HijackThis
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Speaking of Morgan, I had a weird theory about him/her the other day. Perhaps there was a Morgan existed in the same future as the other children, but the Morgan that you recruit is from a different future. That would explain why Morgan's sibling recognizes her (him if the sibling is Lucina) but Morgan can still be from a different timeline.

And of course, if Morgan is the kid of a children character then you DEFINITELY need yet another timeline for that.

Hmm, I'm not sure if this would work as I have yet to marry a 2nd gen character to the Avatar, but in that case couldn't Morgan simply be from this in-game "corrected" timeline just from a point after Grima's defeat?

Edit: As far as the sibling thing, you're probably right, although it makes me sad to think about what became of the kid's REAL sister/brother if they didn't come back with them. ;-;

Edited by Owain Dark
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Doesn't Lucina say in a parent support that her future may not even be there anymore? Can't remember exactly but in my head that suggests it's not reaaaally a matter of timelines coexisting, rather they changed "the" one timeline and erased the future they came from entirely. I believe it's also mentioned somewhere the kids all went back in time at the same time, but arrived at different points in the past. So I would guess the moment they left their "future", that future ceased to exist. So even if they wanted to go back they literally can't, because it isn't there anymore.

I think Lucina says that with Chrom, in probably B or A support.

But yeah, I think their bleak future is probably gone and done with from the moment they returned to the past. Plus, as mentioned earlier, why would they want to return? Although I guess it would mess up the babies that will be born of the parents now... They'd have like, two Owains/Lucinas/Cynthias/Severas, no? Although I guess if you married those children, they'd be living with their spouses. But they'd still visit their parents from time to time no matter how tsundere one is (at least that's the epilogue ending of a solo Severa is).

As for Morgan..... we'll never know, considering the Avatar can marry anyone! Although someone mentioned it how Morgan's sibling recognizes Morgan... yet, for me, Lucina is Morgan's sister but she never mentioned him before the supports! I guess it wouldn't make sense, but yet..... well, I guess Morgan having amnesia is convenient to explain why there's not much information about how Morgan was raised in the castle. But still, would that make him still be of the same timeline / future as Lucina if they're siblings? Or not?

Edited by Cordelia
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All we really know about Morgan's timeline is that Avatar was around in some capacity as a good role model. His/her timeline is...pretty much whatever you want it to be.

And afaik, Lucina's support with her sibling (or female Morgan's with hers) is the only time they ever interact? Lucina doesn't talk about her sibling (whoever it is, or if she even has one) at all until they support.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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All of the above. They're, like, the last eight people in the world or something so why would they want to go back even if they could?


When you think about it that way, Future of Despair 3 kinda sucks then.

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