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Why did the last Exalt start a war with Plegia?

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It's implied that he did it for several reasons, two of the most prominent being that he was a religious zealot and that he was a warmonger like Walhart. It's even more directly implied that he was intent on the ethnic genocide of the Plegians because of the whole Grimleal thing, but it's never mentioned in depth.

The fact that such details are never mentioned except when it serves to glorify some characters (ie: Emmeryn) is one of Awakening's major failings. Having Ylisse be (or have been) a not-so-different counterpart to Plegia would have made the story 5x better than it is.

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You guys are missing a very important reason that's actually brought up in the plot: Plegia is wealthy.

Seriously, go check the script when they're talking about acquiring a navy to take on Walhart. It's also mentioned in the timeskip that Chrom got reparations from them. The country doesn't seem very fertile, so my guess is that trade and mining are very profitable for the nation. This would make them somewhat vulnerable to attack and potentially cause enormous suffering if they were beaten in a protracted war.

So while I'm sure the former Exalt probably justified his argument in some religious fashion, I have to wonder if he wasn't just greedy. Chrom basically robs them blind to repay Ylisse for Gangrel's war and nobody thinks anything of it... and they still have plenty of money two years later.

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Other than the Religion thing.....

They want to make a parallel connection where Emmeryn is all but ignored for the rest of the game after chapter 11/12 while Chrom suddenly become a second coming of his father

Thats how i see it anyway......

Edited by JSND
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The fact that such details are never mentioned except when it serves to glorify some characters (ie: Emmeryn) is one of Awakening's major failings. Having Ylisse be (or have been) a not-so-different counterpart to Plegia would have made the story 5x better than it is.

So while I'm sure the former Exalt probably justified his argument in some religious fashion, I have to wonder if he wasn't just greedy. Chrom basically robs them blind to repay Ylisse for Gangrel's war and nobody thinks anything of it... and they still have plenty of money two years later.

The trouble is, since the story never mentions this, we're literally just left with the former Exalt literally just trying to commit genocide. There's no real indication, or mention of any funds that were secured in that war, especially since Emmeryn talks about it being an extreme detriment to Ylisse's standard of living and wealth - they were practically drained dry by the war and are still recovering so thoroughly more than fifteen years later that another war would/does destroy them entirely.

When considering this, it's more likely that the former exalt is merely meant to be the flat 'bad dude' without reasoning. This really should have been mentioned more, as it would have given the story more depth and differentiated it from the previous games.

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Fëanen and I had... quite the discussion about this.

EliwoodGabriel: Also if you're interesting in seeing that Falconer cousin I was talking about, I did used a doll maker online to design her if you wanna check out the image.

elentir3: Sure!

EliwoodGabriel: They call her Crow, but her name's Felicity. Also, a nod to Chrom's and Lucina's design, since personality-wise she's dab middle in between them.

*Here's the image of Crow.*

elentir3: Oh, yeah, definitely has that vibe.

EliwoodGabriel: Funny thing is, she's got her Brand at the exact same place as Chrom. In my story, though, it's not uncommon for cousins to share a location for the Brand.

elentir3: Only so many places it can be without being invisible while clothed.

elentir3: I can imagine one very unhappy Ylisse royal complaining "I know it's an honor, but must it be on my butt?!"

EliwoodGabriel : ...And suddenly that might explain why Chrom's dad was such an asshole.

elentir3: XDDD

EliwoodGabriel: It could be worst, but I'd rather keep my head outta the gutter for a while. XP

elentir3: Yeeah, it can always be worse.

EliwoodGabriel: I kinda self-inserted myself as another of Chrom's cousin, this time a little more distant, and the Brand surrounds her eye instead of being in it.

elentir3: Or an unpopular king could be accused of not bearing the mark and moon the questioner.

EliwoodGabriel: ...AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

elentir3: Lissa's, if it were to show up, could be on her tongue so she could stick it out at people XD

EliwoodGabriel: YES.

EliwoodGabriel: ...Pfft, too bad we don't know much about Chrom's dad besides him being an asshole to his country.

elentir3: Yeah. I do imagine that if anybody's was throneside, it was his.

EliwoodGabriel: ...I don't get it, sorry!~

EliwoodGabriel: Do you mean his Brand? Or...

elentir3: The location of the brand.

EliwoodGabriel: Right, right. XP

EliwoodGabriel: It would make for a hilarious drunked Chrom quote.

"'Is Brand was throneside! *hic* No wonder he hated the world!"

"Lucina, I thought I told you not to serve Chrom mead."

elentir3: Yep. I came up with the term throneside knowing it was very FE.

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Well, IMO, he was also a bit... insane. Sure, he may to eradicate the Grimleal, but that's not enough to mistreate the entire country. Would you eradicate all Germans because of the nazis ? No, you track down the nazis. That's called justice. So I think I can partly understand Gangrel's motivation for revenge. Yes, the Grimleal is [insert insult here], but that's not a reason to to declare what looked like an all-out war. Especially if he killed many innocents and/or civilans along with the Grimleal (which he probably did).

Yes, I love fighting, but I'm all for peace

*shot* Fine, I know the way out >_<

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