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What other characters would you like to have in Spotpass?


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I'm only saying 'get rid of' because the logbook can't hold very many as it is and they gave us a lot of characters.


Get rid of: Matthew

Add: Raven


Get rid of: Moulder, Amelia, L'Arachel, and Marisa

Add: Joshua, Tethys, Syrene, and Myrrh


Get rid of: Mist, Zihark, Lucia, Geoffrey, Mia(I love Mia but I would rather have her swordmaster version in Fe10)

Add: Kieran, Ilyana, Shinon, Lethe, Marcia


Get rid of: Sothe, Edward, Leonardo, Brom, Sigrun, and Sanaki

Add: Jill, Mia, Pelleas, Vika, Astrid, Haar


Get rid of: Ogma and Navarre

Add: Abel and Kain


Get rid of: Etzel, Malice, Athena,

Add: Ogma, Navarre, Rena


I only care about Alm and Cellica.

Fe4- (both gens)

I'm going to cheat on this one and say everyone should have been added. I love all of them.

Fe5- (cheating because I love so many characters)

Get rid of: Evayle, Dagdar, Salem, Raydrik

Add: Othin, Safy, Asvel, Rifis, Machua, Brighton, Lara, Felgus, Karin, Shiva, Carrion, Robert, Fred, Tina, Dean, Eda, Linoan, and Sara.

Fe6-(cheating again)

Add: Lance, Sue, Oujay, Lalam, Clarine, Rutger, Fir, Noah, Klein, Tate, Miledy, Igraine, Fazilla, Zeis, Guinevere

Fe Villains-

Add: Brenya, Gale, Renning as Bertram, Bryce, Ena (Fe9), Reinhardt, Manfroy

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FE4: Dew/Patty for more thieves, Fury to go with Levin, Tiltyu because she's my favorite mage in FE4.

FE6: Dieck, Rutger, possibly Fa for more Spotpass manaketes.

FE7: Oswin, Guy, Dart, and most importantly, where's CANAS?

FE8: Joshua more than anything. Thought he was the best character in the game.

I don't really have any on FE5 since I'm ok with the ones that got in from them.

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I'm only saying 'get rid of' because the logbook can't hold very many as it is and they gave us a lot of characters.


Get rid of: Matthew

Add: Raven


Raven should be added. Don't know why he didn't make it.

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They have Moulder? Does he have a beard on his model in some fashion?

No, really. I would find it to be weird of a character with such an imposing beard looses it to the limitations of the Avatar creation.

Moulder never had a beard. He has a moustache, but even so. Every legacy character model uses Robin's models. I thought you knew this. :/:

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Moulder never had a beard. He has a moustache, but even so. Every legacy character model uses Robin's models. I thought you knew this. :/:

With a custom head, IIRC (not that you can tell, seeing as they have that blue aura surrounding them that obscures everything).

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With a custom head, IIRC (not that you can tell, seeing as they have that blue aura surrounding them that obscures everything).

With the exception of Marth (who uses Lucina's Dark Knight head), they're all default heads, although some impossible haircolors.

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Really? I read somewhere on these forums that they had heads that kind of resembled the character they are supposed to represent.

Oh well, I guess you can't trust everything that you read...

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Really? I read somewhere on these forums that they had heads that kind of resembled the character they are supposed to represent.

Oh well, I guess you can't trust everything that you read...

They're kinda like them, but they're all just default styles. The hair colors can be impossible ones though (like Seliph and Ike having Saturated Blue hair, or Celica's red).

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Al - cause he needs to be playable

Gant, Tina, and Kilmar why? Look above

Anri - he is the definition of legend!

Jeigan - so I can kill his a$$ as many times as I want

Chris (FE12) both the male Merc and female Myrm

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All the SpotPass and DLC characters sans Marth and Tiki are just glorified My Units. None of them have unique features, just the hair color.

And Spotpass!Tiki's hardly anything-- she just starts in an unattainable class. She's actually probably one of the worst, because of how buggy she is (She only works right -occasionally-. Half the time if you Second Seal her, she loses Manakete (Like, you hit her with another SS, and she can't go back to Manakete). And most of the time when that occurs, not only does she lose Manakete, she keeps Dragon Weakness. (She sometimes loses that, and you're left with a unit with impossibly green hair.))

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And they didn't put in Joshua, but they put in Moulder?! I really don't know what went through the minds of IS, but it clearly wasn't fanbase (I refuse to believe Japanese fans would vote Moulder over Joshua) or official art (Joshua has a pretty awesome official portrait). Seriously, who decided all this???

Apparently all the non-Lord/Villain SpotPass characters are just one particular developer's top picks from their respective game plus some suggestions from other team members. The whole thing was really kind of a fun afterthought, it seems. At least they make a reasonably entertaining substitute for the generics from Marth's DS adventures.

Because SSBB is such a great source. /sarcasm (Doluna)

Doluna is actually the official European name for Dolhr, though.

Although Rutoga does certainly raise a few reputability concerns...

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Moulder never had a beard. He has a moustache, but even so. Every legacy character model uses Robin's models. I thought you knew this. :/:

I did believe to know.

That's why I am confused that they would choose a character who so obviously won't match his in-game model when there are plenty of alternatives, given that most of the cast is young and bare of facial hair. And it's not like Moulder the Boulder has such a big fanclub. And those who do, would like to see his majestic mustache.

And I didn't know that the English language doesn't use the word "beard" to describe any sort of facial hair.

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That's why I am confused that they would choose a character who so obviously won't match his in-game model when there are plenty of alternatives

That could be said of choices like "The Black Knight" being included.

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That could be said of choices like "The Black Knight" being included.

Well, he at least probably does have a fanclub.

Of course, given the limitations of the engine and the clash between the different artworks, I was never a fan of them to begin with.

Putting old artwork on random stats and skill combinations looks simply unprofessional.

Heck, I play Baldur's Gate with old Fire Emblem portraits. Didn't occur to me that they are the real deal just because of that.

If they don't resemble the original characters and don't look consistent with the actual cast, then I don't see the need to bother.

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If it's good enough for other people to nostalgia with, it's really another incentive for people to buy the game.

I mean, hell, I didn't even touch the legacy spotpass characters in either of my copies, but I can understand the reason for including them for other people.

Not everyone is up to your standards. xD

If there's enough of a likeness, there are people who'd buy into it.

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Aw man I know what you mean! I was so happy when I saw him in the Spotpass roster + DLC maps. Super glad that they included him ; u ;

To be honest, a-all I want is Mahnya from FE4.

[spoiler=FE13 Phila Spoiler]I was... surprised when they killed her off. And the manner they did it felt so reminiscent of how Mahnya died too! Being a Pegasus Knight captain is suffering orz

Back when I was unaware of the SpotPass map schedule, I was kind of expecting them to include her...

Oh, I'm right with you. I thought she would be a SpotPass character too, what with no one ever dying in the story mode.

Yay! Another Lyon fan! I NEVER find any Lyon fans!

And they didn't put in Joshua, but they put in Moulder?! I really don't know what went through the minds of IS, but it clearly wasn't fanbase (I refuse to believe Japanese fans would vote Moulder over Joshua) or official art (Joshua has a pretty awesome official portrait). Seriously, who decided all this???

Yay! We're all here! Wave of two!

Essentially one of the game developers chose all of them. But hopefully if we get new DLC, we might get new legacy characters. It's a longshot, but


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If it's good enough for other people to nostalgia with, it's really another incentive for people to buy the game.

I mean, hell, I didn't even touch the legacy spotpass characters in either of my copies, but I can understand the reason for including them for other people.

Not everyone is up to your standards. xD

If there's enough of a likeness, there are people who'd buy into it.

Well, I am nostalgic for these characters. That's the very reason that I don't want them to be treated so halfheartedly. How can people be satisfied by a mere name sign and recycled artwork?

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Guh, the Black Knight is the worst. 8U They could have at least used Zelgius, I doubt there's anyone who doesn't know who he is by now. "OTL Plus I'd rather see his handsome face then some clunky armor...

The SpotPass characters are free, so of course they get minimal effort. D8; I just wish they didn't go minimal-effort with the DLC characters.

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The Spotpass characters are free? Aren't they already in the code?

Like, will it display the portraits on your game when you use Streetpass teams to fight a Spotpass character that you haven't downloaded yourself?

Edit: It's a big difference to me. Requiring an online connection to access free parts in the game is a pet peeve of mine since Internet still can't be taken for granted.

And it's a pointless inconvenience either way. If it's not paid DLC, you technically already paid for it. You shouldn't have to jump through pointless hoops like that.

And because it will be looked away forever, when they take their servers down.

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