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Lunatic+ mode


35 members have voted

  1. 1. Good strategies for Completing this run?

    • Grind up on DLC.
    • Don't use DLC.

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So yesterday I finally finished lunatic mode. I made the decision to do a lunatic+ run. does anyone have any support suggestions or strategies that might help? (If you are wondering my play style i'm usually a protect the lord at any cost person.)

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So yesterday I finally finished lunatic mode. I made the decision to do a lunatic+ run. does anyone have any support suggestions or strategies that might help? (If you are wondering my play style i'm usually a protect the lord at any cost person.)

While I'd love to see another person attempt Luna+ w/o grinding, it really depends on how determined you are. If you decide not to grind, it will be very frustrating, but it is ultimately more about patience than skill. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of strategy involved, it is just more of a 99% perspiration 1% inspiration kind of thing. I wouldn't recommend trying it unless you've either beaten Luna w/o grinding or a similar mode in another game (FE12 Lunatic' comes to mind), but I suppose if you're crazy persistent you could manage even if you haven't done anything like that before. As for strategies, I would link you to my walkthrough but idk if that is frowned upon as self-advertising (EDIT: Looks like someone already beat me to it!), so if you want more info feel free to search for that topic here or PM me.

I wish you luck either way and am curious as to what you will decide to do.

Edited by Walhart
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Once you get past chapter 4, GRIND MAN, GRIND THAT DLC. D8; I am barely managing Lunatic-Casual, even with level grinding. I'm stuck on chapter 7, even with all my men at level 20. "OTL I mean, wow. There's a challenge, then there's pulling your hair out in frustration.

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While I'd love to see another person attempt Luna+ w/o grinding, it really depends on how determined you are. If you decide not to grind, it will be very frustrating, but it is ultimately more about patience than skill. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of strategy involved, it is just more of a 99% perspiration 1% inspiration kind of thing. I wouldn't recommend trying it unless you've either beaten Luna w/o grinding or a similar mode in another game (FE12 Lunatic' comes to mind), but I suppose if you're crazy persistent you could manage even if you haven't done anything like that before. As for strategies, I would link you to my walkthrough but idk if that is frowned upon as self-advertising.

So... since I beat Lunatic Reverse in FE12, I can beat Lunatic+ in Awakening without grinding?

...That's good to know.

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For a first Lunatic+ run, I would recommend allowing grinding DLC. Use a variety of characters (use the DLC to bring them up to level) to get a feel for how they fare on the mode and how much they fit your play style. Once you beat it, you should be in a much better position to decide if you want to try a no grind run.

One general piece of advice I can give for sure is to try to limit the amount of characters who are sword-locked. Being stuck without readily available 2 range is really gross when (after chapter 2) everyone and their mother runs around with Counter.

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For a first Lunatic+ run, I would recommend allowing grinding DLC. Use a variety of characters (use the DLC to bring them up to level) to get a feel for how they fare on the mode and how much they fit your play style. Once you beat it, you should be in a much better position to decide if you want to try a no grind run.

One general piece of advice I can give for sure is to try to limit the amount of characters who are sword-locked. Being stuck without readily available 2 range is really gross when (after chapter 2) everyone and their mother runs around with Counter.

I am actually going to do Lunatic + this way but I have to get to chapter 4 first. I really hope i don't get a lot of counter enemies.

In the meantime, I just finished the paralogue after 5 deaths with Chrom. Thanks goodness I did this on casual mode I would have so many more problems if I didn't.

Edited by Ragingrob13
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So... since I beat Lunatic Reverse in FE12, I can beat Lunatic+ in Awakening without grinding?

...That's good to know.

Hahahaha *laughes maniacally*, you amuse me!

Lunatic' FE12 doesn't even come close to Luna+, it's just somewhat like a prerequisite for not losing your mind and having your soul consumed by Luna+. A way of judging how insane you are, if you will.

Edited by Walhart
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Well, they're in Europe. So they don't have the game yet. xD

But I'm pretty sure they'll persevere through it better than I can.

And I'm like... grinding just to keep it at a doable level for me and not trying to say "Hey I'm broken, the only thing that can stop me is your BS counters" Lunatic+ Mode. That's pretty much no fun. xD

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Well, they're in Europe. So they don't have the game yet. xD

But I'm pretty sure they'll persevere through it better than I can.

And I'm like... grinding just to keep it at a doable level for me and not trying to say "Hey I'm broken, the only thing that can stop me is your BS counters" Lunatic+ Mode. That's pretty much no fun. xD

That's what I did on my first run. I got everyone to about even levels so that at least they wouldn't die to an enemy sneeze. Then I rotated through a variety of units, using grinding to catch up the units who hadn't been used in a few maps. This gave me an idea of who I'd want to use in the no grind run, which made it a bit less intimidating.

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Hahahaha *laughes maniacally*, you amuse me!

Lunatic' FE12 doesn't even come close to Luna+, it's just somewhat like a prerequisite for not losing your mind and having your soul consumed by Luna+. A way of judging how insane you are, if you will.

XD Okay, so it's just a prerequisite. Fine by me.

...I'm still going to try, though... :P (Without grinding, if possible...) We'll see how *that* goes...

Well, they're in Europe. So they don't have the game yet. xD

But I'm pretty sure they'll persevere through it better than I can.

And I'm like... grinding just to keep it at a doable level for me and not trying to say "Hey I'm broken, the only thing that can stop me is your BS counters" Lunatic+ Mode. That's pretty much no fun. xD

... :(

N-no... I don't live in Europe... I just can't get the game... yet... Mostly because I *should* be studying for my exams coming up... (Granted, I'm not doing the best at that right now...)

But yeah, nice to hear how hard it'll be... I think. (I'm looking forward to Lunatic+, actually. I'm just going go play Hard first to get the feel for the game... then I'll do Lunatic, then Lunatic+!)

Wish me luck...? Like I need it. (Jk. Jk... I'll need it... I don't want to be stuck with a Luna+ and Hawkeye Hammer-user, like you... It'll probably happen, though...)

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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Wish me luck...? Like I need it. (Jk. Jk... I'll need it... I don't want to be stuck with a Luna+ and Hawkeye Hammer-user, like you... It'll probably happen, though...)

Resetting would typically get rid of that. The real frustration comes when Counter is introduced to the randomization pool and multiple resets per attempt are required to get a map that isn't unwinnable.

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Resetting would typically get rid of that. The real frustration comes when Counter is introduced to the randomization pool and multiple resets per attempt are required to get a map that isn't unwinnable.


Usually it's not a single skill combination that renders it impossible, but the sheer number of counter mooks on a given map.

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